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Self-indulgent pet thread

Is he just 'Schrodes'? or is it short for Schrodinger? Either way, class name for a cat
Schrodes is short for Schrodinger.

I'd already planning on naming him that, but when we got him we had just moved house and he immediately started playing with the empty boxes so it was almost inevitable really.
There's a fair bit of English in there, I recognise that smile from my own :cool:

he looks like it eh? i think the colouring does that, as well as the grin. but hes a bull arab x dane. that pic was taken when he was about 6 months old. we call him pony pup(aka boofhead) now, hes HUGE :)
he looks like it eh? i think the colouring does that, as well as the grin. but hes a bull arab x dane. that pic was taken when he was about 6 months old. we call him pony pup(aka boofhead) now, hes HUGE :)

It's his eyes, they're little like my bully xs

got a recent pic of his face?

eta: would help if i looked up :facepalm: :D
yes it is! thats my Ben dog. we love each other :)
cool as fuck. Your Ben Dog is beautiful (as are the rest of your clan, but I gots a bias view to staffy ridgeys, Rusty is a delight)
Would put some pics up, but my phone is being a cock end. I'll see if i can sort it out
I'd just like to add, in case anyone thinks she looks so incredibly cute, that her maj regularly likes to claw my face while I'm asleep :mad: Desperate attention-seeking ftw :hmm:
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My rats are too fast to get anything but sleeping shots at the moment. I've just spent 30minutes finger fighting with them, it seems my hand at least has been accepted as an honorary rat :D

Yep, the vast majority of my shots are usually just a tail or a blur of some sort :D The trick is to just take loads I find! And finger wrestling is the best; to my rats I am basically my hands I think...and when I have socks on, my feet are food :confused: :D
Oh yes, that was week ago Friday. He was having a few "tummy problems" so I made an appointment for him with a new (and absolutely fab) vet on Saturday morning, so he had a shower and haircut the night before. I escaped with relatively few injuries this time, probably because he was feeling a bit under the weather. He's fine now - sacked out in his basket. Mal's sparked on the floor next to him. Ah, cavy bliss!
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