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Soldier's mother Cindy Sheehan in Bush protest

All the right wing media i've seen has been respectfull, in disscuing her, but i've seen plenty of left wing media outright lie about what they have said.

So the examples cited by other people in this thread are false?

You're a snake pb.
pbman said:
But the racist nazi's, share a hatred of jews, so they agree with the radical left on that point.

Where do you get this shit? Do you actually believe it or are you knowingly lying?

The radical left do not hate Jews. There are plenty of Jews who are radical leftists. Marx was a Jew, Trotsky was a Jew, the founder of the International socialists/SWP (Britain) was a Jew. There have been Jewish Marxists aplenty in the USA.

Opposition to the US sponsored racist state of Israel is not anti-Jewish. Have you not heard of Jews Against Zionism? The creation of Israel as a 'racially exclusive' state and the occupation of Palestine is the worst thing that can have happened for most Jews. The policies of Israel are abhorant to most people, including Jews, but provides an excuse for anti-semites to hide behind.

However, since you are such a defender of Jews against anti-semitism we can at least rely on you to condemn the all American hero Henry Ford for his rabid anti-semitism? And for his publishing anti-semitic newspapers in Germany between the wars? And for his anti-semitic book, widely circulated in Germany and praised by the Nazis? Did you know that one of the charges levelled by McArthy et al against Charlie Chaplin was 'premature anti-fascism'. All part of your political tradition...
pbman said:
nino_savatte said:
You're a liar, that URL is not valid. QUOTE]

Of course its not valid, i broke the link.

But the racist nazi's, share a hatred of jews, so they agree with the radical left on that point.

WE don't need "protest warriors" a bunch of mothers whent down their who also lost family members.

Don't tell me you havne't heard of this?

I still think you're bluffing about Stormcunt. It's another smear methinks.
nino_savatte said:
pbman said:
I still think you're bluffing about Stormcunt. It's another smear methinks.

By all means google it up.

Why wouldn't they be their? They share a radical hatred of isreal.

Anyways, here's and interesting ABC report.

Aug. 25 - With the President back at his Crawford ranch, the anti-war protest right outside his ranch is getting a lot more media attention. ABC7 looks at who is financing the operation and who's providing on-the-ground support.
Leading the group is Fenton Communications employee, Michele Mulkey, based in San Francisco. Fenton specializes in public relations for liberal non-profits.

Their bills are being paid for by True Majority, a non-profit set up by Ben Cohen -- of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream fame.

Ben Cohen, True Majority: "People are willing to listen to her and we want to do as much as we can to make her voice heard."

Cohen's group has teamed up with Berkeley based MoveOn.org, an anti-Bush group co-founded by Joan Blades.

Earlier this month, MoveOn helped organize anti-war vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan.

Current Democratic National Party Chair Howard Dean's organization Democracy for America is also involved, as is the more radical anti-war group Code Pink organized by San Francisco's Medea Benjamin.
Groucho said:
Where do you get this shit? Do you actually believe it or are you knowingly lying?

The radical left do not hate Jews. There are plenty of Jews who are radical leftists. Marx was a Jew, Trotsky was a Jew, the founder of the International socialists/SWP (Britain) was a Jew. There have been Jewish Marxists aplenty in the USA.

Ok the majority of the radical left hates jews then. And some jews deny their own roots and religion.........

But if you have any links that Marx or trotsky, were active belevers of their faith post them up. :rolleyes:

REad this, it will clear up the details for you.

pbman said:
Ok the majority of the radical left hates jews then. And some jews deny their own roots and religion...

Do they bollocks.

But if you have any links that Marx or trotsky, were active believers of their faith post them up. :rolleyes:

How is that relevant? The concept of anti-semitism refers to a dislike of the Jews as a people, not Judaism as a faith.
pbman said:
Ok the majority of the radical left hates jews then. And some jews deny their own roots and religion.........

But if you have any links that Marx or trotsky, were active belevers of their faith post them up. :rolleyes:

REad this, it will clear up the details for you.


You just won't get it will you. The Jewish identity does not rest upon following one of the various strands of religious belief. Anti-semitism does not limit itself to religious Jews. Opposition to Israeli aggression does not come from anti-semitism but anti-Imperialism and anti-racism.

Do you deny the anti-semitic traditions of the US right-wing? Or will you condemn it? But of course, it not really Jews you seek to defend from anti-semites (and from 'self hating' jews) but US foreign policy and Israel from anti-racists and anti-Imperialists.

The article is a pile of turd. This will surprise you but the radical left do not hate 'America' or Americans either. What we hate is Bush and US foreign policy. As it happens we have that in common with an increasing number of Americans -a clear majority of the continent. In the USA the majority are now opposed to the failed occupation of Iraq. You are in a minority in your own country PBman. :D
Groucho said:
You just won't get it will you. The Jewish identity does not rest upon following one of the various strands of religious belief. Anti-semitism does not limit itself to religious Jews. Opposition to Israeli aggression does not come from anti-semitism but anti-Imperialism and anti-racism.

Do you deny the anti-semitic traditions of the US right-wing? Or will you condemn it? But of course, it not really Jews you seek to defend from anti-semites (and from 'self hating' jews) but US foreign policy and Israel from anti-racists and anti-Imperialists.

The article is a pile of turd. This will surprise you but the radical left do not hate 'America' or Americans either. What we hate is Bush and US foreign policy. As it happens we have that in common with an increasing number of Americans -a clear majority of the continent. In the USA the majority are now opposed to the failed occupation of Iraq. You are in a minority in your own country PBman. :D

For which I can only say "thank fuck".

All he'll do is reply with a :rolleyes: . He doesn't have the wit to make a decent fist of a reply.
There's been 4 or 5 times more Jewish democrat senators and representatives than there's been jewish republican ones, and there's only ever been one jewish republican state governor and that was in fuckin hawaii which isn't even america really. Jews = liberal commie self-hating traitors.
nino_savatte said:
I still think you're bluffing about Stormcunt. It's another smear methinks.

Well, not necessarily. The Nazis oppose the war on Iraq because it is a 'war for Israel and the Jews'. They oppose their Governments because they are 'ZOG' - 'Zionist occupied Government'. From their twisted point of view the World is run by a Jewish conspiracy...

A stopped clock may be right twice a day, but pbman is still wrong to claim that there is anything in common between the Nazi opposition to war and the rest of humanity who largely oppose the war for decent reasons.
Groucho said:
Well, not necessarily. The Nazis oppose the war on Iraq because it is a 'war for Israel and the Jews'. They oppose their Governments because they are 'ZOG' - 'Zionist occupied Government'. From their twisted point of view the World is run by a Jewish conspiracy...

A stopped clock may be right twice a day, but pbman is still wrong to claim that there is anything in common between the Nazi opposition to war and the rest of humanity who largely oppose the war for decent reasons.

I guess the "rest of humanity" doesn't include the people in iraq. :rolleyes:

They supported the war, and still do as a matter of fact.

But wtf do they know, they only live their. :rolleyes:

Its not like the saddam bother them, as much as european lefties.
pbman said:
I guess the rest of humanity doesn't nclude the people in iraq. :rolleyes:

They supported the war, and still do as a matter of fact.

But wtf do they know, they only live their. :rolleyes:

What planet are you living on?!!!!!

FFS! The people of Iraq are involved in a war against the occupation. Even the US organised elections resulted in 60% of those elected from a platform opposed to continued occupation. The US preferred party got 10%. The US attempts to broker deals, playing off ethnic groups is causing stagnation, chaos and is leading to the Iraq 'Government' being seen as an impotent discussion group with no power.

The 'insurgants' are popular and have growing support. There have been HUGE demonstrations in Iraq over the last few days. The US military itself accepts that the insurgency is popular and organised. For the most part the US are confined to barracks because it is too dangerous to leave. Your war is rapidly being lost pbman, face it.
Groucho said:
What planet are you living on?!!!!!

FFS! The people of Iraq are involved in a war against the occupation. Even the US organised elections resulted in 60% of those elected from a platform opposed to continued occupation. The US preferred party got 10%. The US attempts to broker deals, playing off ethnic groups is causing stagnation, chaos and is leading to the Iraq 'Government' being seen as an impotent discussion group with no power.

The 'insurgants' are popular and have growing support. There have been HUGE demonstrations in Iraq over the last few days. The US military itself accepts that the insurgency is popular and organised. For the most part the US are confined to barracks because it is too dangerous to leave. Your war is rapidly being lost pbman, face it.

I'm from the world were about 40% of the people in town have been to iraq for a years duty. :rolleyes: Huge areas of iraq, are much much better off now than under saddam.

They know whats going on, they have been their, and will propbolby be their again.
Groucho said:
That would not be saying very much, but unfortunately it just aint true!

lol Try talking to a few kurds. Their is zero terroist activity thier. :rolleyes:

And learn the truch about saddam.


Friends of Democracy
Healing Iraq
Iraqi Expat
Iraq Rising
Iraq at a glance
Iraqi in America
Nabil's blog
Kurdo's world
Ali Mohammed
Diary from Baghdad
Iraqi humanity
Ibn Al Rafidain
Baghdad dweller
Democracy in Iraq
Iraqi Kurdistan
An Iraqi's thoughts

TRy talking to some iraq's instead of talking shit.
pbman said:
lol Try talking to a few kurds. Their is zero terroist activity thier. :rolleyes:

I know the truth about Sadam. A vicious dictator armed by the US. When he gassed the Kurds in 1988 the US blamed Iran!

I have heard plenty from Iraqi democrats who opposed Sadam and who oppose the occupation by the US as well.

I support the right of Kurds to an independant Kurdistan. Do you? Just a yes or no answer will do.
Groucho said:
I know the truth about Sadam. A vicious dictator armed by the US. When he gassed the Kurds in 1988 the US blamed Iran!

Yes we in the us armed him. :rolleyes:


Have you been living under a rock or what?
pbman said:
I'm from the world were about 40% of the people in town have been to iraq for a years duty.

This is worth some consideration. I've recently spent some time in Pensacola, Florida, where most people are connected to the military. I met loads of kids (and that's exactly what they are) who'd been to Iraq, and one who'd taken a bullet in the back there. None of them had wanted to go, none of them had any idea about why they'd been there, but all of them supported Bush. You know why? Because they perceive him as the "win-the-war" politician, and therefore the least likely to get their mates killed. No amount of principled political opposition to the war is going to influence the people fighting it, who only care about their safety, reasonably enough. The dwindling number of Americans who still support the war are motivated by the admirable desire to see their sons and daughters come home safely. The British don't have the same excuse, their troops there are far fewer, and nowhere near as much in harm's way. And yet where is the British anti-war movement?
pbman said:
Yes we in the us armed him. :rolleyes:

Have you been living under a rock or what?

You have posted that before. Anyone can draw a pretty chart. The CIA backed Sadam in his coup right from the start. Ooh lookie here....


"The revelations and allegations made by Mr. Soghanalian are, and must be, extremely disturbing to every American. They are disturbing to Mr. Soghanalian. He gives a first-hand description of official and unofficial American involvement in the enormous buildup of arms to Saddam Hussein. Much of this buildup occurred after the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988. He gives chilling accounts of the cozy relationship among high past and present U.S. Government officials who permitted, and in some cases, actually assisted his sales of many of the lethal weapons Saddam Hussein is now using to bring death to American military personnel and civilians throughout the Middle East region. "

Ooh Lookie here...

"the Reagan Administration removed Iraq from the State terrorism sponsorship list in 1982. The removal made Iraq eligible for U.S. dual-use and military technology"

Oohbut this is embarrassing


Fact is pbman, the US chanelled arms to Iraq through third parties such as Israel. Whilst Iraq had obtained arms aplenty from the Soviet Union, once the Iran Iraq war turned against them the US began chanelling arms to Saddam. Military equipment such as trucks and the components of chemical warfare were sold as non combatant material (not listed as arms) while direct arms sales were either falsely listed or chanelled via third countries. All of which is now well documented. Rumsfield personally visited Saddam on three occassions to ferment good relations (and arms sales).

pbman, if you find the last link too long to read it all it is stuffed full of evidence released under the fOI such as -

"Department of State Memorandum. "Notifying Congress of [Excised] Truck Sale," March 5, 1984.

The State Department informs a House Committee on Foreign Affairs staff member that the department has not objected to the sale of 2,000 heavy trucks to Iraq, noting that they were built in part in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Michigan. The official policy of the U.S. is that it does not export military related items to Iraq or Iran. When asked if the trucks were intended for military purposes, the official responds, "we presumed that this was Iraq's intention, and had not asked."

Source: Declassified under the Freedom of Information Act"

Helecopters too, US made, militarised via a third party...
Groucho said:
You have posted that before. Anyone can draw a pretty chart. The CIA backed Sadam in his coup right from the start. Ooh lookie here....

Nice way to ignore the fact that other nations armed saddam. That not what you said. :rolleyes:

The facts are that we didn't arm him, it was mainly the russians and the french. Remind me once again who supported saddam on the security council?
phildwyer said:
This is worth some consideration. I've recently spent some time in Pensacola, Florida, where most people are connected to the military. I met loads of kids (and that's exactly what they are) who'd been to Iraq, and one who'd taken a bullet in the back there. None of them had wanted to go, none of them had any idea about why they'd been there, but all of them supported Bush. You know why? Because they perceive him as the "win-the-war" politician, and therefore the least likely to get their mates killed. No amount of principled political opposition to the war is going to influence the people fighting it, who only care about their safety, reasonably enough. The dwindling number of Americans who still support the war are motivated by the admirable desire to see their sons and daughters come home safely. The British don't have the same excuse, their troops there are far fewer, and nowhere near as much in harm's way. And yet where is the British anti-war movement?

Talk to those kids about what going on in the country, ask them what civil works are being done and so forth. You will see a vastly different picture than the press gives you.

And ask them who they are fighting.

They do know that.

Its bathist thugs and terroists from out of the county.

And check the reinlistment rates for those same kids who say they didn't want to go their.

They re-inlist in much higher numbers than others in the military.

Thats a fact. Sure they don't like it, its a hot as hell and people are trying to kill them.

But they go back, time and again.
pbman said:
Groucho said:
The facts are that we didn't arm him, it was mainly the russians and the french. Remind me once again who supported saddam on the security council?

I didn't say the US were the only country to arm Saddam, but arms and military equipment aplenty came his way from the US from 1983 onwards. Britain did the same - a formal ban on arms but arms sales via third parties and disguised as non-military equipment.

No-one supported Saddam on the security council dickbrain. It's that 'you are either with us or with the terrorists' crap again isn't it. By your logic the USA supports everyone they are not raining bombs down on. :rolleyes:
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