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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds


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Seems nuts every other nu trek series has a thread of its own except for the one that is the best Star Trek series in decades!

No longer. As it’s now officially available in the UK via the newly launched Paramount+ (£6.99 a month or a free one week trial, fwiw SNW is a 10 episode series ending on July 7th if you want to plan your trial to binge this. That is assuming the UK version is keeping up with the US version in terms of air dates. Paramount+ will be the home for Star Trek in the UK going forward) I’m pretty sure I read previously it’s also available on sky for free if you’re subscribed to their movies package! Bit cannot confirm

Anyway enough paramount+ chat

Seriously if you haven’t seen this yet. It is the best trek in ages. Yes it’s another prequel. Yes you need to leave the fact the ship looks tons better than Kirks version behind and just enjoy the show. And what a show. Alien of the week/planet of the week/ship problem of the week. Who knew the right formula for Star Trek was there all along!!!

First show since game of thrones I watch religiously as soon as I can.
Seems nuts every other nu trek series has a thread of its own except for the one that is the best Star Trek series in decades!

I’m pretty sure I read previously it’s also available on sky for free if you’re subscribed to their movies package! Bit cannot confirm
Yes - it is free if you have the Sky Cinema package...
I am following my usual practice of downloading it to watch when I have got it all (currently along with Obi-Wan, Ms Marvel and The Orville) however I'm WAY behind at the moment. I still haven't watched Discovery S4 or Prodigy yet or any of the earlier Marvel series bar Loki and Wandavision.
Just started watching this, seems promising, and does remind me of the original and best series (for me) I'm quite glad that paramount+ are releasing it weekly as I've just watched 3 seasons of Discovery over the last week and need that to settle.
We've just watched all of this (we've been working our way through all the Star Trek series) and it's one of my favourites now, although it needs more episodes to show what it can do. The episode with the doctor and his ill daughter was beautifully sad, but there's a decent amount of humour in most episodes, and they all feel just the right length, if that makes sense - Discovery often feels like it's dragging on
The 2 main characters from Star Trek: Lower decks are going to cross over into real life in this season... Boilmer appears at the end if this new trailer, acted by Jack Quaid ( Hughey from ' The Boys' who voices him the the animated series.

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The adventures of Captain Daddy and his crew continues, promises to be as awesome as S1. Quaid and Newsome look a lot like their cartoon avatars of Boimler and Mariner that is an episode that is either going to be great or excruciatingly bad.
The adventures of Captain Daddy and his crew continues, promises to be as awesome as S1. Quaid and Newsome look a lot like their cartoon avatars of Boimler and Mariner that is an episode that is either going to be great or excruciatingly bad.
Both of them voice their characters from lower decks, so not only look but sound like them too :)

And I agree, it could be great or utter shite
Finally got round to watching this.

The first episode of season 1 is on the paramount youtube channel.

I was impressed enough that I immediately bought the first season (you can buy it on youtube for under £15)

I'd say it's about 60% TOS 10% discovery and 30% general Trek going by the first episode of season 1

I wasn't sure if I should start from here because I never finished season 1 of discovery. I didn't hate disco just was mixed on it and the episodes felt long.

I'm happy to say that although there is mention of disco's story in SNWs first episode it is kinda blink and you will miss it.
Plus I got spoilers about Disco's plot already.
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I'd love to see this, but is it only on Paramount? I'm not taking out another streaming subscription!
I'd love to see this, but is it only on Paramount? I'm not taking out another streaming subscription!
Yes, unfortunately. But if you like ST, definitely worth getting a month’s subscription (if they do monthly ones, which I think they do).
That was a very good, proper season finale cliffhanger episode. Reminded me of the Next Generation finale when Picard had been assimilated by the Borg and Riker gives the order to fire on the Borg ship :)[/S]
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