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Self-indulgent pet thread

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IF that works, it's the sound of a very happy cat :thumbs:

e2a: Oh, man, fuck that. Any decent .wav hosting sites?
Christmas kitty!



Poor pugsley cat :( He's manage to cut his paw in two somehow :( He keeps hopping up to me, meeping and waving his paw at me :( 302139_10150384190267405_500957404_8118094_236879634_n.jpg
Awww pugsley, it's horrible when they're not feeling good.

One of my dogs has an ear infection, he was scratching at his ear and made it bleed. I cleaned it up and put drops in, today it's much better but he was reet pathetic yesterday.
OK seeing as it's pathetic cat time, here's Fig (Figwig, Figlet, Figgles etc) wiv her bruk leg earlier this year...

(sadly she died not long after... :(:()



"what the fuck have you cunts done to my leg??"
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