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Self-indulgent pet thread

Just got back from the toilet to find one of these in my desk drawer:


I strongly suspect she was flinging the bag around with her teeth (not uncommon) when the baggie top broke open :D

e2a: a bit like this:
That drawer is clearly a trap, what with the soft scarf and the catnip.
There are scarves in nooks all over the room :D

Our bedroom is just down the corridor. When Artichoke goes to bed and I'm working late, Nigel'll sometimes come and sit with me. If she then tries to go back to the bedroom, she'll boot the door open; and the next thing I know there're outraged squeals, grumbles and bellows coming from a half-awake Artichoke, who can't abide light, and who can't be arsed to get up and walk the half-metre to the bedroom door.

So if I can keep the kitty secure... everyone's a winner :D (Most recently, she's only consented to sleeping on a phat beige loose-knit scarf positioned exactly where my keyboard should be, whilst I type on my lap).
I got savaged by a 6 month old EBT once.

Pub landlady: "He'll bite you if you keep doing that" ('That' being holding him upside down and shaking him)

Me: "No he wo.. ARRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!"

My brother loves EBT's. His first, Harvey, was adorable. I met him when he was a pup and we bonded well. I used to look after him when my bro went on holiday. He now has one called Horace and the poor thing has a bit of a nervous disorder. First time I met him I had to not look him in the eye, not stroke him and pretty much ignore him until he got used to me. After that, he was lovely. I've a photo of him somewhere actually, I'll try and dig it out.
Oh Lizzie, he is gorgeous.

Harry and Stinky have decided that drinking out of glasses is fun. They've never drunk much water at home before, but I noticed that when it was snowing recently they were drinking a lot more. I couldn't understand it till Mr Shakes pointed out that all of their outside watering places would be frozen:facepalm: This was when they started drinking out of any glasses left with water in them, now they won't stop.

Despite the bedroom door being shut last night, Stinky somehow managed to break in and woke me up in the wee hours drinking my glass of water off the bedside table and doing a hideous fart in my face
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