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Wanting someone special to go away with

Which cities/country? I might be up for trips to French cities.

I have a fair few friends who speak some Spanish and like to visit Spain or South America. Or friends who go on holiday to Portugal or Italy or wherever.

But although I have a couple of half-Brit/half-French friends who moved back there, I don't have any other Francophile friends around who want to visit and practice their language skills.
Yep, France, and perhaps Francophonic Belgium at some point. I've got half an eye on Lyon next, which ought to be fairly simple on the train (Eurostar to Paris, TGV to Lyon).
I've never liked travelling alone. Well, actually I've never done it (apart from going from A to B and then being with family/friends on B), but I've a feeling I would not like it at all. I've had some wonderful trips with friends/boyfriends/husband/relatives - but the idea of doing tourism somewhere else on my own just doesn't make sense to me. I admire people who can do it alone.
I have enjoyed travelling alone in the past, but the main drawback is that there's no-one to share the memories with, so I've forgotten more of those trips than I would if I were with someone.

It does have to be the right someone, though. My last two holidays with my ex were hell. And our two brilliant holidays are somewhat tarnished by her being part of the memories. Not that much, but I know that my GF - who is the perfect holiday companion - doesn't particularly like me talking about those holidays (I never mention my ex in them, obvs). But not talking about them will make it harder to remember them...

Friends who you're pretty sure will stick around are a good option if you don't currently have a special person to go with. Maybe not somewhere overtly romantic (at least for you) like Venice, but there are so many places to go.
I love travelling alone. And I love travelling in company, provided it's the right company.

I've always been quite good at making connections with people, so I don't generally find myself alone for all that long - I did a lot of business travelling in the 1990s, and always ended up having a good natter with someone, male or female, wherever I was staying. I'd like to think that still applies, and I am seriously thinking about taking myself off for a solo holiday somewhere this summer, just to go and Do Stuff, and see who I might meet in the process.

What's not so fun is when you get somewhere, and there really isn't ANYONE, then 4 or 5 days in an unfamiliar place, without any kind of connection, can start to feel lonely.
I can’t do travel any more. I have made my peace with that, but my wife hasn’t. Holidays, as we typically imagine them, seem to require life partnerships, as we typically imagine them, and vice versa.
I also am not able to do travel or holidays due to health things, but am single. One of my friends has said that she can't imagine being in a relationship that didn't involve going away together, and at least from online dating profiles a lot of people seem to think the same. It does seem that it would rule me out as a possible partner for a lot of people.

It also leaves me with not knowing what to do with my annual leave. I mean great. I can spend more time on my own at home, yippee.

On a different point, this is why I decided not to do solo gigs when I was performing back in the day. It was like a tree falling in the forest with nobody about to hear the sound. I'd much rather be in a band.
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