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Splitters - Giving anti-Corbyn MPs a name

The Purple Pros.

Which has the simultaneous advantage of referencing their pathetic reluctance to wear red ties for fear of looking too socialist, their insistence that the plebs should leave governing to them, and the way their culture and skillset is roughly equivalent to those amateur club golfers who get some terrible pun printed on the backs of polo shirts as a team name.
The purple pos
im struggling for a name but that iconic butthurt speech needs to go on one of their posters "ed milliband is too good for this country"
According to the Tory-lite Guardian, the so-called Labour 'moderates' have been in talks with pro-Remain Tories with a view to forming a new centre (right) party. Ironically, the Labour 'moderates' have whined about being called 'Red Tories'. Self-awareness is overrated as far as these cunts are concerned.
Pro-EU Labour and Tory MPs look at forming a new centrist party

I can't be the only one to doubt that this has any truth to it, I suspect it is just part of the overall media-led push against Corbyn.
they already called themselves it, The Maquis. The fact that they took the name from Star Trek rather than in historical context makes it all the shitter
they already called themselves it, The Maquis. The fact that they took the name from Star Trek rather than in historical context makes it all the shitter

If Angela Eagle starts dressing up as Kira I'll have a lot more respect for her. Ed Balls would make a good Odo.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

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