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Self-indulgent pet thread

Mal looking noble.

Actually, you don't realise just how accurate that comparison his! He most certainly is a diminutive dictator. :D
I love Mal and Griff :D

Schrodes is in a mad mood, he keeps pouncing at my ankles and attacking invisible enemies that live in the duvet.View attachment 18043

Radar gets that facial expression (when he's doing the pouncing and attacking random things, knocking things off shelves, diving into cupboards, trying to eat Nate's headphones), we call it his "naughty face".

You didn't get him from somewhere near Hither Green did you? I have often wondered whether he might be related to Radar :D
It's those kind of wild glazed staring eyes. I got him from a place in Peckham Rye so it's not inconceivable that they're related, he has a lot of the same characteristics, and by that I mean that he's a right git :D

Edited to add: I'm on something like my seventh pair of headphones, and he's only three and a half.
It's those kind of wild glazed staring eyes. I got him from a place in Peckham Rye so it's not inconceivable that they're related, he has a lot of the same characteristics, and by that I mean that he's a right git :D

Edited to add: I'm on something like my seventh pair of headphones, and he's only three and a half.

It's just that there's something about Shrodes that is so similar to Radar, and it's not just that they have similar markings (although Radar has slightly more black and is a bit more pointy in the face and leggy), it's also about your descriptions of his spirit and behaviour, a lot of it sounds very familiar and Radar is not an 'ordinary' cat in those terms and doesn't have much in common with most cats in terms of personality, I can't help but wonder if they had the same father (on account of his father was the black & white, but mostly white, stray) or something.
The woman I got Schrodes from said that she didn't know which cat was the father. The mother was black with a white chin and all the other kittens were predominantly black with little bits of white. But all the other kittens were also described by her young children as "boring"

Schrodes was climbing bookshelves and jumping onto people when he was four weeks old apparently :D
The woman I got Schrodes from said that she didn't know which cat was the father. The mother was black with a white chin and all the other kittens were predominantly black with little bits of white. But all the other kittens were also described by her young children as "boring"

Schrodes was climbing bookshelves and jumping onto people when he was four weeks old apparently :D

:D sounds familiar.

Genetically, for Schrodes to be mostly white, when his mother only had a white chin, his father would likely have had a fair amount of white on him as the effects of the white spotting gene isn't one of those easy dominant/recessive things - if a cat has a lot of white and his mother had only a little bit of white then it's a fair bet that the father also had a lot of white - typically matings of 2 "paws and mask" B&W type cats result in "paws and mask" kittens, whereas a "high white" x "small white patches" type mating will result in a mix of both, so I think the father must have had a lot of white on him.

Cats can also have a litter that has different fathers, a female cat releases many ova at a time so if they mate with several males over a short period of time (which is thought to be the case for around 80% of uncontrolled feline matings/pregnancies) different ova can get fertilised by sperm from different males and often if there is an 'odd one out' in terms of looks in a litter it may be that they have a different father than the others.
I want one now. How long do they last before they wear out?
Oh, up to 7 or 8 years, but depends if they get any health problems as they tend to hide it well (being prey items) and often by the time you realise they're sick, it's too late to do much. My oldest pig was Kurt. He was a rescue, belonged to a policeman who decided he had too many pets (yes, he was a pig's pig,) and I suspect he'd been kept with a rabbit. The rescue thought he was about 3 so that means he lived to be 7 or thereabouts.
Is being kept with a rabbit bad? Cos I think my sister's rabbit mistreated her guinea pig incessantly judging by the noise it made every night
Is being kept with a rabbit bad? Cos I think my sister's rabbit mistreated her guinea pig incessantly judging by the noise it made every night

Rabbits can be aggressive towards piggies. They also eat different food. And then there is the raping.
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i'm introducing (on shaky ground) Shouty Cat to the thread. He's not actually my pet, just lives on our street, but he makes my life that little bit nicer. he's quite fond of just marching up and down our street yelling his head off, with the occasional stop for headscratches and fusses.

i'd not seen him for ages, and then today he was waiting when i got back from the shop..


he's just got this fantastically world weary expression :)

I like shouty cat :D

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has named the local cats based on their characteristics, we have Anti-Schrodes (he looks like a negative of my cat and is constantly running away, I have a theory that if they ever touch they will explode) ManBearCat (a giant hulking black cat that honestly looks like a miniature grizzly bear and wanders around spraying everything) and Angry Cat (a brown tabby with pistachio coloured eyes who sits on a wheelie bin scowling at passers-by and occasionally taking pot shots if you walk too close)
I have a photo of ManBearCat! Although not a very good one :hmm:

I heard some awful yowling in the garden just now and when I looked out of the window ManBearCat was serenading a BEHEMOTH of a cat under the bushes.

ManBearCat is on the left, he's about twice the size of my cat. The new addition must be about 7-8kg :eek:

2012-04-09 19.59.27.jpg
It's good for the cat, sadly I have no direct access and the gate is almost always locked so I don't really use it.
Rabbits can be aggressive towards piggies. They also eat different food. And then there is the raping.
Yep, definite no no putting a bun and a pig together. All sorts of problems. Pigs like company, so it's two boars or any number of sows (or a "tutored" boar and sows,) for happiness.
Well, usually quite a few of the whiskers go with it I'm afraid. Not sure what the purpose of whiskers on a guinea pig is - not like a cat or anything. Some of Griff's are short and curly and some long and straight because his fur is so weird. They grow back faster than the other hair.
And they don't mind?

I thought whiskers were particularly sensitive; though, admittedly, mostly at the bulb / head rather than down their length...
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