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Self-indulgent pet thread

Ingredients: Surimi (46%); Water; Wheat Starch; Humectant: Sorbitol; Salt; Sugar; Crab Extract; Soya Bean Oil; Soya Protein; ; Rice Wine; Crab Flavouring; Egg White Powder; Colour: Capsanthin, Cochineal.Surimi contains: Textured White Fish (95%), Sugar, Stabilisers: Sodium Polyphosphate, Tetrasodium Diphosphate. :hmm:
I rest my case.
By the time I'd hit 'cochineal,' Artichoke definitely wasn't hearing a report on my findings :D We've had a tacit agreement on these things, since the time she brought home a couple of TTD panacottas :D
I made a calendar as a Christmas present for Mrs Chap. This month's photo is Lily as a puppy...

How come white bibs and socks are so common? There must be something quite specific and moderately genetic about those areas :hmm:
You're thinking there's a very prolific white-paws-and-bib tomcat out there somewhere? :D
tbf, even then, I'd be interested in why those specific areas of colouration were passed on consistently by that tom cat. Your alternative thesis doesn't answer my research question, in other words. It merely poses another root cause for bib- and sock-specific fur colour homogeneity.
Why thank you! He ain't bad for an old man of probably 15 (and every bit as smug as he looks!)
Ha ha, he's got one tail already (actually yesterday he thought it was an alien, judging by his attempts to kill it!) and hates hats.
Luke's day is proving to be just as relaxed as mine today (which is obviously very chilled as I've got time to snap pictures of him and post them on Urban)!

It's sounds silly but in a small way I feel like I got one over Luke in his choice of locations to chill. We all know how much cats like to resist anything we prepare especially for them, for instance get them a scratching post and they'll ignore it and rip up the sofa. Anyway the rug was arranged in such a way that Luke would have a favourite spot in the living room which enables both of us to keep an eye on each other. Much to my surprise this is one of Luke's favourite spots.

Thanks sojourner! On the same theme of being one step ahead of your cat here's another picture.

When it's raining, Luke, in common with many cats, likes nothing better than to go outside to get wet and then come back in to rub his feet on your bed and dry off again before popping out on the prowl again. When a proper nap is in order Luke prefers this spot on the bed. When it's raining in order to stay one step ahead of the feline muck spreader in I put a towel over his favourite quiet place.

Oh so do I! He just sat there with that gormless look on his face, raising his "eyebrows" occasionally. Amazing wee pig.
Yep, a whole month. It's going to be really hard. We curl up together every single night on the sofa and fall asleep. He's become a lot more attached to me over the past 12 months as he's getting a bit older now (he's 12). I'm not ashamed to say I love him a stupid amount and I'll miss him terribly :(
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