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Self-indulgent pet thread

Kond and Gar are learning that coming to the cage door means treats , the other too are learning that they can steal the treats off Kond and Gar :rolleyes:
Massive improvement from Mu tonight , he's eating out my hand and sudden movements aren't scarring him off. So Kond, Mu and Gar are progressing well. Montser still hasn't learnt coming to the cage door means a treat but I think he is stealing treats off the others so I may need to separate them to teach him that one. I'm not sure who will be dominant rat but for some reason even though he is smaller than the rest (he's half the size of Kond) I think it may be Mu after watching him today.
Okay, I swear I had clicked on the link to the "up the duff thread" and got a little freaked out when I read this;

Massive improvement from Mu tonight , he's eating out my hand and sudden movements aren't scarring him off. So Kond, Mu and Gar are progressing well. Montser still hasn't learnt coming to the cage door means a treat but I think he is stealing treats off the others so I may need to separate them to teach him that one. I'm not sure who will be dominant rat but for some reason even though he is smaller than the rest (he's half the size of Kond) I think it may be Mu after watching him today.
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Mr. Kippers went for his annual check up this morning...and he has to have one of his fangs out :( It is, as the vet pointed out, already falling out - which we hadn't noticed although now it is so obvious as it protrudes much further down than the other one! - so it is antibiotics for a few days then the cat dentist :(

He did get his own back by hissing at the vet...twice! And I did laugh at his indignant little face when the vet was listening to his chest :oops::D
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I'm unsure of Bobs actual age as an ex- "acquired" him many years ago - many years ago is probably about 15 years and he was about 2-3 then - so he's got a potential age of 16-18 years old

I took him to the vets when we first started feeding him and was told that he had a heart murmur - he's always been massively nervous around, well, anyone actually. When we moved to our current house he stayed in the airing cupboard for about a month, only coming out for food and "facilities" when he eventually came out of the cupboard and went out for the first time he vanished for nearly 3 days - we both thought that he'd run off, never to be seen again - then, about 2 o'clock in the morning I felt a "bump" on the bed and he'd come back into the house (catflap) and went to sleep on the bed - we were so happy that night
Mr. Kippers went for his annual check up this morning...and he has to have one of his fangs out :( It is, as the vet pointed out, already falling out - which we hadn't noticed although now it is so obvious as it protrudes much further down than the other one! - so it is antibiotics for a few days then the cat dentist :(

He did get his own back by hissing at the vet...twice! And I did laugh at his indignant little face when the vet was listening to his chest :oops::D

Cats are meant to have annual check ups?

I only had mine checked when I first got her.....

I keep forgetting to frontline her too actually.. *makes mental note to brush knot out and frontline.
Cats are meant to have annual check ups?

I only had mine checked when I first got her.....

I keep forgetting to frontline her too actually.. *makes mental note to brush knot out and frontline.
I think they are supposed to .... but then I am supposed to have an annual check up at the dentist every year but ho hum :oops::D

I'd keep up with the Frontline though, Mr. Kippers had fleas once and it was horrid. Really irritated him and got everywhere, including my socks!
Yeah I will definately front line her too...

I cant worm her, she just will not eat tablets, and tries to claw my eyes out when I want to give her them :(
Watch out with Front line - "some" fleas are becoming immune to it - as we found out with Rusty - she's really sensitive to flea bites and we have her on the 6 month front line injection AND still ended up using Front line dab on top up - this ended up stopping working so we had to try another solution - the vets seem to know about this but some still persist in punting out Front Line (almost) knowing it's a waste of money
Bob Martins over the counter stuff is poor - the vets do have another prescription anti flea thing - can't remember what it's called though - the vet should know - just watch out for your cat if it's sensitive to flea bites
Bob Martins over the counter stuff is poor - the vets do have another prescription anti flea thing - can't remember what it's called though - the vet should know - just watch out for your cat if it's sensitive to flea bites

Advocate. One way its better than frontline is that the volume of liquid is about half so there's half as much fuss ;)
Advocate. One way its better than frontline is that the volume of liquid is about half so there's half as much fuss ;)

Advocate also protects against lungworm which frontline doesn't. Lungworm's deadly so we mostly use that now with frontline every now and again for tick protection.

Whilst I'm here, have some hairies.


Yeah I will definately front line her too...

I cant worm her, she just will not eat tablets, and tries to claw my eyes out when I want to give her them :(
you can get drop on stuff for worms too. We have used it for years, it makes life so much easier.
you can get drop on stuff for worms too. We have used it for years, it makes life so much easier.

maybe I should look into that

I know I'm really lax, but she's never really been ill except when I got her, and she'd arrived ill from the RSPCA place (dickie tummy)
Cats need annual jabs, don't they? Ours keeps her appointment at the dreaded V.E.T. faithfully (and miaows piteously throughout).
How quickly should Frontline take to kill ticks? I do not use it on Alfie regularly/as a matter of course (i.e. every four weeks as recommended by vets/the manufacturer) because of concerns about the long-term effects of fipronil - but I do use it when we're going somewhere where ticks are particularly prevalent. So for example I used it when we went to the Highlands for a fortnight last year and I used it a couple of weeks back when we went to Devon...

Last year, I noticed plenty of ticks on him when we were in Scotland, but they were all dead. But after coming back from Devon, we've found two - both very much alive and properly embeded. He could have picked these up in London after we got back - but he should have still been protected by the Frontline. It can only be effective as a treatment, surely, if it prevents the tick from feeding?
My rattie is really sick again. She's having trouble just moving about, when she's usually jumping all over the shop :( Not easy getting medication in her either.
She never seems to have any real problems with itches or anything, I've never seen her outside of my garden and wot let us near her let alone other animals.

View attachment 19740


is one big



She's lovely and if she ever needs a good home . . . . pm me . . . she's obviously starved and neglected . . . you can nearly see her ribs
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