Now that the bunfight posts have ceased I will dare to raise an issue that might not be agreeable to most remaining contributions ITT, but one that I can at least hope we can discuss without undue accusations of petrolheadness or trolling.
Whereas an absolute zero casualty rate is not achievable in the foreseeable imo, any effort to bring the figures down is of course worth considering. But if the authorities are to seriously attempt such a target the will also need to address pedestrian road behaviour and awareness- something that in this country is pretty much non existent.
Gramsci was telling in the previous page about encountering pedestrians whilst on his bicycle stepping on the road in front of him without even the most cursory check for incoming traffic. It is certainly his duty to be alert for such hazards, but he sounded to me (correct me if I'm wrong
Gramsci ) as saying it is not an issue and something he and other road users just accept without question. The thing is, he shouldn't. Be prepared for it, yes of course. Dismiss as acceptable behaviour from pedestrians, no ,not at all.
The official policy (or rather, lack thereof ) regarding peds in this country seems to be that they are absolved of any wrongdoing and are neither required nor even advised to take the most basic of precautions when crossing or stepping onto the road. Regardless of what the law might say about liability, it seems extraordinary to me that there are virtually zero government campaigns asking pedestrians to exercise due care. Zero casualties will remain a distant dream until the end of time for as long as peds are not required to do something as basic as look before stepping onto the road.
And if anyone believes the current legislation is appropriate and it is impossible for a pedestrian to be at fault in a collision with a bike/ motor vehicle, I can assure you that there are plenty of scenarios where a road user can be travelling with the most diligence and attention and still hit a pedestrian without being their fault. If traffic laws in this country suggest that is not possible, then traffic laws in this country are a gigantic ass.
More importantly, it is not about who is right in the eyes of the law but how to minimise the chances of an accident. Every road user is taught to travel defensively and assume the worst regardless of whether they have priority. It seems insane to me that peds are exempt from even the most basic cautionary advice.