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Speeding and general dangerous driving in and around Brixton

"Our priority is to remove vehicles which are causing obstruction or danger to other road users or pedestrians or denying access to disabled drivers or the emergency services."

LB Lambeth website - Parking, transport and streets
"Our priority is to remove vehicles which are causing obstruction or danger to other road users or pedestrians or denying access to disabled drivers or the emergency services."

LB Lambeth website - Parking, transport and streets
If it was obstructing the road it'd be gone... it's only obstructing pedestrians though so who cares eh. They can just walk in the street and people in wheelchairs can stay at home.
If it was obstructing the road it'd be gone... it's only obstructing pedestrians though so who cares eh. They can just walk in the street and people in wheelchairs can stay at home.
The abandoned caravan on Brixton road stayed in the bus lane for nearly 2 months, is Coldharbour lane administered by lbl or by tfl
This actually happened in my street (cars parked either side all the way along) whilst i was having a driving lesson few months ago: Football rolls into the road followed by small child chasing it. And people speed down here constantly. I was scared of cars before becoming a driver but so much more so now i'm one of them. :(

As you should have learnt from the opposition to Loughborough junction road closures it wasn't about rights of disabled or access for emergency vehicles. Gordon Grove and Padfield street are rat runs.

What the car lobby really want is the right to speed down roads.

I remember during the LJ road closures that drivers were pushing out the way the temporary bollards.

On Loughborough road pre road closures there are a couple of sections where road is narrowed. As traffic calming measure. Bollards are regularly vandalised/ broken.

People need to get it into there heads that the car lobby don't want any comprisise.

Ive heard that parents living near Padfield road are asking Cllrs to reinstate the Padfield closure. Good luck with that in the present climate.
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If you insist on bringing politics into it, a set of unnecessarily restrictive legislation for no demonstrable benefit is authoritarianism.

Except that driving a car is not a right, it's a privilege. Hence the whole license thing. By not being allowed to drive nothing is lost, there are many other transport options in the world for someone who can't deal with the rules for driving their own vehicle.

I really do fear that we're heading into Americanism. Where it's always someone elses fault.

As in "he just appeared in front of me m'lud, nothing I could do, not my fault, if I lose my license I'll lose my job!" etc.
Or you could be really smart and just not walk out in front of cars. But it seems that's too much to ask of some people.
Also, rule 206 which is a bit of a catch-all of safety considerations that are often ignored by motorists; point 6 for example. I've lost count of the times I've been sent scampering across the remainder of a road I'm crossing by some driver who can't be arsed to turn carefully.

Rule 206 - the Annotated Highway Code

EtA, More on topic, iirc there are over a dozen bus stops and crossings around central brixton so no real excuse for more than 20mph anywhere round there, even at night. It's never really empty of pedestrians.

I've lived on Brixton Water Lane, Stockwell Rd and Sidney Rd (plus a couple of other roads further up Tulse Hill) and I imagine there are more cars now. Doubt the driving is better but don't honestly know.
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My pedestrian behaviour has changed a lot since learning to drive i'm much more cautious. People are total morons though all the time walking into the road whilst its green for cars pushing a pram whilst looking at their phone etc.
I’ve recently started driving more regularly after a long period of only driving a couple of times a year, and the thing that has been the scariest is people walking into the road without looking with a pram or dog in front of them. Proper shits me up and made me much more aware when I’m a pedestrian and walking the dog to look what I’m doing and not stare at my phone.
Earlier today I had to jump out of the way of an arrogant motorist who was entering the car park entrance to Tesco on Acre Lane as I was already half way across the road. As he passed, he shouted at me out of the car window. I was too burdened by shopping to pursue the matter. Should have followed him into the car park and left a stiff note on his windscreen.
My pedestrian behaviour has changed a lot since learning to drive i'm much more cautious. People are total morons though all the time walking into the road whilst its green for cars pushing a pram whilst looking at their phone etc.
Some cyclists are worse I find. They seem to have a cavalier attitude to their own safety that scares the shit out of me. One swerved in front of me last week to avoid a pothole. If I was going faster or was taking less care it could have been a serious outcome.
Some cyclists are worse I find. They seem to have a cavalier attitude to their own safety that scares the shit out of me. One swerved in front of me last week to avoid a pothole. If I was going faster or was taking less care it could have been a serious outcome.
It doesn't seem cavalier to prefer not to crash into a pothole.

This is the exact reason why you should never be driving close enough behind a cyclist that you couldn't stop in time if something happened, and also why you should always give cyclists lots of room when overtaking them.

From the cyclist's point of view it's why you should not be riding in the gutter of course

<100 page cyclist/motorist derail>
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It doesn't seem cavalier to prefer not to crash into a pothole.

This is the exact reason why you should never be driving close enough behind a cyclist that you couldn't stop in time if something happened, and also why you should always give cyclists lots of room when overtaking them.

From the cyclist's point of view it's why you should not e riding in the gutter of course

<100 page cyclist/motorist derail>
But you shouldn’t take an exaggerated careless swerve to avoid one either. But I agree. I treat cyclists as if they are on a horse. Most motorists treat them as a nuisance. Having lived 8 years in Amsterdam and to see how well treated they are there versus in London I wouldn’t be a cyclist here unless cars were banned off the road completely
It doesn't seem cavalier to prefer not to crash into a pothole.

This is the exact reason why you should never be driving close enough behind a cyclist that you couldn't stop in time if something happened, and also why you should always give cyclists lots of room when overtaking them.

From the cyclist's point of view it's why you should not e riding in the gutter of course

<100 page cyclist/motorist derail>

^This. I’m a cyclist as well as a driver and if you were worried about hitting them when they swerved you’re too close. Hitting a pothole when cycling could potentially have you off your bike and all the injuries that entails.
^This. I’m a cyclist as well as a driver and if you were worried about hitting them when they swerved you’re too close. Hitting a pothole when cycling could potentially have you off your bike and all the injuries that entails.
My point is I wouldn’t have hit that cyclist because I was aware. Many others possibly would have as they don’t take such care. London is a scary place to be a cyclist. But I think many cyclists are very dangerous on the road, to themselves.
But you shouldn’t take an exaggerated careless swerve to avoid one either. But I agree. I treat cyclists as if they are on a horse. Most motorists treat them as a nuisance. Having lived 8 years in Amsterdam and to see how well treated they are there versus in London I wouldn’t be a cyclist here unless cars were banned off the road completely

It's not in theory an exaggerated or careless swerve if it is within the lane you are travelling along. But yes, as a cyclist you do put yourself in danger if you assume that drivers are taking reasonable care and/or paying any attention to the highway code, unfortunately.
It's not in theory an exaggerated or careless swerve if it is within the lane you are travelling along. But yes, as a cyclist you do put yourself in danger if you assume that drivers are taking reasonable care and/or paying any attention to the highway code, unfortunately.
If the cyclist was paying attention, he wouldn't have had to swerve, as he'd have seen the pothole much earlier.
In all honesty, I've seen drivers, cyclists and pedestrians behave terribly in near equal measure. Drivers slightly ahead on bad behaviour certainly, but all not without blame.

There will always be examples of bad behaviour from all camps. Basically, don't trust anyone else on the highways, byways, cyclepaths or pedestrianised areas :(
True, but the root cause of all the problems are people. Targeting drivers is the sensible and economical option, but it just creates an "us and them" argument on here and 100 other local fora. A campaign that doesn't apportion blame (even indirectly) is best.... but I accept almost certainly unachievable.
True, but the root cause of all the problems are people. Targeting drivers is the sensible and economical option, but it just creates an "us and them" argument on here and 100 other local fora. A campaign that doesn't apportion blame (even indirectly) is best.... but I accept almost certainly unachievable.
the root cause of all the problems is the current mode of production.
True, but the root cause of all the problems are people. Targeting drivers is the sensible and economical option, but it just creates an "us and them" argument on here and 100 other local fora. A campaign that doesn't apportion blame (even indirectly) is best.... but I accept almost certainly unachievable.
Would you say the same about drink driving?

I see no reason that wilful speeding in residential areas should be treated differently.

Why don't we treat speed limits in the same way that we treat blood alcohol limits - ie. not something where we tolerate individual drivers deciding they don't apply to them.
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