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Self-indulgent pet thread

Lily the mudhound



At what point did she wake up?
She didn't; I just ran out of positions.

Artichoke got hyperenthusiastic this morning, and has just thrown her sheep up in the air, landing it *bang* on my coffee. There's coffee f***ing everywhere - my 2-day-old laptop, up the walls, coating the carpet... :D

Actually, the big excitement today is my late pig Gethin made the cover of Guinea Pig Magazine. My vicarious 15 minutes of fame.


There's also a snap inside of Griff driving the car (sort of.) Malcolm's getting a bit miffed that they haven't used any photos of him yet though. I think he's composing a letter to the editor at the moment.

"Post my fucking pictures you fucking cunt otherwise I'll come down there and remove your face with a scalpel"

Or something equally charming I'm sure :D
"Post my fucking pictures you fucking cunt otherwise I'll come down there and remove your face with a scalpel"

Or something equally charming I'm sure :D
Malcolm being Malcolm, and thinking himself a "cut above" other pigs, would probably compose something very eloquent but cutting, then sign off with, "and fuck you then," :)

BTW, we found Malcolm's ancestral home last weekend. I think he's going to try and make some claim that the castle is rightfully his. I'm sure he's pouring through the ancient laws of Scotland to find out the proof he needs. Might take him there to have a look round when it's drier.
There's a longish story behind this one. Are you sitting comfortably? Well I wasn't.

Back in November, my daft other half gets this idea that we need to transport some wild polecat kits for a ferret rescue that we help out. [Ferret=domesticated polecat, kit=juvenile] So we drive all the way down from Luton to Kent to pick up these 6 wee delights. We bring Loki with us (Loki=Hugh Mongoose in the previous photos). Loki is a sweet old boy who loves car journeys and spends most of the ride with his head out of the window. You'd like him. He was a lost boy rescued by the RSPCA. They didn't like him much - thought he was an "opportunistic biter". To be fair they were giving him horrid medecine and didn't know one end of the ferret from the other. Anyway I've digressed. Wheel back a bit. So we got there and we caged these wee beasts and what happens? The bloody car breaks down. So we get towed back to Luton by three AA guys (one after the other you understand). We were up in the truck and Loki had to be tied to the front seat of the car with six lithe monsters in the back escaping loads. One of the AA guys was scared of ferrets and all. That cost us lots btw.

Anyway we ended up looking after them for two weeks as we couldn't make it up to the rescue. It was a bloomin' nightmare. These are wild animals and don't like to be handled. Imagine cleaning them out. You can't just stick your hand in with six rows of teeth in there and removing them isn't easy. We have this pen (for puppies as it happens but its good for ferrets). We put the polecats in there some of the time. One night they ripped the zip open and ran riot in the living room. I casually strolled in there the next morning with 6 ferrets in tow and we had a small riot. Ferrets chasing polecats (if the polecats hadn't been kits it would have been the other way round). Catching these creatures is not easy. Ferrets are placid wee things. You can just scoop them up and they snuggle in. Polecats understandably want to avoid all human contact. Arrgh.

Boy did they bite.

Anyway it turns out that they couldn't be released back into the wild. Dave at the rescue tried breeding them (the wild polecat population is pretty vulnerable you understand). The biggest (Ginger Snap) has only gone and killed two of the others to protect her kits (about a month ago). Mean little things. The little runty boy, Speedy, was very sweet though. Never had any trouble from him. He's now about 4-5 times as broad - still wee for a polecat boy, though.

Me with Speedy:

Me with Ginger Snap:

One of the others:
Oh they bit straight through the glove. Bit pointless really. Dave has some police kevlar gloves (but he really needs them when he handles mink).

They have teeth like small daggers which just shred your flesh like butter.
Feeding them was a laugh.

We tried giving them day old chicks when they first arrived. You understand that runts are really competitive when it comes to food. They really go for it. Little Speedy grabbed the chick and ran off into a tunnel with 5 jills in hot pursuit. Lots of screaming and frenzied action then ensued.

Gave them a bowl of kibble in the middle of the floor one day. Speedy sat on it and screamed at anyone getting near. The jills took it in turns to run up steal some food and scamper off to safety.

One day we let Loki out who ate kibble in front of Speedy who freaked out. Loki who was about 3-4 times Speedy's weight just ignored him. Speedy didn't know what to do. Quite funny.

Ferrets are civilised in comparison.
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Are ferrets whiffy? I heard they were a bit pongy.
They look like ace pets.

They are extremely whiffy if they're not neutered and are adults. They occasionally spray like a skunk. Which isn't nice but it's not too bad. They have to be very distressed to do this though - usually when they're in a fight.

They are generally great pets though. They sleep about 16-18 hours a day so they're no bother. And when they play they go completely mental which is fun.
I saw a bloke on the street with one on a lead once. Must be fun walking them!

Have you ever stuffed them down your trousers?
I've never stuffed one down my trousers. It wouldn't be so bad in fact. They have claws so it would be uncomfortable but otherwise, meh. I don't see what the ferret has done to deserve to be stuffed down my trousers though. They sometimes sleep in my coat sleeves when I'm out with them. (I think the origins of stuffing ferrets down trousers is with poachers - hiding the ferret from the game keeper).

I too take mine for walks on the lead. Some of them run along side me. Some of them are awkward. If I can work out how to do it I might video my special wee jill who skips and jumps with delight as I run along side her.
I wonder why they aren't more popular as pets.
Can they be destructive of furnishings and possessions?

Not really. They have teeth like a cat's teeth so they don't chew things like a rodent might. They do sometimes dig up carpets. Powerful little digging legs. Worst feature - difficult to litter train. For this last reason it's easiest to keep them caged most of the time, which won't bother them as they'll be happily snoozing.
Well I'm in the mood for recounting stories. So I'll tell you about Misty.

She and her sister are our first ferrets and she's the brainbox. She escapes from her cage using Houdini genius. A year ago or so she escaped went into the spare room, into the airing cupboard, underneath the boiler, under the floor boards, around some tunnels and pipes between the house and the house next door, up through nextdoor's floor boards and across the bed of our next door neighbour. At 5 o'clock in the morning. Neighbour was surprised by this.

I never knew about this hole underneath the boiler. Anyway they were renovating the house next door and she made this a regular thing - she would watch TV with the builders on their tea break. And I never knew about it. She would disappear and I would be hunting for her and she would then just turn up. Anyway one day she disappeared all day and I was hunting and hunting for her. I checked everywhere I could think of in the house. Nothing. I didn't think she could get outside but I checked anyway. I ran all round the streets calling for her (she comes to her name but only when she fancies). Nothing. I went to the garage across the road. Nothing. I went to the co-op. Nothing.

Next morning I went outside and there she was waiting for me underneath the car. Turns out she had escaped from next door's house. In the weeks after I had been hearing reports of ferret sightings all round town. The garage across the way had nothing to do and the mechanics had been helping me. That was nice. A week later they banged on the door - "one of your ferrets has escaped!". Hmm. I didn't think so. But I went with them. And found Sandy:

Now that was before Sandy had discovered us. She was a lost, underweight, unwell little girl whom I had never seen before.

By complete coincidence we were taking the ferrets up to Dave's to get them mass inoculated at a cut down rate that evening. Other half was very surprised to find we had a new ferret when she got home. Anyway - ferrets are difficult with new comers. But on the way up to Dave's I sat in the passengers seat with Loki and Sandy and Loki just loved her and she loved him. They snuggled blissfully the whole journey. They all spent the night at Dave's and Misty and her smelly sister both escaped from their cages and broke into Sandy's and snuggled her some more.

Isn't that nice now?

Mind you all the girls screeched like hell at her when we all got home. Territory thing.
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