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Ship porn

so living murderous nightmare, is that what you mean?

i fucking hate these threads with a passion, if i was a mod theyd be binned
I'm sorry you feel that way. 69 pages of posts spanning the better part of the forum's lifetime seem to indicate that there is at least some interest in the topic...
a different kind of abomination
This ship provides free cataract surgery and other eye operations in poorer nations

This one is crewed by volunteers who save strangers lives


This cool MF builds wind turbines to provide cheap sustainable low carbon energy


This one changed the face of popular music


This one tells us new things about our world and looks happy...
Not a happy ship:

On the general subject of anti ship warfare, I was surprised to learn the other day that apparently the next big thing in anti ship weaponry is not a super advanced next gen hypersonic stealth missile with a massive warhead, but seemly a low tech bomb, small enough to be carried under the wing of a small fighter jet, which simply hits the ship on a vertical plane and goes through it before detonating underneath, rather than attempting to hit it in the horizontal plane

Obviously I wouldn’t pretend to know more about naval warfare and missile technology than bloody rocket scientists, but to a layman it still so seems amazing that such a seemingly simple concept hadn’t occurred to someone well before. Bunker busting/ armour piercing weapons have been in service for decades, so I would imagine the issue was not about being capable of piercing through a ship…

That large cargo ship goes down completely in literally 30 seconds :eek:
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On the general subject of anti ship warfare, I was surprised to learn the other day that apparently the next big thing in anti ship weaponry is not a super advanced next gen hypersonic stealth missile with a massive warhead, but seemly a low tech bomb, small enough to be carried under the wing of a small fighter jet, which simply hits the ship on a vertical plane and goes through it before detonating underneath, rather than attempting to hit it in the horizontal plane

Barnes Wallace came up with this idea during the war. His spinning 'tallboy' bombs did for the hun battleship Tirpitz which was tucked up in a Norwegian harbour, safe from torpedos and able to outgun any surface vessel.
On the general subject of anti ship warfare, I was surprised to learn the other day that apparently the next big thing in anti ship weaponry is not a super advanced next gen hypersonic stealth missile with a massive warhead, but seemly a low tech bomb, small enough to be carried under the wing of a small fighter jet, which simply hits the ship on a vertical plane and goes through it before detonating underneath, rather than attempting to hit it in the horizontal plane

Obviously I wouldn’t pretend to know more about naval warfare and missile technology than bloody rocket scientists, but to a layman it still so seems amazing that such a seemingly simple concept hadn’t occurred to someone well before. Bunker busting/ armour piercing weapons have been in service for decades, so I would imagine the issue was not about being capable of piercing through a ship…

That large cargo ship goes down completely in literally 30 seconds :eek:

It's not new at all. And even if it were, the idea that the Next New Thing requires you to fly over the target probably wouldn't go down well against anything able to defend itself.
The super advanced hypersonic things are all about not getting shot down - it makes little difference to the target how fast the warhead is going once it explodes. Harpoons have had, for decades, an optional pop-up mode - against lightly armed targets, the missile will fly up in its terminal phase to plunge down into the ship for detonation and do more damage that way. Against a well defended target, you'd plough straight into the side, as the pop-up just gives them a better chance to shoot the missile down. I imagine the Russians and the Chinese are pretty aware of this, too. Falklands-era Exocets didn't have this, but once you get past that level of technology it becomes a bit more common. The really big Soviet ASMs were always supposed to plunge down at Mach3+ into the deck of the carrier and then explode. Americans rightly feared them on the basis that even the wreckage of large ASM with a thousand pound warhead was going to leave the deck in a bit of a mess.
I saw one of these ships alongside mine in the shipyard; they are BIG!

Out of curiosity… I’m sure you mentioned before you’d served in the US Navy. Are you still in the service? I’m only asking because you say you saw one of those next to your ship, and surely they wouldn’t let any vessel carrying vast amounts of gas dock next to a Navy ship, for security reasons?
Out of curiosity… I’m sure you mentioned before you’d served in the US Navy. Are you still in the service? I’m only asking because you say you saw one of those next to your ship, and surely they wouldn’t let any vessel carrying vast amounts of gas dock next to a Navy ship, for security reasons?
I resigned my commission in the USN several years ago. The LNG carrier was empty and being repaired.. We were in the shipyard for overhaul, also...
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