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Self-indulgent pet thread

Shes just being aloof :)

Henrito from next door now pretty much lives on my blue plastic camping table....


Sometimes he sneaks in through the open windows and I have to catch him and throw him out or chase him with the plant sprayer. I cant really encourage his visits because other neighbours have complained that he tries to get into their flats. Hes also left a hairball outside my door >.<
Sainsburys BASICS????

Ours would walk away from those. Alright Bob wouldn't he'd rip your arm off. But Rusty Meh!!!
First time she got them, Nigel ate so many that she walked through to the sitting room, and threw up a solid stomach-shaped lump of barely-chewed value prawns.

tbf, she'll get a king prawn or two if we're cooking for ourselves, but she tends to be happy enough with value. And if I'm buying *only* for the cat (which I do once a month or so) then she'll only get king prawns if they've got a cheaper / smaller box :D
Plus cats get their own back for being teased. A wake up call at 5.30 every morning for a week, something small and furry being chased round the bedroom, and lost or crunched, at 2.00 am!

Had our 9 month old niece round yesterday, tried to get a photo of her and Mr. Kippers but he was having none of it. We appear to have betrayed his furry trust by bringing something of a similar size to him which squawked and rolled but could not be chased into the garden!
First time she got them, Nigel ate so many that she walked through to the sitting room, and threw up a solid stomach-shaped lump of barely-chewed value prawns

They do though don't they

I was given a kitten for my first birthday present by an older cousin. She was a pedigree long haired tortoiseshell and as she got older she found she could wind my mother and father round her little claw/tail/finger delete as appropriate

It got to the stage where should would go on hunger strike until she got what she wanted - usually Rock fish poached in milk - the smell would drive her wild. Circling the kitchen until it was cooked and my mother being of the old school of cooking would have this simmering away for what seemed like hours stinking out the house

Then it had to be allowed to cool and only then would a saucer of fish be put down for the damn cat who would eat it in no seconds flat and would then whine and whinge until she got more and on and on until she could eat no more

Then she'd stagger into the living room and fall down in front of the fire to sleep. Honestly her stomach was taught with the amount of fish she'd eaten, but the very second she thought she could get down another mouthful she'd be out in the kitchen trying just one more go.
They do though don't they

I was given a kitten for my first birthday present by an older cousin. She was a pedigree long haired tortoiseshell and as she got older she found she could wind my mother and father round her little claw/tail/finger delete as appropriate

It got to the stage where should would go on hunger strike until she got what she wanted - usually Rock fish poached in milk - the smell would drive her wild. Circling the kitchen until it was cooked and my mother being of the old school of cooking would have this simmering away for what seemed like hours stinking out the house

Then it had to be allowed to cool and only then would a saucer of fish be put down for the damn cat who would eat it in no seconds flat and would then whine and whinge until she got more and on and on until she could eat no more

Then she'd stagger into the living room and fall down in front of the fire to sleep. Honestly her stomach was taught with the amount of fish she'd eaten, but the very second she thought she could get down another mouthful she'd be out in the kitchen trying just one more go.
If our Nigel was like that, she'd've been trained by now :D

As it is, she's not really predictable enough about any one foodstuff to make training particularly viable. Not within a timeframe of weeks or months or years, at least.
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