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Self-indulgent pet thread

OK two of those polecat girls mentioned earlier have had kits (for releasing into the wild) at the rescue. Got pictures:


Here's Stan posing in the window of the outside toilet (sadly decommissioned) shared between us and our 5 neighbours' houses.

i LOVE that, its so "Aha, this window will frame me just beautifully. Lets try it for posing. Ah, and on cue, a hoomin with a camera."
May I ask for people's best rattie wishes for my Portia who is going into the vets today to get a lump removed. She's healthy (apart from the lump obvs) and not too old so should be alright but there's always risks aren't there :(
Alfie is currently obsessed with a cat toy called Da Bird, which is like a few feathers at the end of a fishing rod. That's him keeping a very close eye on the top bookshelf where I keep it. He starts miaowing every time I walk past. It means that several times a day I have to run around the flat like a loon, waving it around.


He is also obsessed with the cat in the flat above mine. That's him hoping the other cat will come out and say hello.


And that's him taking a well deserved break from it all.

Alfie is currently obsessed with a cat toy called Da Bird, which is like a few feathers at the end of a fishing rod.
We have wedged ours so it sticks out from the bookcase at a height where Stan can amuse himself with it when we've not here. And also a mouse on elastic that sticks out from the top of a door, which we can hear squeaking all night :D

Hiding from the rain in *total glory*


The back door's open, but godonlyknows why, she just loves rubbing up against the tandem's chain, and hunching down in misery because she's shit scared of the rain hammering the tarp.
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Phew, Portia made it through fine! She seems distinctly unbothered by it all now actually, except for the big bald patch and scar on her side. But she has to be separated from her sister for a while, though I might give them some supervised play time together a bit later.

Pic of her cheeky self the other day

She has that look on her face, the 'and what? This might look uncomfortable to you, human, but you have NO idea how good I feel right now' :D

Poor earless Frank. :(
'I'm thinking of making her some prosthetic ears, on a headband like Mickey Mouse ears:cool: . Otherwise she'll be laughed at by all the other cats in the neighbourhood.

I'm REALLY looking forward to collecting a urine sample from her tonight........:rolleyes:. Vets are quite mad to expect you to do such a thing!
'I'm thinking of making her some prosthetic ears, on a headband like Mickey Mouse ears:cool: . Otherwise she'll be laughed at by all the other cats in the neighbourhood.

I'm REALLY looking forward to collecting a urine sample from her tonight........:rolleyes:. Vets are quite mad to expect you to do such a thing!

How the fuck are you supposed to do that?!
Well, I have to shut her in a room (as have another cat) with a litter tray with special non-absorbant cat litter in it. Then, in the morning (assuming she has produced) I have to use a pipette to suck up a sample.

Unfortunately, Frank is not always the most co-operative of cats and she'll probably cross her legs and refuse to pee just to be difficult.
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:( at Frank.

The mogs I used to live with both had white ears, and the vet recommended sun-block. The mogs were not so impressed...
Well, I have to shut her in a room (as have another cat) with a litter tray with special non-absorbant cat litter in it. Then, in the morning (assuming she has produced) I have to use a pipette to suck up a sample.

Unfortunately, Frank is not always the most co-operative of cats and she'll probably cross her legs and refuse to pee just to be difficult.

Guess what? She hasn't bloody well peed:mad: Since 8:30 last night? The cat has a bladder the size of football!

Will have to resort to squeezing over a bucket.............. * dons chain mail*
Guess what? She hasn't bloody well peed:mad: Since 8:30 last night? The cat has a bladder the size of football!

Will have to resort to squeezing over a bucket.............. * dons chain mail*

:eek: Good luck felix.

We had to get a wee sample from our dog the other week. Wondered how on earth we were going to do it, but the vet said to bring her along to the appointment early and just walk her up and down outside the surgery. Obviously lots of dogs have had a piss there and left their scent and she wanted to add hers and performed for us.

I can see that it's not so easy with a cat.

I hope her surgery goes well.
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