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Self-indulgent pet thread

you puts your left hand in

ah no you dont.
well not unless you wanna loose it:D
Knotted said:
Misty, Sandy, Jorvy and Jethro helping us pack away Christmas.

I promised you all a picture of Jethro. Here he is (the eye colour is real, not an effect of the camera/lighting):

And with Jorvy, two sleepy boys:

By the way, we're thinking Jorvy's got mink in him. Something very peculiar about the way he looks, though you can't really see it in the above. Jethro's dad's a pure wild polecat. (That's a yawn, btw, just in case you are worried.)

They are lovely!

Do many people keep polecats as pets?
If so, are they similar to keep as ferrets?
I can't have any pets atm :( but thinking in the future, I'd like a polecat. :hmm:
CRI So glad Griff is doing well.

My Clover <3 (Long RIP) was around 9 when he died and tbh was not anywhere near as pampered as your pigs.
I got him when i was about 9 and it was a bit of a shock that A. He lived so long (especially after the rabbit died, although the bitch bullied him) and B. being around 17 and still giving so much of a shit about him.
We wrapped him in one of my favorite scarfs and my mum planted an ornamental clover plant over his grave.
Bloody hell.

I've just sprinted downstairs naked because Artichoke had headed down & was making "OHMYGOD" noises like she'd just discovered we'd been burgled. She's previously made similar noises when *someone* left the front door open overnight, and / or our shed was burgled.

She'd seen "a Nigel coloured cat" at our back window :rolleyes: :facepalm: It is new to the hood. Artichoke is / was amazed :D
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The hamster I've been looking after for a friend passed away this evening at he grand old age of 3 1/2. The last 4 months I had him he enjoyed fresh veg, filtered water and general snuggling in to watch a bit of tv after a wander about in his ball
They are lovely!

Do many people keep polecats as pets?
If so, are they similar to keep as ferrets?
I can't have any pets atm :( but thinking in the future, I'd like a polecat. :hmm:

Some people keep them as pets and there's a lot of cross breeding so most ferrets have a bit of polecat in them and most polecats have a bit of ferret in them. Basically a ferret is a domesticated polecat and thus easier to nip train and easier to handle although polecats are still tamable. Also polecats are nocturnal whereas ferrets are crepuscular and polecats tend to be more nervous of humans so they will tend to either run away or nip you if you go to pick them up whereas ferrets just go limp. Unless you're wanting a bit of a challenge go for a ferret rather than a polecat.

If you check up thread I've put up pictures of some pure polecat kits I was looking after for a week. (And it looks like some of them will be returning to us in the near future as the guy who runs the Ferret Help is going in for a hip operation.)

Also if you like the look of Jethro, particularly his coat, then that's from his ferret mother not his polecat father. Polecats have dark brown almost black coats with a tinge of red.
After the demise of Jerry on Thursday, I've now got a new friend. A black male hammy :) will get pics when he has settled in
awwwrrr! i dont really like hamsters - too bitey but that one is CUTE!
I know what you mean, have had a couple of bitey ones but he is really placid. Had cuddles on the sofa with him earlier and he snuggled in. Also he went for a wander over my back and was quite happy with me just picking him up. I picked him because he was trying to climb on top of the water bottle with the help of a fellow cage-mate's head :D Said cage-mate did not exactly look too impressed....
Bloody hell.

I've just sprinted downstairs naked because Artichoke had headed down & was making "OHMYGOD" noises like she'd just discovered we'd been burgled. She's previously made similar noises when *someone* left the front door open overnight, and / or our shed was burgled.

She'd seen "a Nigel coloured cat" at our back window :rolleyes: :facepalm: It is new to the hood. Artichoke is / was amazed :D
There's a younger ginger tab lives down the road that's the spit of Herbie (RIP) - same size sox and everything. Only difference was a white smudge on one side of the muzzle. Many a double take did we make thinking old Herbs had made a break for it.
Griff's fully recovered from his op. He's got a follow up appointment on 2nd March and probably will need monthly check ups to see if the tumours come back or the ones on the other side get bigger. He's still doing the squeaking while he pees thing now and again though - which seems to be loudest when you pay attention to Malcolm for some reason. :hmm:
Gotta take lucy to the vet tomorrow. She's only ever been in a cat box once in the 4 years I've had her and wont let me pick her up, so I can tell getting her there is going to be fun :rolleyes:
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