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Self-indulgent pet thread

Today she's been pooing and vomiting a lot too. Any time notspent outdoors is spent cleaningup after her. I'm pissed off with her owner for dumping this on me - I'm going to have to stay up all night to make up my missed work. And it looks like poor Xena's going to have to be put down. :(
Just domestic long hair. He has a brother (sleeping in the garden at the time of the picture) who looks almost identical, only thinner. Their mother is short hair and jet-black, so I guess they got their father's looks.

From that picture I like the gremlin which is sitting in the fire place!
The hot weather has already got to Luke. Seems more like he's passed out rather than having a nap!

All the boys got to go out today, although they didn't want to stay out long because of the heat.

Herb possessed while gorging on grass (then vomiting in a spectacular fashion almost on my shoe.)

Griff and Mal snarffing grass (but thankfully anatomically incapable of vomiting anywhere.)

There will be pictures of the new additions to my house coming up later, they have names (sort of I've got 3 names so I need one more and I need to decide who will get each name) and they are having fun settling in and exploring the rat tower.
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We're seeing nothing of Nigel atm. She slept out (for the first time ever*) two nights ago. Artichoke was working a 2.30am (starting time) shift, and I stayed up 'til 4, and Artichoke got home at 07:30; Nigel only came in (briefly) at 7.30, ate her fill, then fucked off again! Oh, the rudeness.

Last night, Artichoke went out into the garden, grabbed the cat, and hauled her inside. I think as a consequence, she's spent FAR more time inside today (she's literally visited me upstairs - from the catladder - 3 times, totalling maybe 20mins).

But she's clearly making the most of the weather.

Even if - whenever she's outside - she does make weird distress noises at the heat. And spend all her time in the shade.
We're seeing nothing of Nigel atm. She slept out (for the first time ever*) two nights ago. Artichoke was working a 2.30am (starting time) shift, and I stayed up 'til 4, and Artichoke got home at 07:30; Nigel only came in (briefly) at 7.30, ate her fill, then fucked off again! Oh, the rudeness.

Last night, Artichoke went out into the garden, grabbed the cat, and hauled her inside. I think as a consequence, she's spent FAR more time inside today (she's literally visited me upstairs - from the catladder - 3 times, totalling maybe 20mins).

But she's clearly making the most of the weather.

Even if - whenever she's outside - she does make weird distress noises at the heat. And spend all her time in the shade.

Using your house just like a hotel, cats these days dont know their born :mad:

Maybe she's meant a boy cat and been going out on the town? Nigel is a girl right?
Awwww looks just like one of mine! Male or female? Are they babies/young'uns, or older rescues?
edit: oh I'm guessing they're babies if they haven't got names!

4 male babies, they range from 8-12 weeks, 1 seems to have disappeared but I think he's just stuck at the bottom of the pile and another is lying away from the others. I'm sure they will all get on fine though.
Smanks would like to go out too.

But he has to wait for his second round of shots :(

meanwhile he sits on the window sill watching his half sister sunning herself :D
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