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Speeding and general dangerous driving in and around Brixton

Driving just over the 20 mph (sorry) in Brixton water lane. Twat driving right up behind me decides to overtake.
I pull up by the side of him at the lights. Ask him if he realises he was speeding
Yes he replies, but I was overtaking.
Me, I saw that, but it's a 20 mph zone
He says, yes but if I was doing 20 I wouldn't have been able to over take you, would I?


How the hell does someone with this few braincells manage to get a driving license??
Very pleased to see London Assembly report recommending further attempts to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, especially in outer London.

Notably, they seem to be in favour of increasing 20mph limits on TfL roads. Good.

Recommendation 1
TfL should review the speed limits on all its roads, in line with the Healthy Streets check. We ask for TfL to report back to us on its review by May 2018.
On 20mph limits, TfL should look to international best practice and carry out on-street trials in outer London to find ways that 20mph can be self-enforcing on main roads and at busy junctions. TfL should write to us with a list of places in outer London for on-street trials by May 2018.
The Mayor should also carry out a public information campaign to promote the work that the Metropolitan Police Service is doing to enforce 20mph. It must be clear to people that they can be caught and prosecuted for breaking 20mph limits.
Good to see this recognised as well. Something I've been going on about for a while.

2.7 Many of the streets we came across had junction geometry to help motorised vehicles maintain their speed around corners – for example, side streets and roundabouts with wide, curved entrances and exits. Not only do these allow cars to drive faster, but they also widen the crossing distance, leaving pedestrians exposed to turning traffic for longer than necessary.

And this
Reducing motor traffic speeds would fit with the Mayor’s Vision Zero aim that no-one is killed or seriously injured on London’s roads. It is worth noting that even in places with dedicated pedestrian facilities, formal crossings are not always enough to protect people. 377 people were killed or seriously injured at London’s light-controlled pedestrian crossings in 2016.18 Infrastructure alone is not enough, and it is hard to see how the Mayor can achieve his Vision Zero aim without reducing traffic speeds.

And all this is great:

3.1 While the Mayor’s Healthy Streets approach makes it clear that TfL should prioritise people walking, cycling and using public transport, we found that this is not always how things work in practice.
3.2 Since its creation, TfL has prioritised motor traffic when making decisions on the TfL road network. Engineers have to demonstrate that any changes they are proposing to the streets won’t delay cars or buses. The key measure they use is ‘journey time reliability’, which aims to make sure drivers aren’t too badly affected by congestion, and that their journeys take a consistent amount of time each day.
3.3 Prioritising motor traffic has limited TfL’s ability to improve facilities for walking and cycling. Publica, an urban design company, explains that:
“Junctions designed to prioritise and optimise the flow of motor traffic rather than the safe and efficient movement of those walking or travelling by bicycle currently dominate outer London. For this reason, the needs of pedestrians and cyclists have been neglected in favour of schemes that maintain or increase motor vehicle capacity.”22
3.4 Healthy Streets and Vision Zero call for a fundamentally different approach. Motor traffic cannot be prioritised in the same way if the Mayor is to meet his aims to get more Londoners walking and cycling, and for there to be no-one killed or seriously injured on London’s streets. This is a big shift in emphasis, and will be a real challenge for TfL in terms of their working culture.
Two things from the weekend.

1. Driving in a zipcar along coldharbour lane, between brixton and Loughborough junction, around midnight on saturday. I was going at 20. Two cars overtook at considerable speed, the second one swerving in front of us to avoid something coming the other way. That people feel they can do this on an urban street shows how little enforcement there is.

2. Crunching sound outside. Looked out the window and yup, yet another crash at the junction nearby. These almost always seem to happen because someone is going too fast to stop when someone is pulling into or out of the junction. There are various bollards which often have to be re-concreted into the ground after one of these incidents. Each time I see those bollards knocked over I think that that could have been a pedestrian.
From my windows I get to see a lot of the deliveries that go into the scrap metal yard on Gordon grove, the scrunched up written off cars being laid to rest, day in day out. Meanwhile my eternal driving lessons are ongoing and I think it's fair to say I get overtaken at some point every single lesson when going at the speed limit of 20mph, unless the road is full of speed bumps, which seem to work.
From my windows I get to see a lot of the deliveries that go into the scrap metal yard on Gordon grove, the scrunched up written off cars being laid to rest, day in day out.

From my windows I see the ones that aren't quite written off - being brought to the various mechanics to get fixed up.

At least crap driving keeps some people in business.
There seem to be a lot of drivers travelling south on Brixton road who are avoiding the no right turn into Acre Lane by performing a u-turn across the traffic just past the junction then turning left rather than going round St Matthews. I hadn't noticed it before but now i often see cars perpendicular to the traffic flow blocking carriageways and the Coldharbour filter. Is this a new thing or has it always happened?

Lambeth should be able to make a few quid in fines if they had a couple of ANPR cameras at that junction.
^ Yep, that happened just as i was sat there on my last driving lesson, car behind did a U-turn to join the traffic going the other way completely blocking the road to save themselves driving round. (No idea if it's a new thing or not).
This constant awareness that people might at any moment do something unexpectedly bonkers makes learning that much more difficult, if i can't trust that people will behave rationally how am i supposed to just look where I'm going instead of looking in every direction for random loons. :(
^ Yep, that happened just as i was sat there on my last driving lesson, car behind did a U-turn to join the traffic going the other way completely blocking the road to save themselves driving round. (No idea if it's a new thing or not).
This constant awareness that people might at any moment do something unexpectedly bonkers makes learning that much more difficult, if i can't trust that people will behave rationally how am i supposed to just look where I'm going instead of looking in every direction for random loons. :(
I learnt to drive in the relatively sedate streets of Inverness. For some time I was fairly terrified at the prospect of driving in London. However, I realised that in some ways it's easier, because hardly anyone in south London is doing what they are supposed to. So your mistakes hardly stick out. My approach is just to not go too fast, and learn to ignore anyone beeping at you because 90% of the time it's just impatience. If you find yourself having to change lane at the last minute because you got into the wrong one initially, push your way in in slow motion and in a state of zen. Put Smooth FM on the radio. People can wait; everyone else is pulling dodgy maneuvers too. I realise none of this is helpful advice for driving lessons.
^ Look on the bright side bimble - learning to drive in Brixton does WONDERS for your risk perception & defensive driving techniques. Because literally anything can happen anywhere anytime. Once you're in an SW9 state of mind nothing on (the) road can scare or faze you any more.
I actually think that London drivers are better and more easy-going than drivers in other parts of the country. And generally, no one is going anywhere very fast!
I think it's just different types of bad driving.

As a passenger though, I tend to feel safer when being driven around London than I do the rest of the country.

There's a lot more scope for speed and collisions at speed elsewhere.

In London you are more likely to get a bump than a full on smash up if something goes wrong.

I think pedestrians get it tougher in London, but I also think pedestrians take more risks in London, and cyclists.
Two things from the weekend.

1. Driving in a zipcar along coldharbour lane, between brixton and Loughborough junction, around midnight on saturday. I was going at 20. Two cars overtook at considerable speed, the second one swerving in front of us to avoid something coming the other way. That people feel they can do this on an urban street shows how little enforcement there is.

2. Crunching sound outside. Looked out the window and yup, yet another crash at the junction nearby. These almost always seem to happen because someone is going too fast to stop when someone is pulling into or out of the junction. There are various bollards which often have to be re-concreted into the ground after one of these incidents. Each time I see those bollards knocked over I think that that could have been a pedestrian.

As I live on Coldharbour lane, on that stretch, I see cars doing quite a speed on CHL on regular basis late at night. And in morning.

I saw the bollards on Loughborough road just past the bridge have been knocked over or pulled out. Not the first time.
Regional variations in driving etiquette even within London.
In Brixton environs everyone goes for the gap in a motorised form of chicken . No one thanks anyone else etc.
When up in Rayners Lane area, people are obsessive about taking turns to pass when the roads are narrowed by parked cars , and always thank each other.

Both systems seem to work as long as everyone is playing by the same rules
There seem to be a lot of drivers travelling south on Brixton road who are avoiding the no right turn into Acre Lane by performing a u-turn across the traffic just past the junction then turning left rather than going round St Matthews. I hadn't noticed it before but now i often see cars perpendicular to the traffic flow blocking carriageways and the Coldharbour filter. Is this a new thing or has it always happened?

Lambeth should be able to make a few quid in fines if they had a couple of ANPR cameras at that junction.

Since you posted this I've been looking to see this and your right it's common now. Technically it's maybe not contravening the traffic rules. Trouble is once a few drivers do this more do. The way drivers see it is that it's there way of having a go at the "man". Striking a blow for freedom. I know as had drivers tell me proudly of where they do it in other areas. It's the mentality that see any curb on drivers "rights" as big brother intervention on one's daily life.
On dangerous driving. I often use Villa road in evenings to get home. I'm surprised that it is a rat run. I'm not clear why.

Villa road is quite narrow. But it's busy in evenings. Had car honking at me for not going quickly enough/ not pulling off from corner quick enough for him.

Anyone know why it's a rat run?

It annoys me to have cars honking at me on side residential roads. As though I was in main road.
On dangerous driving. I often use Villa road in evenings to get home. I'm surprised that it is a rat run. I'm not clear why.

Villa road is quite narrow. But it's busy in evenings. Had car honking at me for not going quickly enough/ not pulling off from corner quick enough for him.

Anyone know why it's a rat run?

It annoys me to have cars honking at me on side residential roads. As though I was in main road.
It’s a way of avoiding the bottleneck that is Brixton in the evenings.
Camberwell end of CHL closed at the moment for a crash. The car looked to me like whatever had happened didn't happen at 20mph.
I was looking at the GLA report teuchter posted up about (#183). Mayor's "Healthy Streets" comes up in it.

I didn't know about that.

Healthy Streets for London

The report on outer London is seeing how TFL could prioritise the Mayor's Healthy Streets policy. Which is to have a culture change in the way that TFL works. To prioritise pedestrians, public transport and cycling before cars.

The report recommends that TFL collects data on before and after road junction improvements to see if they further Mayor's strategy. I would think Loughborough junction would be one where this should be done.

There are more details here on TFL and Healthy Streets. I haven't had look at all of it yet

Healthy Streets
It’s a way of avoiding the bottleneck that is Brixton in the evenings.

That would explain it. I see cars coming both ways on Villa road in evening. Causing traffic jam on that road. I don't know if it happens in day so much.

This is a residential road with on other side a park with play area for children. I think there should be no left turn from Brixton road into that street.
I was looking at the GLA report teuchter posted up about (#183). Mayor's "Healthy Streets" comes up in it.

I didn't know about that.

Healthy Streets for London

The report on outer London is seeing how TFL could prioritise the Mayor's Healthy Streets policy. Which is to have a culture change in the way that TFL works. To prioritise pedestrians, public transport and cycling before cars.

The report recommends that TFL collects data on before and after road junction improvements to see if they further Mayor's strategy. I would think Loughborough junction would be one where this should be done.

There are more details here on TFL and Healthy Streets. I haven't had look at all of it yet

Healthy Streets
What's interesting about that report is that it's largely the mayor's office telling TfL to get its act together somewhat as far as pedestrians and cyclists are concerned. It's quite bold in a number of aspects. NB also that in the appendix there's a bit where the conservatives on the GLA say they don't agree with the report.
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