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Anyone absolutely sick of "going for a walk?"

I think walks are getting a revival over winter as if, for some psychotic reason, the gov determines to keep things open I ain't going to indoor things for the early part of next year!

The government will encourage walking this winter whilst secretly employing a mysterious team of drivers including Accenture consultant Joe "Machine Gun" Viterbo, Tory donor Matilda the Hun and the enigmatic offshore billionaire "Frankenstein" to swing the death count away from Omicron and in to another direction. Car noises and other noises will be provided by Boris "Calamity" Johnson.
I had to take a mid shift lunch today and went for a lovely walk, which took just shy of an hour. Haven't done a lot of walking recently and
realised that on my own, I get bored quite easily as I much prefer a jog.
I've been walking a bit more the last 5 days after not walking at all for the 1st week of December as I had a heavy cold and just couldn't be arsed going outside.
The government will encourage walking this winter whilst secretly employing a mysterious team of drivers including Accenture consultant Joe "Machine Gun" Viterbo, Tory donor Matilda the Hun and the enigmatic offshore billionaire "Frankenstein" to swing the death count away from Omicron and in to another direction. Car noises and other noises will be provided by Boris "Calamity" Johnson.
Business as usual in Booming Post Brexit Britain!!!
I've just become ridiculously sedentary this last 6 months. Think I'm just fucking bored of where I live.

There's nature nearby but I was out in it a lot before this and I've spent 2 years loitering in the same patch so the hour or so before work or at lunch just means I see the bits I've seen the most.
I've just become ridiculously sedentary this last 6 months. Think I'm just fucking bored of where I live.

There's nature nearby but I was out in it a lot before this and I've spent 2 years loitering in the same patch so the hour or so before work or at lunch just means I see the bits I've seen the most.
Sounds like countryside which is constantly changing 🤔 I live in town and all that changes are the new building constructions.
Sounds like countryside which is constantly changing 🤔 I live in town and all that changes are the new building constructions.

I still get some nice walks on occasion but I just don't seem able to do it as a daily or routine task anymore. Went out a couple of weekends ago and it was really nice even in the rain but its a far cry from leaving the house in the morning no matter what that I was doing at one point.
I am one of those annoying fucks who gets out for an hour a day before working at home. Basically the old commute is now a wander down the canal or through the park.

It’s nice watching the seasons change and catching up with my mate Norbert the goose.
Are you...inviting...Norbert for Christmas lunch by any chance..?
I still get some nice walks on occasion but I just don't seem able to do it as a daily or routine task anymore. Went out a couple of weekends ago and it was really nice even in the rain but its a far cry from leaving the house in the morning no matter what that I was doing at one point.
get a dog - you've got no choice then :thumbs:
I'm headed out for walk tomorrow for a few hours followed by a pub lunch where beer and food both good. I'm not driving either. 👍
I'm stuck in isolation so are back to running around the flat pointlessly until I hit 10,000 steps every day. And I fucking hate it.
Just think of being wrongly imprisoned in a dodgy Central American state & you have a five year sentence then the walk won't seem so bad. Or the prison cell! :thumbs:
I can't wait to go for a proper walk. I've spent the last month staying in an institution on a main highway with no real pavement. It's -15 at night, the only free time we have, and pitch black, so completely unsuitable for walking. The air is also thin and dry, so breathing is difficult. I'll spend as much of Christmas walking as I can, once I'm out of isolation.
I still feel a heal and cut up by people moaning about going for a walk. I shall certainly not let it deter me though.
( You should have seen it before I cleaned it up ) IMG_20211228_173430_hdr.jpg
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