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Self-indulgent pet thread

I'm bastardising an original joke, but was - I'm sad to say - tremendously pleased when I realised it could also be applied to this situation :D
Sounds like a good idea! How will carpet hold up in weather?

Though the traction (for little claws) should still be there.

We're almost inevitably moving in the next 6 months, and even if we knew we were moving to a place where I'd have a 1st floor office looking over a back garden, there's no way we'll be able to transport a nearly-6-metre cat ladder.

So the weather resistance shouldn't really be too much of a problem.
Not mine by the way.
A neighbour's.
Don't have to feed it.
Don't have to deal with litter.
Just have to sit on the sofa with the back door open and five different cats come visiting. :cool:
The top picture I should really have a soundtrack of him miaowing over and over in increasingly loud demands for the plate of Sheba :D
Imperious cat is imperious.
Is he ever! When I brought the pigs in, he literally turned his back to them, facing the wall. He really can't stand them. They've tried to be friends, but have just about given up. You can sort of see the resignation in their little hairy faces sometimes.
All the beasts in bed this morning.

I keep coming back to look at this pic 'cos it makes me smile! :) Guinea pig faces are just sooo great!! Plus the expression on Mr. Imperious cat makes me laugh :D I love it when cats just ignore things by pretending they don't exist!
Imperious cat is imperious.
I love guinea pigs. Our last pig, Harry Houdini, lived to 4.5 years. When he ate celery, he smelled of it. He was the cutest, fattest, most well-fed guinea pig ever, and was more than able to hold his own against my sister's yorkie (also named Harry). [Guinea pig lovers, look away NOW!] Come the revolution I will breed them as an alternative to eating rats :) </evil IP>
Ah, they don't breed as fast as rats though! I can't stand celery, but buy it for them of course. They mainly smell like hay - well at the moment, they also smell like Lush stuff as it was bath night on Saturday (also explains the moulting on the bed!). I do love to inhale a fresh rodent!

Herbie cat smells pretty good, despite his lack of baths, but man, his breath honks.
CRI said:
Ah, they don't breed as fast as rats though!
hehe - That's the unique selling point! One fat gourmet pig will therefore fetch a higher food-exchange rate on high-days-and-holidays. :D

I've heard tales of guinea pigs lasting 13 years, but always these tales have been told by (now grown-up) ex-children, and honestly I wondered if their parents had sneakily replaced the pig-qui-est-mort while they were sleeping ... :confused:
I've heard tales of guinea pigs lasting 13 years, but always these tales have been told by (now grown-up) ex-children, and honestly I wondered if their parents had sneakily replaced the pig-qui-est-mort while they were sleeping ... :confused:
Jesus. We had Netherland Dwarf rabbits. My parents got 'em expecting them to last 2-3 years, and after eight years (IIRC) we finally gave them away. They basically spent the last 4 or 5 years being tended to by my parents (and perfectly adequately fed / watered) but essentially left to their own devices.

e2a: I'd add... my parents partly used our disinterest as a justification for not getting us a dog. And it's, like, well... you got us shit pets when we wanted a dog. We weren't particularly interested in shit pets. OF COURSE we were disinterested. This does not mean we'd be disinterested in something decent, like a dog!
e2a: I'd add... my parents partly used our disinterest as a justification for not getting us a dog. And it's, like, well... you got us shit pets when we wanted a dog. We weren't particularly interested in shit pets. OF COURSE we were disinterested. This does not mean we'd be disinterested in something decent, like a dog!
I totally agree with you! Remember this when you have your own children!!!
Remember this when you have your own children!!!
Man, if Artichoke's anything to go by, we're currently aiming for 2 alpacas, 1 spaniel-sized rescue dog (I'm against Jack Russells as they're little yappy mentalist bastards, but that's what she's broadly aiming for), my black labrador, at least 2 cats, and her personal breeding intentions swing anywhere between 2 and 5 sprogs (usually centring on 3).
Man, if Artichoke's anything to go by, we're currently aiming for 2 alpacas, 1 spaniel-sized rescue dog (I'm against Jack Russells as they're little yappy mentalist bastards, but that's what she's broadly aiming for), my black labrador, at least 2 cats, and her personal breeding intentions swing anywhere between 2 and 5 sprogs (usually centring on 3).
Wouldn't mind a couple alpacas myself. How on earth we don't have a house stuffed with stray creatures, I don't know.

I had the obligatory dog and a string of cats that mostly met grisly ends on the busy road out front of the house, and a couple of sadly neglected buns. Parents still ended up doing most of the care for the lot. Never, ever, ever get even a goldfish expecting kids will look after it or it will "teach them responsibility."

I wasn't allowed anything "rat like" as a child, so have been making up for that over the past 15 years. Rodents are wasted on the young I think.
CRI do you have any videos of mal and griff? I'd love to see them in action! If only because they almost don't look real to me :hmm: :D
Somewhere I've got one of Griff playing piano, but no idea how to upload it here. They are real, honest. At the moment, both are sparked out, but still breathing!
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