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Self-indulgent pet thread

The great stationary adventure (the photos don't quite do the manic activity justice):


Post-stationary exhaustion:
I love guinea pigs. Our last pig, Harry Houdini, lived to 4.5 years. When he ate celery, he smelled of it. He was the cutest, fattest, most well-fed guinea pig ever, and was more than able to hold his own against my sister's yorkie (also named Harry). [Guinea pig lovers, look away NOW!] Come the revolution I will breed them as an alternative to eating rats :) </evil IP>

Oh goodness that takes me back.
The smell of celery on them after they have eaten it :D
And they don't mind?

I thought whiskers were particularly sensitive; though, admittedly, mostly at the bulb / head rather than down their length...

He's not keen on having his forehead and top of his head shaved, but that's mostly to do with the instinct to look out for predators from above and not wanting their view blocked (they'll sometimes head butt if you cover their eyes.) What he hates most is having his arse hair cut. He'll leap and flounce and kick and risk castration! Basically just have to manhandle him to do that and keep my flesh far away as possible from his gnashers. Whiskers he doesn't seem that fussed about.
He's not keen on having his forehead and top of his head shaved, but that's mostly to do with the instinct to look out for predators from above and not wanting their view blocked (they'll sometimes head butt if you cover their eyes.) What he hates most is having his arse hair cut. He'll leap and flounce and kick and risk castration! Basically just have to manhandle him to do that and keep my flesh far away as possible from his gnashers. Whiskers he doesn't seem that fussed about.
Is there any clinical reason for shaving your pigs?

Or is it so they're prettier?
I only shave around his face and chops with one of those sort of comb/razors so I can see his eyes (and he can see!) I've tried clippers with the rest but scissors seem to work best. His fur grows about an inch a month, so if I didn't cut it he'd be tripping over it after a while and even before that, it gets harder to groom. He's pretty high maintenance, but the cuteness (whether long or short furred) kind of makes up for it! :)
Is Nigel praying?
It's not one of her conventional poses :hmm:

Though Artichoke's coming home tonight, and that means 'welcome back, Nigel's evening curfew.' (Artichoke locks her inside so that she can snuggle the kitty, even though the poor cat promptly fucks off upstairs and falls asleep, meaning Artichoke gets no additional snuggles anyway.)

So she might well've been.
Love the Mr Kippers twizzling shots. Don't love Luke's (but he's gorge!) Anyone told Jangles her teddy's upside down? :)
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