so defeated, thinks it's funny
Couldn't see another thread covering this exact subject, and I cba keeping up with the giant mega-threads... anyway, I thought it might be worth having a thread for how people's workplaces are treating covid now that a) we're being told to get back to normal and live with it, and b) every fucker in the country seems to have it at the moment. At my work they've just announced their intention to start counting covid-related absences as part of their general sickness monitoring policies, because they reckon the amount of people who've been off with it twice is indicative of people taking the piss, rather than just a lot of people who've now been infected twice. Obv my union branch is not happy with that one and I don't think that issue's totally settled yet. But it could be worse, was talking (remotely, not in person) with a mate who currently has it and cos she's on infrequent shifts and SSP she doesn't reckon she'll miss enough shifts to qualify for SSP at all. So, how's it looking at your work?