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I googled 'why was Britain's navy so good', and got this book review The Rise of the British Empire From Its Navy's Point of View (Published 2004). Intriguing stuff, which I don't think came up in history lessons at school. The short answer is that, being an island, we didn't need a standing army, so we were able to buy more ships than anyone else.

British Foreign policy for about 300 years was to pay other people to do most of our fighting on land and spend the money on the navy.
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You need to see it perform, then you'll understand just how beautiful it is.
It goes fast?

Sexist advertising aimed at midlife crisis men, I see -

Those look interesting, but apparently they're a (very expensive) failure. The littoral combat ship’s latest problem: Class-wide structural defects leading to hull cracks.
Spectacular failure the US Navy wanted a small fast expendable gunboat.
the powers that be decided expendable wasn't a good look so it morphed into a do all the jobs that don't need a destroyer while maintaining a 40knot speed.
unfortunately going faster than anything else afloat means you have to be built lighter and your range goes to shit.
Then the modular mission modules didn't work or exist and it wasn't cheap anymore.
the US navy is now building frigates which it should have done in the first place
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