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Self-indulgent pet thread

thanks peeps. She had a good life, so young though... Went to animal hospital to see her. Wanted to bring her home and stay with her for a bit. She looked peaceful, like she was sleeping. Stroked her for a bit, she wasn't cold but was starting to get bloated... They were going to put her in the freezer once we left.

The nurse asked if we wanted to cut a bit her fur, handed me the scissors, so I did...

If we did bring her home we'd have had to put her in the freezer and I'd have been ok with that, but husband wasn't - don't blame him! Not sure she would fit anyway.

Made me think, when our other cat dies it will be my final decision as to what happens to her. I'd like to just leave her on the common and let the foxes eat her. Seems like the natural thing to do, although I guess most people would be shocked by that. Burying would be pointless as foxes tend to dig them out...

edit: Aphex is going to be cremated by the way...
Kitty only lets 2 people pick her up, and one of them isnt me (she used to, but I dont think I have enough of an air of confidence about me).

I wonder if i could get her out in the garden, and hide the box behind her cat flap and then scared her through the catflap :hmm:

My cat is quite easy to trick :D

It reminds me of when my sister basically bought a cat home to my parents insisting it needed to live with us (who is still alive and well and grumpy as fuck as ever :D ).
She (Darcy) needed ear drops. I was holding her wrapped tightly (or so I thought) in a towel while my sis did the deed of dropping them in.
She managed to get a paw loose and got a claw hooked in to the skin in my neck.
She was still you (and has always been a bit "special") and could not retract her claws properly.
I was shouting at my sister "unhook it fucking unhook it!!!!!" while she was turning away saying "Ew I can't!!" :facepalm:
I swear my skin was pulled about 2 inches away from where it should be. :eek:
Eventually sis did unhook it going "ew ew ew ew" (don't worry about me love :rolleyes: ) and there was no blood at all just two perfect puncture marks where it had gone through the skin :)
It reminds me of when my sister basically bought a cat home to my parents insisting it needed to live with us (who is still alive and well and grumpy as fuck as ever :D ).
She (Darcy) needed ear drops. I was holding her wrapped tightly (or so I thought) in a towel while my sis did the deed of dropping them in.
She managed to get a paw loose and got a claw hooked in to the skin in my neck.
She was still you (and has always been a bit "special") and could not retract her claws properly.
I was shouting at my sister "unhook it fucking unhook it!!!!!" while she was turning away saying "Ew I can't!!" :facepalm:
I swear my skin was pulled about 2 inches away from where it should be. :eek:
Eventually sis did unhook it going "ew ew ew ew" (don't worry about me love :rolleyes: ) and there was no blood at all just two perfect puncture marks where it had gone through the skin :)
sorry but :D also made me think your sister was a bit of a wuss, especially if no blood
Boris has discovered the roof of his cage has bars and is attempting to climb them. It goes well until he stand on top of his wheel to reach :facepalm: :D

Having a stretch before dinner
We lost one of our cats, Aphex, last night. She was ran over by a car over a year ago, nearly died, had to be on a cage for 6 weeks. It was a bit of a miracle really. She fully recovered.

Seems she didn't learn from her mistake and was still drawn to the common, to get there she'd have to cross a busy road. She died last night doing that. The RSPCA said the police thought she was asleep in the middle of road, she was curled up. She must have literally curled up and died after being hit :( :( - she was found at 2am

She gave us nearly 3 years of joy... And many memories/photos we will cherish forever


So sorry to hear that, many hugs to (((you and your family))) :( and here's to the happy memories of Aphex :)
It reminds me of when my sister basically bought a cat home to my parents insisting it needed to live with us (who is still alive and well and grumpy as fuck as ever :D ).
She (Darcy) needed ear drops. I was holding her wrapped tightly (or so I thought) in a towel while my sis did the deed of dropping them in.
She managed to get a paw loose and got a claw hooked in to the skin in my neck.
She was still you (and has always been a bit "special") and could not retract her claws properly.
I was shouting at my sister "unhook it fucking unhook it!!!!!" while she was turning away saying "Ew I can't!!" :facepalm:
I swear my skin was pulled about 2 inches away from where it should be. :eek:
Eventually sis did unhook it going "ew ew ew ew" (don't worry about me love :rolleyes: ) and there was no blood at all just two perfect puncture marks where it had gone through the skin :)

Ive been studying the scene from gladiator where they release the tigers out of the ground, in preparation for wednesday.
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