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Self-indulgent pet thread

Yeah they like to jump about, and need things like dust baths and places to dig.
I'm surprised your friend's were nervy. Every time I go into the pet shop they are the only animals there that seem curious about the people looking at them, will come up to you and smell/lick your hand etc. (although that might also be because they are diurnal and most other small animals in pet stores aren't). I read that it takes a lot to frighten them, and they definitely seem more confident than my ratties are around strangers.

Tbf I'm quite nervy with teeny tiny animals, so it may well have been that

"it's my hand, and you can't have it":

The Virgin Nigel:


Mmm, delicious toes:
The Virgin Nigel is classic. And your house (or at least your tabletop) is too clean:p . Are you trying to make an attempt on Maru's worldwide domination of the cute cat/dazzlingly hygienic home photo market?
The Virgin Nigel is classic. And your house (or at least your tabletop) is too clean:p . Are you trying to make an attempt on Maru's worldwide domination of the cute cat/dazzlingly hygienic home photo market?
Artichoke's desk.

This is my desk:

For reasons that I've yet to understand, Artichoke's desk is at the front of the house, where we get sunshine all day. Mine's at the back of the house, which gets grey light until 3 minutes before sunset when I get the final rays. Artichoke works away from home all day; I work at home all day, usually on a laptop in her 'room', so's I get some sunshine. When she's at her desk, she pulls the curtain, so's the sun doesn't shine in her face.

It's all very very :facepalm: but very very non-negotiable :facepalm:
Id totes sit around playing xmacbox all day

I wanna work from home :( In my pants :(
I don't wear pants, as a rule. Dressing gown plus commando style all the way (until 17:30, which is gym-before-artichoke-gets-home time).

Having said that, today I'm in jeans and a t-shirt because I went out to buy bacon earlier.

e2a: I will admit that work is lightly to take a temporary dive when Bioshock 2 is released. Unless it's shortly before my next supervision.

Not for mac it hasn't, ou.

oh right, i assumed you had a console. i can't imagine playing games on a PC, let alone mac.
I was disappointed by Bioshock 2 and didn't get very far with it.
Bioshock Infinite looks MIGHTY though.
All academic as I no longer have a console.
Or a pet for that matter.

^^^ Nigel was walking past as I opened this thread.


Cat battling toes / her chair:

I do this sometimes late at night, when the lights're out, and I can't quite get to sleep. Lots of silence, followed by FURIOUS squeaks and hunting noises :D

And her slightly annoyed lookout for any incoming toes after the initial battle'd finished:
The first mouse catch of the season at 11pm last night. Not sure who caught it but they were sharing playing with it. Couldn't get if off Harry and he was munching away on it so we chucked them out of the house. Really not looking forward to the animal collection this year. We only got them last summer and they were still very cautious after being rescued and settling in so not too many surprises. My Shakes is vegan so isn't so keen on disposing of dead animals!
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