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Ship porn

The support ships can probably dock in Portsmouth harbour, the Gerald Ford is too large to get in there. Many moons ago was sailing in the Solent at night and there was a ship lit up like a massive cruise liner, next morning we could see it was a US carrier, so went over there, was the Dwight D Eisenhower, absolutely stank of kerosene, had a constant stream of boats taking people to and from the shore. When the QE class ships were built they had to dredge Portsmouth harbour to make it big enough for them, every two or three days trains had to be suspended from the station as yet another WW2 bomb had been dredged up...
The Spanish Navy has the third largest tall ship in the world, Juan Sebastian Elcano. I remember when the time was nearing for my military service, which was assigned by a draw, I was praying to the gods not to be sent to the Navy in case I ended up serving on the fucker and required to climb up the masts.

Absolute beauty, though

Its an old tradition from the age of sail. When a ship was becalmed the midshipmen and those on their first voyage had to climb up and stand like that. Once the captain gave an order they had to start flapping their arms to billow the sails and get some motion. I am not sure it ever worked but did amuse the more experienced. (my memory may have gotten some details wrong)
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