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Speeding and general dangerous driving in and around Brixton

Car adverts in the UK are already heavily restricted by the ASA, sometimes ridiculously so, and you're not allowed to show anything remotely resembling a sense of speed or of dangerous driving.

There are plenty of adverts that show a 'sense of speed'.

There are also plenty of adverts that show cars doing wheelspins and suchlike, even if they might be careful to show it in environments that are not the public road.

Maybe car adverts should be allowed to show people having lots of fun, but with a health warning at the end, like you get on fag packets. Photos of crashes, injured cyclists, etc.
Yesterday about 5 pm a car (with passenger) not only jumped the lights: was not wanting to wait behind a P4 at the Gresham Road lights on red (junction with CHL as several posts above), said car overtook the bus at the red light - driving on the right hand side of Gresham Road, and dribving on the right hand side of the bollard turned right into Coldharbour Lane. Can't possibly have been able to see traffic coming in either direction on Coldharbour when they initiated this move.

Seems an even more risky manoeuvre that what led to the accident on Tuesday.
I've seen this kind of thing too.
There are also plenty of car adverts that emphasise safety features, or simply concentrate on practical stuff such as comfort, boot space or fuel economy.

But it is also true that the odd car advert can focus on the performance side of things. This effort by Audi is so OTT it feels like a deliberate wind-up :D

Last time I was at the Peckhamplex saw plenty of adverts for cars. Maybe cinemas is one place they can be shown. My partner remarked on it They emphasis "freedom" of having a car.

Its not just adverts. Its film like the Fast and Furious series for example. Having a car is a status symbol. Its ingrained in popular culture.

An anecdote. I was queuing in Superdrug in Brixton a while ago. The young women in front of me was on her mobile. She and friend were rating men on the kind of car they had. She then told her friend she wanted to buy a white BMW. Ending conversation saying she had to ring her mum to to say she would be back late as they were clubbing.

Cars are seen as sexy and are status symbols. So is speed. I don't think it can be denied that adverts feed into this.

Bit of a tangent but excellent program on buses today on radio. Comparing London ( good and still regulated by democratically controlled TFL) and abysmal outside London ( capitalist business run buses). Privatisation was brought in by Thatcher. Who famously regareded bus users as losers.

The program implies that only way to move away from car culture is good public transport.

In other parts of country there is transport debt. Only way to gain employment is owning a car one can't really afford. No car no job. As public transport is now post Thatcher minimal.

Transport is a class issue. Capitalism in one instance loves getting into new markets with privatisation.

The other instance is capitalism that relies on planned affordable transport for its workers. London would not function without it. London has TFL which regulates transport.

Programme here. Well worth a listen

BBC Radio 4 - Mind the Gap: Britain's Transport Divide, Buses
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I've previously proposed nationalising all cars. Didn't seem too popular on urban75, where the idea that people shouldn't have the right to play with privately owned toys on public roads was too radical for just about everyone. Why's there so little discussion generally about ownership models for cars compared to railways or buses? I have my theories.
Bicycle Collision

The url should really say 'cyclist injured by car driver performing illegal turn'.
Well it wasn't a car driver was it.

And I'm not sure her version is entirely accurate. What's this "illegal left" ? There isn't one. If the truck came under the bridge and turned left onto Milkwood, that's not illegal. If he'd come down Herne Hill and turned left, that's not illegal. If he'd come down HML and turned left to go under the bridge, that's not illegal, and if he was on Milkwood turning left, that's not illegal and she shouldn't have been inside him. :confused:
Well it wasn't a car driver was it.

And I'm not sure her version is entirely accurate. What's this "illegal left" ? There isn't one. If the truck came under the bridge and turned left onto Milkwood, that's not illegal. If he'd come down Herne Hill and turned left, that's not illegal. If he'd come down HML and turned left to go under the bridge, that's not illegal, and if he was on Milkwood turning left, that's not illegal and she shouldn't have been inside him. :confused:

There's a few fails in this post, starting with pointless vehicle pedantry, then swiftly moves into a lack of understanding of the junction and associated victim blaming, rounded off nicely with a lack of knowledge of the Highway Code! But hey, it's only Monday morning!
There's a few fails in this post, starting with pointless vehicle pedantry, then swiftly moves into a lack of understanding of the junction and associated victim blaming, rounded off nicely with a lack of knowledge of the Highway Code! But hey, it's only Monday morning!
Except none of that is correct except with regards to the left turn out of Milkwood. :)
Example#2 this week - Tuesday.

Driver of hired car in Rymer Road hits a pedestrian. Then tries to flee from the scene of an accident. In doing so, they beached themselves on a bell bollard. Trying to reverse themselves off the bollard resulted in the car spinning around in circles. A bunch of onlookers then stopped the driver as they tried to run away. Police arrested driver etc. Car is still beached on bollard impeding the road etc.
Crash on Herne Hill Rd just now. Guy taking a junction too fast, smacked into two cars coming the other way. He legged it (this seems fashionable at the moment).

No-one hurt luckily.
Crash on Herne Hill Rd just now. Guy taking a junction too fast, smacked into two cars coming the other way. He legged it (this seems fashionable at the moment).
Hopefully they’ll be able to identify him from the cycle he left at the crash scene.
Someone lost their life this morning in Stockwell. It's not entirely clear from the wording but it sounds like they might have been a pedestrian.

Either way an awful and avoidable death. But motorists must have their freedom.

Appeal following fatal collision in Lambeth
Not sure what you mean by ‘motorists must have their freedom’, unless you have exclusive information about this incident not available to the general public. But since we’re already speculating, I could speculate myself that the incident was likely caused by a reckless criminal with no regard for the law who would have been driving dangerously regardless of whether the speed limit was 30,20 or 10.

I’m all for discussions about toad safety in general but suggesting a particular fatal crash was caused by supposedly lax motoring laws when nobody has any details yet of how it happened feels pretty unsavoury to me.
There is a direct connection between lax enforcement, and people getting killed. That stands whatever the specifics of this case or others.

Every single day I see people speeding, and in every single one of those cases there is potential for someone to get killed.

I frequently see crashes at a junction a few steps from my front door. In several cases these have involved cars mounting the pavement. And each time I see these I know that someone could easily have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. And when I see that cast iron bollards concreted into the pavement are taken out, maybe you can understand where my imagination goes.
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