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Self-indulgent pet thread

Oh, poor kitteh :( Beautiful, too. Lovely belly! :D
I hope you've got suitable quantities of slaves to attend to his needs in your absence?

Indeed, he will be well looked after. He's used to me being around most of the time though, since I'm one of the great unwashed (student). I'm told he'll be given lots of tickles while I'm gone though. So I'm sure he'll be fine. I'll be the one who feels it more I'm sure :D
Proud pig parent today. Griff featured twice in the latest issue of Guinea Pig Magazine, once in the "Greedy Pigs" gallery and the other in a feature on travelling with guinea pigs (an old photo with his late companion Celyn.) Mal's a bit miffed that he got left out though. Maybe next issue!
just occasionally he'll sit and stare at them for long periods.

Bakunin posting.

'Soon, my tasty, crunchy, meaty little morsels...'

She's beeeeautiful trashpony! I so love black kitties. They're hard to photograph though so you've done an amazing job.
I like the way they leave little poops on the screen. Freaks the hell out of Griff & Malcolm when I click on the pigs and they squeak.
Why the fuck do cats HAVE to sit on the important stuff?! You put ANYTHING down on our kitchen table, and our two have their fucking arses on it so fast you don't see em move! :mad:
Why the fuck do cats HAVE to sit on the important stuff?! You put ANYTHING down on our kitchen table, and our two have their fucking arses on it so fast you don't see em move! :mad:

You mean you dare to convey the heresy that you have things in your life more important than the kittehs?

Teh kittehz will not approve, methinks. And will arrange punishment that is dire indeed...
Why the fuck do cats HAVE to sit on the important stuff?! You put ANYTHING down on our kitchen table, and our two have their fucking arses on it so fast you don't see em move! :mad:
Usually, Artichoke goes to bed before me.

Nigel will sit on the spare sofa seat, usually on a cushion, and fall asleep. Until I pick up my laptop / get on with some marking - and the minute I do that, you can guarantee she'll crack open with a staged yawn, and ever so slowly clamber into the miniscule gap between my stomach and work.
She's just waiting for you to get the hint and do what she wants.
Mine spends whole hours in the evening sitting on the far side of the room, eyes fixed on my face, conveying in every possible way, 'Go the fuck to bed, damn you!'
As soon as I'm in bed and the light goes out, I hear a patter of paws across the bedroom, then the sound of a tubby tabby leaping onto the bedside table, and then walking all over my back until she's found the precise spot which she wants to sleep in (usually right in the middle of the bed, so I have to sleep *around* her).
What kind of cat is Simba? (apart from gorgeous)
Just domestic long hair. He has a brother (sleeping in the garden at the time of the picture) who looks almost identical, only thinner. Their mother is short hair and jet-black, so I guess they got their father's looks.
The dog Iook after has cancer and only a couple of months to live. She's still happy when she's here, though, because she gets lots of attention and playtime with my dog, and to look at her you'd never know she was ill.

However, I think this might have to be the last time I look after her, because she's pissing all the time. This morning the entire living room floor was covered in piss - seriously the ENTIRE floor; it took 45 minutes and four rolls of kitchen towel to clean it up, and the decorative box I used to store my work in was so covered in piss I've had to throw it away and will have to spend about fifty quid replacing it. And I've had to spend the rest of the day out when I need to be working, standing up when my period's so incredible painful that standing up hurts like hell. I had wondered why her owner kept asking if I was definitely working from home - he was doing that thing where people assume working from home means 'not actually working and able to drop everything.' :(

Not the poor old dog's fault, though.

The dog Iook after has cancer and only a couple of months to live. She's still happy when she's here, though, because she gets lots of attention and playtime with my dog, and to look at her you'd never know she was ill.

However, I think this might have to be the last time I look after her, because she's pissing all the time. This morning the entire living room floor was covered in piss - seriously the ENTIRE floor; it took 45 minutes and four rolls of kitchen towel to clean it up, and the decorative box I used to store my work in was so covered in piss I've had to throw it away and will have to spend about fifty quid replacing it. And I've had to spend the rest of the day out when I need to be working, standing up when my period's so incredible painful that standing up hurts like hell. I had wondered why her owner kept asking if I was definitely working from home - he was doing that thing where people assume working from home means 'not actually working and able to drop everything.' :(

Not the poor old dog's fault, though.


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