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Should the Covid vaccine be mandatory?

Should the Covid vaccine be mandatory?

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  • No

  • Don't know

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Fuck 'em.

Either anti-social, thicker than dog-shit, or thicker than dog-shit and anti-social. Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. Or do, I don't give a shit...
Fuck the NHS staff, brilliant good point.. haha.
I'm still not convinced that mandating vaccines for the general public is the way to go. I am however red-hot on the idea of requiring vaccinations under certain conditions, e.g. for continued employment as a nurse, doctor, or care worker. These people are required to work with clinically vulnerable people as part of their normal duties, and thus refusing to take a vaccination (without legitimate medical exemptions) that has had literally billions of doses given with at worst only minor side effects, is quite simply an unreasonable and unwarranted dereliction of said duties.

For similar reasons, if a private company or organisation wishes to protect their customers/clients by requiring that their workers be up to date on their shots, then that too is fine by me.

Bullying workers kebabking wonderful 8ball, nice examples, you were clapping these NHS HCPs not long ago.

I thought the idea behind the clapping was a recognition that these people were putting themselves at risk to help others? Not blind hero worship? So if a minority (and they are a minority) of these healthcare workers are prioritising shit-tier Facebook memes composed by Russian agents over the health of their patients, why the fuck should we not pour scorn on them?
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Fuck the NHS staff, brilliant good point.. haha.

Mate, if you think having some anti-vaxx nutcase honking off at me causes me anything but amusement, I have some disappointing news for you.
Mate, if you think having some anti-vaxx nutcase honking off at me causes me anything but amusement, I have some disappointing news for you.
This thread is for discussion about NHS vaccine mandate, you are the one playing Billy big balls all over it . Nice one. We know how you feel now.
NoXion do really think russian agents are behind this? Jesus

Even if you don't believe that the Russians are sticking their oar into the situation (which seems a little naive but whatever), it's still the case that billions of doses of Covid vaccine have been safely administered across the globe, so there is no reasonable grounds for health workers to object to vaccine mandates.
This thread is for discussion about NHS vaccine mandate, you are the one playing Billy big balls all over it . Nice one. We know how you feel now.

Yes, I'm not sure you understand how this whole 'writing stuff down so people can read it' thing works - I wrote this stuff down because I want people to read it and know how I feel.

It's not some fantastically impressive effort at truthing that you've uncovered what I think, it's just called reading.
If you support the sacking of NHS staff now perhaps you should remember the risk they took when you were at home protecting yourself and your family.
If you support the sacking of NHS staff now perhaps you should remember the risk they took when you were at home protecting yourself and your family.

I support the sacking of health workers who refuse to take reasonable steps to protect their patients, yes. Don't you?
Even if you don't believe that the Russians are sticking their oar into the situation (which seems a little naive but whatever), it's still the case that billions of doses of Covid vaccine have been safely administered across the globe, so there is no reasonable grounds for health workers to object to vaccine mandates.
I don't think the Russians are behind the protest against mandatory vaccinations for NHS staff. And you claim others are nutters ha.
Informed consent not coersion is a pretty fucking strong answer.

They can consent not to take the vax. But that doesn't mean they should be allowed to put patients at risk. Kind of like how there are laws mandating seatbelts. Your pathetic maunderings about "freedumb" are not more important than not crushing the person sitting in the seat in front of you.
nformed consent not coersion is a pretty fucking strong answer.

Informed consent is about the right to make choices, and choices have consequences - good ones, and bad ones.

It's not the right to make choices that have no consequences for the chooser, but potentially bad ones for everyone else.

People have the absolute right to choose not to have the vaccine, what they don't have is the right to work in a particular field, or walk into a room with someone so vunerable that if they were to catch covid, they'd probably die .
You're making arguments based on a fictional world without Omicron.

How the fuck does that follow? Do you think because Omicron is being called "mild" in the press that it's somehow no longer a serious disease? Or do you not realise that its increased infectiousness makes vaccination more important, not less?
How the fuck does that follow? Do you think because Omicron is being called "mild" in the press that it's somehow no longer a serious disease? Or do you not realise that its increased infectiousness makes vaccination more important, not less?
Put in a way you understand. The seatbelt doesn't matter when your car won't start.
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