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Self-indulgent pet thread

Snake of a friend's son, Slippy. He's gorge.
beautiful! i just found out that you can breed snakes with spots with snakes with spots and the same with stripes. so i may mate my coastal with my jungle seeing as they both have stripes.
i had an old friend who stayed the other day, ex soldier/crime etc....well his missus rang up to let him know his favourite guinea pig had died...he was inconsolable!:(
SO lucky to have your pets from babies. I wish I'd seen our Stan as a kitten - he would have been a veritable fluff ball.

I really wish I'd had Lucy from a puppy, OES puppies are bloody gorgeous.

I miss the puppy days. : o
SO lucky to have your pets from babies. I wish I'd seen our Stan as a kitten - he would have been a veritable fluff ball.

Herbie kind of got dumped on my OH about 15 years ago by someone at work who was moving house. I've often wondered if he was such a whiny arse as a kitten! :D Oh, that Sparta having kittens video in Bandwidth made me want kittens!
i had an old friend who stayed the other day, ex soldier/crime etc....well his missus rang up to let him know his favourite guinea pig had died...he was inconsolable!:(
RIP to your mate. I saw the hardest-looking, hairy biker crying hysterically in the waiting room of Cambridge Cavy Trust after one of his "girls" had to be put to sleep. Each pig takes just a bit of your heart, so they do.
I live on a large council estate and he recently decided to start exploring it, but he often gets lost. So he has tag and a pet locator round his neck. And he's got a reflective collar.
My cat is trying (and succeeding) to fcuk my GF's cashmere blanket. I would take a pic but the sight of a cats pink cock is a bit much even for Urban.
My cat's taken to lying in the corner of my room licking her coat all night.

It sounds like you've got a pervert gently fapping in the corner of the room whilst you try and sleep :mad:
This morning my cat decided to take a swipe at my branflakes (and they were with soya not real milk, which he well knew).
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Was woken up by Artichoke this morning, bellowing like a wounded moose, excited that we had a new kitty in our garden. Sitting on the fence, just by the back door, proud as you like.

We let Nigel out (who clearly didn't see him), and began talking to the new kitty. Who is grade-A gorgeous. Five minutes later, Nigel twigs who / what we're talking to, and comes over... erm... hunched down and hesitant... but quite excited.

Little fucker hissed at Nigel, so I coated him with a handy bucket of water :D

e2a: which reminds me of the time that I had to put some cat prawns out back, because it was pissing it down and I CBA to go to the bins. Nigel hadn't eaten them, and they'd gotten to the point where they were stinking the whole house out. Unhappy prawns.

Through the window, Artichoke suddenly saw a black cat happily chomping away... We had visions of it going home, walking proudly through the back door, then throwing up rancid prawns all over someone's carpet. (Artichoke had visions this morning of a sopping wet kitty suddenly hurtling through someone's back door, and launching itself up towards fresh bedding :D)
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