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Slovak PM shot and injured - 15th May 2024

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap. I suppose assassination attempts are never a sign of things going particularly well in a country, but there’s no question of wishing Fico a speedy recovery. Not that people tend to get better after a tummy shot.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap. I suppose assassination attempts are never a sign of things going particularly well in a country, but there’s no question of wishing Fico a speedy recovery. Not that people tend to get better after a tummy shot.
Now in a life threatening condition according to reports on sky news
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap. I suppose assassination attempts are never a sign of things going particularly well in a country, but there’s no question of wishing Fico a speedy recovery. Not that people tend to get better after a tummy shot.
Yes, Fico is a piece of shit - my mum is a Slovak citizen and was very sure to vote against him and his ilk. She says she's not surprised and probably someting to do with his organised crime chums.
Yes, Fico is a piece of shit - my mum is a Slovak citizen and was very sure to vote against him and his ilk. She says she's not surprised and probably someting to do with his organised crime chums.

Domestic organised crime chums, presumably, as opposed to his transnational organised crime buddies in the Kremlin. It’s a 71 year old Slovakian who is in custody.
Nah, it'll be a Kremlin false flag in a few minutes.

Depressing that so many people actually voted for this specimen.
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Yes, Fico is a piece of shit - my mum is a Slovak citizen and was very sure to vote against him and his ilk. She says she's not surprised and probably someting to do with his organised crime chums.
Who did she vote for? I'm not being funny, but there isn't much of a choice in that country. I checked on Poll of Polls and out of the top 14 political parties only one isn't right-wing, it's a Liberal Party. There are also three Nazi parties and a far right party, plus SMER itself Fico's party, and HLAS which just a replica Party as far I can tell.
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Who did she vote for? I'm not being funny, but there isn't much of a choice in that country. I checked on Poll of Polls and out of the top twelve political parties only one isn't right-wing, it's a Liberal Party. There are also three Nazi parties and a far right party, plus SMER itself Fico's party, and HLAS which just a replica Party as far I can tell.
Nazi parties? Send in Putin's troops!
Who did she vote for? I'm not being funny, but there isn't much of a choice in that country. I checked on Poll of Polls and out of the top 14 political parties only one isn't right-wing, it's a Liberal Party. There are also three Nazi parties and a far right party, plus SMER itself Fico's party, and HLAS which just a replica Party as far I can tell.
I think it was for a party called 'Progress' or something like that.
Let’s wait until death is confirmed. Shapps more or less gave the game away by offering “condolences” to his Slovak counterpart, but the formalities should be observed.
Die, die, die, Herr Fico - forgive me, Herr Fico, I just couldn't take anymore.
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71 year old writer was apprehended

Cant find the article that said he was a poet. But the article above has him as a writer and activist formerly a securty guard who had been attacked and beaten up at work a few years ago.

He was described on RTE as left wing social democrat Nationalist.. 🤔
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71 year old writer was apprehended

Cant find the article that said he was a poet. But the article above has him as a writer and activist formerly a securty guard who had been attacked and beaten up at work a few years ago.

He was described on RTE as left wing social democrat Nationalist.. 🤔
Social nationalist or national socialist? :hmm:
71 year old writer was apprehended

Cant find the article that said he was a poet. But the article above has him as a writer and activist formerly a securty guard who had been attacked and beaten up at work a few years ago.

He was described on RTE as left wing social democrat Nationalist.. 🤔
Weird article, why did the journalist ask the Henry Jackson Society for their assessment of who was responsible?
71 year old writer was apprehended

Cant find the article that said he was a poet. But the article above has him as a writer and activist formerly a securty guard who had been attacked and beaten up at work a few years ago.

He was described on RTE as left wing social democrat Nationalist.. 🤔

I'm a poet and quite annoyed to only find out now.that part of the remit is to shoot execrable politicians. I've wasted so much time!
Social nationalist or national socialist? :hmm:
RtE journo said Social Democratic Nationalist ... garble garble garble.. should probably have been the latter

Eta.. Smer DC...
Direction – Social Democracy (Slovak: Smer – sociálna demokracia, Smer–SD), also commonly referred to as Smer, is a left-wing nationalist political party in Slovakia led by the incumbent prime minister Robert Fico.

Obviouy he's not popular tho..
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