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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.


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Information for anyone here who is interested in these kinds of things:

9/11 facing the facts

Ever had that feeling the official story does not make sense. That hugh questions remain ignored and unanswered.

Video and talk with David Shayler, ex MI5, author of Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers

7.30pm Wednesday 2nd November 2005
Vida Walsh Centre, 2B Saltoun Road, by Windrush Square, Brixton.

Part of a worldwide movement to re-open a neutral commission into 9/11.

To book a seat email: lambethgreens@postmaster.co.uk

nb: I am not involved with putting this on but a friend is, and I won't actually be there. The above text is taken from their flyer, sorry no url/links. I put it here as it is not a "protest/demo/action" but maybe the mods want to move it to a more suitable forum?
My suspicion that Brixton's flipped is strengthening.

This is the second time in a couple of months. First Stop the War/SWP/Respect gave him a platform, and now the Greens. Why?
I think it's a catastrophic blunder for the Green Party to get involved in this barking 9/11 bullshit.
editor said:
I think it's a catastrophic blunder for the Green Party to get involved in this barking 9/11 bullshit.
Is the Green Party in general getting involved with it or just some people in the Lambeth branch?

You'd really think they'd have learned from their unfortunate Icke experience, either way.
Bernie Gunther said:
Is the Green Party in general getting involved with it or just some people in the Lambeth branch?
I think it's just the Lambeth branch, but that won't stop people tarring the entire party with the same conspirabrush.
editor said:
I think it's just the Lambeth branch, but that won't stop people tarring the entire party with the same conspirabrush.

Certainly won't tar me with that brush--as not just my debate on 21/6, but also resisting the incursion of him & his goon squad at the Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday showed.
Larry O'Hara said:
I agree: and as a party member will do what I can to oppose this.
There's flyers all over Brixton already so you'd best get your damage limitation exercise up to speed pronto!!
editor said:
There's flyers all over Brixton already so you'd best get your damage limitation exercise up to speed pronto!!

I will do what I can--but given my track record of opposing Shayler, and the limited time I/others have to do anything, especially in London where I do not live, I'm not copping the blame for this one, whatever happens.
One of the fellas at the bookfair had Shayler sussed. He's setting himself up as an "alternative pundit" to earn £500 an hour sort of money. He's flashing bollocks around to sell his crappy book and developing a small but very loud group around him to make it look like he's got more support than he has.

Really want to ask him more about his time as desk officer for anarchist groups . When I asked at the Bookfair he claimed he'd shut down all activity in just 6months- what a self-important and lying wanker.

Just a thought but whenever anyone asked about SWP at the bookfair he jumped in to answer saying he didn't know - Annie (who was apparently desk officer for SWP) didn't say a word.

Come to think of it maybe his plan by spouting crap like he has been about September 11 and the london July 7th bombings (blaming them on MI6!!) is to associate such claims to anarcho/other left groups and so discredit the whole movement. or have I smoked too much tonight??

Has it occurred to you that the man might just believe what he says? :rolleyes:

As a result of blowing the whistle on MI6 he's had the pleasure of not only losing his job but having his house ransacked and living in fear of his life. He is now spending his time talking to small groups as part of the 9-11 truth movement (interestingly, a movement which was derided by editor on the basis that only a few people were turning up to it).

It's always funny to hear elaborate theories of infiltration/disinfo from people who are so keen to deride 'conspiracy theories'. :rolleyes:
Part of a worldwide movement to re-open a neutral commission into 9/11.

...something i would like to see
-although when was the last time any commision or inquiry found anything other than some cans of white paint in the shed?
Jazzz said:
As a result of blowing the whistle on MI6

The question I have is why hasn't he blown the whistle on MI5? It's all MI6 when anything is wrong. Surely he knows more about MI5 than he does MI6 -given that it was MI5 he actually worked for! Yet when asked specific questions he is very very cagey and yet any question about MI6 he's happy to spout off about.

Jazzz said:
Has it occurred to you that the man might just believe what he says? :rolleyes:

As a result of blowing the whistle on MI6 he's had the pleasure of not only losing his job but having his house ransacked and living in fear of his life. He is now spending his time talking to small groups as part of the 9-11 truth movement

1) It is not just whether Shayler believes what he says, but
--whether we do
--which version, given on any topic he talks about there are at least 2, often 3 or more, versions he comes out with.

2) He did not lose his job for 'blowing the whistle'--he had already left MI5 when he did so.

3) As Fifth From Front has stated, he is ultra-willing to attack MI6, but nowhere near as much MI5.

4) It was Machon's house that was ransacked, not his, an episode that received full coverage in the Mail on Sunday at the time.

5) I know ratings may not be what they were, but this image of him & Machon as 'blacklisted' in the media & forced to only speak to small groups is rather contradicted by
--Machon's appearance on Richard & Judy, and associated Reading Club recommendation.
--Shayler being on Radio 5 a week or so ago attacking MI6.

It is fascinating that those who proclaim themselves to be seekers after truth often completely abandon any critical faculties they might have when approached by serial liars/spooks like Shayler/Machon. Given there is an extensive body of research on this topic available, you have no excuse, other than intellectual laziness/gullibility.
Jazzz said:
As a result of blowing the whistle on MI6 he's had the pleasure of not only losing his job but having his house ransacked and living in fear of his life. He is now spending his time talking to small groups as part of the 9-11 truth movement (interestingly, a movement which was derided by editor on the basis that only a few people were turning up to it).
Rightly so.

A 'movement' that could only muster a total of seven people to two free, central London 'UK premieres' of a film that supposedly exposed the greatest conspiracy of our times needs to be reminded of its delusions.

Do you believe every word that comes out of Shayler's mouth, btw?
A few more bits of information from an e-mail I got today, for distribution:


Talk and video with ex MI5 whistleblower David Shayler.
7:30 pm Wednesday 2nd November 2005
Vida Walsh Centre, 2B Saltoun Road, by Windrush Square, Brixton.

Ever had the feeling that the official story does not make sense? That huge questions remain ignored and unanswered? Is a coincidence that two years after 9/11, The U.S. and British governments led the invasion of Iraq? Shayler will address some of these issues, along with presenting a video which takes an alternate look at the evidence.

The talk is part of a worldwide movement to re-open a neutral commission into 9/11. There is a widespread opinion that the previous commission failed to address the evidence, and merely repeated the same government line that appeared within days of the bombing.

On 1st August 1998, David Shayler was arrested and held, without charge, for nearly four months in a Paris Jail until his release. Shayler's crime is to have revealed ineptitude and malpractice within MI5, Britain's security service, shortcomings resulting in the waste of millions of pounds of taxpayers' money and, worse still, to the deaths of innocent civilians.

His MI5 experience provides a unique insight into the behind the scenes aspects of government policy, and an in depth knowledge of security service rules and procedures, an important part of a full understanding into the events surrounding 9/11.

This talk will be worth hearing.

To book a seat email: lambethgreens@postmaster.co.uk


For more information on the talk, contact Shane Collins.
e-mail: Shane@gn.apc.org Tel: 0208 671 5936
Meeting organised by Lambeth Green party. www.lambeth.greenparty.org.uk
Link to worldwide movement: www.reopen911.org.uk
More on David Shayler: www.thememoryhole.org/spy/shayler
So how would Shayler's supposed knowledge of "behind the scenes aspects of government policy, and an in depth knowledge of security service rules and procedures" have any relevance to the events surrounding 9/11 seeing as that involved an entirely different country, security service and government?

Or did he work for the CIA as well?
editor said:
I think it's a catastrophic blunder for the Green Party to get involved in this barking 9/11 bullshit.

WHY so.....
For some one who is constantly advocating and " alternative" ideal...why the fuck would you imagine that to be the case...or is it ( as i suspect) that i just don`t suit your political outlook/ethos...
I`m not getting at you i was just wondering why you should think in such a manner. Would you care (or be arsed to) elaborate....if not fine
cemertyone said:
WHY so.....
For some one who is constantly advocating and " alternative" ideal...why the fuck would you imagine that to be the case...or is it ( as i suspect) that i just don`t suit your political outlook/ethos...
Because I suspect that the party's credibility will be seriously damaged by them enthusiastically delving into the dodgy world of 9/11 conspiraloonery. I think it'll alienate potential voters who will find it a pointless and rather strange distraction to the Green's message. Or perhaps maybe wonder if they're not just losing the plot a bit (note how well the same kind of conspiraloonery goes down here).

Don't you agree?

Or do you think showing a fruitloop 9/11 film is going to turn into some sort of vote spinner for the Green Party?
Just to play devil's advocate here for a second, surely putting on/hosting talks and debates in Brixton isn't a bad thing in itself? You obviously don't think much of this one, but as a general activity it isn't a bad idea is it?
TeeJay said:
Just to play devil's advocate here for a second, surely putting on/hosting talks and debates in Brixton isn't a bad thing in itself?
What next?

A Green Party debate on whether fairies exist?
The Green Party debates "Were the Moon Landing Faked"?

Where's the counter argument on the 9/11 talk coming from?
It looks like a one side conspiraloon-love in to me, almost as if the Green Party endorse and agree with the central fruitloop premise.
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