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Self-indulgent pet thread

Your griff looks like a big ball of fur with eyes and nose. When he walks, does he look like a moving ball of fur? :D

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In this picture, Artichoke is noisily peck-kissing my arm. Nigel is irritated.


In this picture, Artichoke is kissing Nigel instead. Nigel approves, as this is where kisses are correctly directed. NB: Artichoke suspects some of you may be serial stalkers and / or weirdos, so I've substituted her face for that of Prince Harry on a shooting range, so that anyone who tries to stalk her ends up stalking Prince Harry instead.


In this picture, Nigel has been kissed, everyone else has stopped kissing anyone or anything; most importantly, no-one is kissing anything other than Nigel. Nigel is, thus, content. All is well with her world, and relaxation may begin in earnest.

He's very, very attached to me; I don't think he'd actually want to leave - he probably fell off the windowbox, the clumsy animal, and then managed to make his way out but couldn't get back in.

Please tell me you've found him...
Please tell me you've found him...

I have - kept meaning to post and forgetting to.

He turned up at 2am, yowling in the dry moat between my window and the outside. I think he'd been wandering until then and fell down while trying to get home. If he'd been there the whole time then he'd have responded to me calling, or I'd have heard him before. Besides, he didn't seem scared of the outside any more and the dog thought his private parts smelt fascinating, so I suspect they'd been busy.

I had to get a rope, tie it to his cat-carrier and lower it down with some food inside it, then lower it down again with the door facing him because he just kept staring at my torch. He seems very happy to be home and I'm very happy to have him home - he is a much lovelier cat than I've ever had before. :)

The windows are not opening more than an inch from now on.

The cat's asleep on my desk; my keyboard is on my lap; but today I'm proofing a 92 page draft of one of the chapters of my thesis. So I'm having to hold it in the air whilst the cat sleeps, with the keyboard on my lap :mad:

e2a: still there.

My cat has an uncanny ability to step on the Delete button when least convenient. :D
Nigel bluescreened my old Dell at least once per day whilst it was running Vista. I never worked out wtf she was hitting (and couldn't replicate whatever it was she was doing), but I'd come back from brewing a coffee and there'd be a happy cat and an utterly upfucked Dell.
my ex-cat puked on my ex-flatmate's laptop and permanently borked the keyboard
We have been through 3 keyboards in our house due to pukey cat. The BF gets nagged at a lot for leaving the lid of the laptop open in case it happens on that!
This mornings present - a mummified frog. God knows where they got that from. It grossed Mr Shakes out even more than the live one:D We put collars on them but they manage to get out of them within a day, so I expect regular presents
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