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Stephen Lawrence murder trial begins at Old Bailey

IIRC, it was a news item; the theme of the piece was something like '20 year on... just below the surface ... racism still lurks'.

Cue doddery old duffer shuffling down the high street with no teeth looking confused.
IIRC, it was a new item; the theme of the piece was something like '20 year on... just below the surface ... racism still lurks'.
And they interviewed how many people before they found him?

I hate that kind of deceptive crap. There are still racists around. Yes, we know. But especially somewhere like Peckhan, which tbh I don't think is a bad place, all that is doing is stirring. It's certainly not making any kind of point.
I've taken all this on board.

In my 'beautiful' Sussex village I'm surrounded by homophobic racists who assume you agree when they make an offhand racist remark.
i remember years ago watching a documentary made by some Irish 'historian' (with lots of spanish connections as I recall).

He interviewed some old boy outside a Bar where 'Black 47' were playing. The old fella was something of a dinosaur and conspiracy theorist. however he was an "Irish Republican" loon rather than a revisionist one and the film-maker wanted to portray US supporters of republicanism as ill-informed bigots. So he gets this old fella, who looked well-pissed as well as being more than a little 'confused' and gives him free reign. This then becomes the 'nutty voice of Noraid' or whatever - despite the fact that within 20 yards of the interview there were scores of people (not least the band themselves) who could have provided a perfectly rational and valid political argument. And despite the fact that all the others in the Bar probably regarded the old boy as absolutely barking too. Disingenuous cunts.

Sounds like the old boy mentioned here fits into the same category - and I sincerely hope these BBC wankers have not set him up for some personal attack.
city filth and plastics trying to stop photographers on a public st outside the trial :facepalm:
and an urbanite in the comments i believe
Another photographer adds, ” It was a complete joke. The Police officers couldn’t decide which side of the street to make us stand on. One officer said we couldn’t stand under the scaffolding (open to the public) on kerb opposite because “the building company haven’t given you permission” – to stand on a public street? Then they insisted we stand about 50 yards away (to do a car shot) and when the car arrived one officer followed me across the street to make sure he blocked my view. I asked another officer if this was still a public street? She refused to answer”.
What possible interest could they have in doing that? Throwing their weight about or something? :confused:
most likely
or been given a few notes to keep 'amateurs' out the way
fuck knows, hope some of them get compo and the plastics get a slap on the wrist/re-training
I wouldn't bother, it's not like Baron is anything but an open racist, anti-semitic homophobe. It's not an article from a paper or anything.
He was attempting to disrupt Kelvin Mackenzie's testimony at Levenson today... In support oh Michael stone (not the acclaimed
performance artist).
Just goes to show that they CAN do a decent job when they try to, which makes their usual shite even worse because it's clearly intentional.

Here's the funny thing: If you want a good story (if slightly scaremongering) on GM then the Mail is the first place to go alongside the Indie. It can be good on animal welfare too. It's politics are generally risible of course, but the Express is far worse and never gets the slagging for it, probably because it is seen as less influential.
That was Peckham, and I thought that vox pop was pretty unconscionable work by the BBC.

If you'd asked that bloke if he thought an alien invasion from Alpha Centura was likely he'd probably have said yes.

There's more evidence for non terrestrial visitations than there is for that gang not having killed SL. It's unfair to put the UFO crowd in with that bunch of fantasist bigots.
I was wondering if anyone could clear this up - I was reading this today on the BBC website:


Mr Brooks, who is now a Liberal Democrat councillor in Lewisham, said of the police: "They have done a tremendous job, the second investigation, they've done a tremendous job in bringing those two to justice.
"Yes,we would like all six to be brought to justice but at this moment in time they have done a tremendous job and they should be commended for the work and effort."
But he added: "It's going to be very difficult to bring any charges against the other four involved."

Yet lots of the other press reports I've read recently seem to suggest there are 3 other suspects Neil, Acourt, Jamie Acourt and Luke Knight. Is there a 6th unknown person who was involved but has escaped all the media attention or something?
I was wondering if anyone could clear this up - I was reading this today on the BBC website:


Yet lots of the other press reports I've read recently seem to suggest there are 3 other suspects Neil, Acourt, Jamie Acourt and Luke Knight. Is there a 6th unknown person who was involved but has escaped all the media attention or something?

IIRC There was something about a blonde lad being there.
That's from 13 years ago, they've been out for some time now. And Caetano was inside at the time of the Lawrence killing - for a stabbing.
i remember years ago watching a documentary made by some Irish 'historian' (with lots of spanish connections as I recall).

He interviewed some old boy outside a Bar where 'Black 47' were playing. The old fella was something of a dinosaur and conspiracy theorist. however he was an "Irish Republican" loon rather than a revisionist one and the film-maker wanted to portray US supporters of republicanism as ill-informed bigots. So he gets this old fella, who looked well-pissed as well as being more than a little 'confused' and gives him free reign. This then becomes the 'nutty voice of Noraid' or whatever - despite the fact that within 20 yards of the interview there were scores of people (not least the band themselves) who could have provided a perfectly rational and valid political argument. And despite the fact that all the others in the Bar probably regarded the old boy as absolutely barking too. Disingenuous cunts.

Sounds like the old boy mentioned here fits into the same category - and I sincerely hope these BBC wankers have not set him up for some personal attack.
Reminds me of the Strabane old boy interview..
Stephen Lawrence's brother lodges racism complaint against Met police

The brother of Stephen Lawrence has launched a complaint against the Metropolitan police claiming he has been the victim of a sustained campaign of harassment after being stopped by officers 25 times.

Stuart Lawrence, whose brother was murdered in a racist attack nearly 20 years ago, said he believed he was being targeted by police while driving because of the colour of his skin. The teacher, 35, told the Daily Mail he had been repeatedly pulled over in his car over many years for "no apparent reason and without any justification".
A friend of mine was stopped 30+ times in the space of three months in 1994/1995 whilst driving around Woolwich/Eltham/Welling. He is of Turkish origin and the police kept stopping cos he looked 'well dodge' just for driving a ford fiesta while Turkish. Nothing has changed clearly. They have learnt nothing.
I'll be interested to see what it says. DB once had a fit on here when I said the reason the Met were so keen to put their hands up to institutional racism over the Lawrence case was because they were keen to cover up the stench of corruption.
Two quick responses from @lucymanning :

New report finds the original Macpherson report into Stephen Lawrence murder wasn't told about police corruption held by the Met.


The Stephen Lawrence Review says potential for a public inquiry to discover more may be limited due to chaotic records held by Met Police.
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