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Self-indulgent pet thread

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While I was in hospital, he fell out of a first floor window, bounced off the patio umbrella and landed on the patio.

He is always falling off the wall.

He allows himself to be bullied by the other dog.

When anyone walks through the front door they are pounced upon by Max. But only once he has found a shoe to bring them as a present.

And he follows me everywhere. *Sigh*

He's just stupid!!! :D But I do love him...
(((CRI))) Sorry for your loss and congrats on remembering to take one last picture of Herbie while he was still alive.
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Oh CRI :( I'm so sorry for your loss of Herbie. It's such a hard and painful decision to make even when you know it's the right thing to do. You did it out of love and you know he went peacefully and won't have to suffer anymore. Big hugs xxx
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Nigel just came upstairs, appeared to shit what turned out to be a minute slug (I guess clinging to her bum / feet) onto my desk, then threw up a mouthful of prawns.

tbf, she's eaten the best part of a 150g pack of Tesco's king prawns today, in addition to her own food. She can't really stop herself with king prawns. So I probably should've known better.

(The 150g of king prawns were the cheapest Tesco's had, btw. She'd usually get value prawns as a treat, but often struggles to finish a full pack of cat prawns; and that'll come in at a bit over £2.50 for 2-3 days' eating. She's clearly not so keen on value prawns, either - she's only eaten enough of them to throw up once. But that... man. Just a solid, four inch long mass of chewed prawns and cat stomach acid. When we'd only had her about 3 months. Good thing Artichoke was out, ay.)
Sad news about Herbert J. Gingercat, Esq.

One day there'll be a hell of a party over the Rainbow Bridge when we finally get to cross it. They'll say "Where the heck have you been. We've been waiting ages for you..."
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Thanks again everyone. Seriously touched by all this stuff. Gosh!

Hoping he'll intercede on my behalf with all those poor cats that got squashed on the busy highway outside the house when I was growing up, oh and all those neglected goldfish (if he doesn't eat them in the afterlife!) :D
and all those neglected goldfish (if he doesn't eat them in the afterlife!) :D

This is a difficult theological issue...

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Nigel just came upstairs, appeared to shit what turned out to be a minute slug (I guess clinging to her bum / feet) onto my desk, then threw up a mouthful of prawns.

If she has been poking about with slugs (assuming it was a slug and I've not just misunderstood a metaphore or euphemism) please do a worming treatment with a comprehensive spot-on wormer such as Stronghold - slugs can carry potentially fatal heartworm, so make sure you are regularly using a wormer that is effective against that parasite, not all of them cover that one.

CRI - I am so sorry to hear about Herbert, very sad news :(
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This is a difficult theological issue...


Maybe heaven doesn't exist.
Maybe pets (and humans) just die.
Maybe this isn't something to be sad about, but an opportune moment to realise we should make the most out of their (and our) brief lives as I'm sure CRI did, judging by the photos.
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is she fat or just really fluffy, I think it's fluffy but I'm not sure.

and psycho eye is awesome

Neither am I tbf, she won't let you touch her belly so I'll never know.

She barely eats any food I leave for her, I think she sneaks into next door via the dog flap and eats the dogs.
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