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So, where you gonna go when this is all over ?

Freighter travel to NZ might be possible again at some point, if you don't mind weeks at sea with no Wi-Fi.

There've been a couple of threads about these over the years. If it's all you can afford then fair enough otherwise it seems like an enormous waste of time.
Hoping for a week at the end of March where I can go to Bristol, London, and Scotland to see folks, although as it gets closer I'm less optimistic that this will be possible. A week away in the summer somewhere in the UK would be nice, maybe Cornwall or North Wales. Beyond that, trips to France and Berlin would be great, maybe 3 weeks this time next year for a proper trip abroad, beach holiday in Thailand or a overdue trip to NZ to see friends.
I was thinking of doing some bikepacking in Slovenia but now I feel like ditching the job and cycling across Europe

(I heard some advert for a Saga cruise on the radio....can you think of anything worse? whole ship struck with some Covid variant and quarantined in some port never to return.....)
I can't think of many ways I'd rather be using my time right now than sitting on the deck of a massive freighter, sipping a gin and tonic, reading a book, and watching the endless ocean go by.
Fabulous for a couple of days, probably bearable for a week but 40 fucking days? I'd be over the edge swimming for shore at the first sight of land.
The ocean is boring, it’s just water & fish that you can’t even see. I’m fantasising more about long distance sleeper trains, the kind with pillows & breakfast. Then there’s actual stuff to see out the window.
At least you can get off a train if it all goes tits-up. This container ship stuff sounds like something for those people who sit alone in the corner of a pub talking to themselves.
Back of a fag packet calculations suggest it's much more expensive than flying anyway.
Yes, as a method from getting from A to B they don't make much sense whichever way you look at it. I suppose if you consider being incarcerated on a tanker for 40 days to be a holiday, then 2 grand for full board and lodging isn't too bad. It's hardly cheap though.
The ocean is boring, it’s just water & fish that you can’t even see. I’m fantasising more about long distance sleeper trains, the kind with pillows & breakfast. Then there’s actual stuff to see out the window.

Trans Siberian you can see forests, day after day of endless forest. Still, vodka and that.
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