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Self-indulgent pet thread

You can't stop Piccaso from painting, you can't stop Flatley from tapping his toes, and you can't stop Tyler and Rusty from doing the dance of he flashing knashers. :D
My new kitten Alfie. Got him on Monday. Three months old, purrs non-stop, always happy and cheeky and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the cuteness of it all. :)


Thanks ! I'd sworn off forums, but I now have this compulsion to flood the Internet with pictures of my kitten.
Welcome Alfie! He is so cute I want to put him in my pocket!

I want a ginger cat next time we get one. I'm still working on trying to convince the BF though, he is gingerist!
Welcome Alfie! He is so cute I want to put him in my pocket!

I want a ginger cat next time we get one. I'm still working on trying to convince the BF though, he is gingerist!
Be warned, marmalade tabbies know they look more than averagely sweet and take advantage of it when training their humans.
My friends are inviting themselves round to meet Alfie and one of them just took this photo:
On Sunday night, for the first time ever, instead of running through the front room upstairs to the safety of the bedroom, Jimmy jumped on the sofa and sat on my lap for about 1/2 hour. It's taken him exactly one year since the day we got him to do that!
Actually I will name my great cats in ascending order; Sredni Vashtar, Cleo, Chile and Buster Kitton. All good but Kitton surpasses them all.
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