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Self-indulgent pet thread

Gotta take lucy to the vet tomorrow. She's only ever been in a cat box once in the 4 years I've had her and wont let me pick her up, so I can tell getting her there is going to be fun :rolleyes:
Oh good luck with that one. A cat can quickly become an octopus with claws when you try putting them in a box.
Playing with new camera app (me, not the dog):
Oh good luck with that one. A cat can quickly become an octopus with claws when you try putting them in a box.
she keeps going halfway in, so im just hoping she does that at an oppurtune moment so i can just shove her in :)
just realised the cats have both grown massively, my sister still insists they're kittens even though they are blatantly NOT KITTENS
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Wrap her in a towel or a blanket, drop her in and shut the door sharpish. Only thing that works with ours :rolleyes:

You could do the same at the vet's by simply tossing kitteh in there and slamming the door shut.

It'd be a bit like a soldier putting a grenade into a room before going in themselves.
Wrap her in a towel or a blanket, drop her in and shut the door sharpish. Only thing that works with ours :rolleyes:

She wouldnt have it, hissing, scratching, biting, hiding and just going mental.

I tried for an hour, and then rang up the vet to re-arrange as she was just so stressed it was unfair. Im going to have exactly the same problem next time though. It would just be easier if they loaded up a dart in an air rifle and did it that way.

Annoyingly I'd woken up that morning to find her sleeping in the carry basket :facepalm:
She wouldnt have it, hissing, scratching, biting, hiding and just going mental.

I tried for an hour, and then rang up the vet to re-arrange as she was just so stressed it was unfair. Im going to have exactly the same problem next time though. It would just be easier if they loaded up a dart in an air rifle and did it that way.

Annoyingly I'd woken up that morning to find her sleeping in the carry basket :facepalm:

Leave it out and book the next appt for first thing on the offchance she is sleeping in there and then you can just shut the door and take her straight there :cool:
Leave it out and book the next appt for first thing on the offchance she is sleeping in there and then you can just shut the door and take her straight there :cool:

Exactly what I've done...... I've started putting her food in there too :D
She wouldnt have it, hissing, scratching, biting, hiding and just going mental.


The sort of cat carrier where you open the top, rather than a little door at one end, is better.

Assuming kitty is pick-up-able, the best technique is to get kitty into carrier arse end first, as it's easier to get all the arms and legs in that way. Paws first means they can stretch their legs out.

I could usually en-box one kitty before he really knew what had hit him.

The advanced stage was getting kitty 2 into the carrier as well, as by this stage, kitty 2 had got a clue what was going on, and opening the box to get kitty 2 in also led to kitty 1 trying to get out.

I think the scars have healed...

Although on one occasion, kitty en-boxing failed, and kitty managed to get out the cat flap. A moment later, much barking from the path behind the garden, enter one kitty at speed and almost got into the carrier voluntarily. Very convenient dog.

The sort of cat carrier where you open the top, rather than a little door at one end, is better.

Assuming kitty is pick-up-able, the best technique is to get kitty into carrier arse end first, as it's easier to get all the arms and legs in that way. Paws first means they can stretch their legs out.

I could usually en-box one kitty before he really knew what had hit him.

The advanced stage was getting kitty 2 into the carrier as well, as by this stage, kitty 2 had got a clue what was going on, and opening the box to get kitty 2 in also led to kitty 1 trying to get out.

I think the scars have healed...

Although on one occasion, kitty en-boxing failed, and kitty managed to get out the cat flap. A moment later, much barking from the path behind the garden, enter one kitty at speed and almost got into the carrier voluntarily. Very convenient dog.

Kitty only lets 2 people pick her up, and one of them isnt me (she used to, but I dont think I have enough of an air of confidence about me).

I wonder if i could get her out in the garden, and hide the box behind her cat flap and then scared her through the catflap :hmm:

My cat is quite easy to trick :D
i had a really shitty day yesterday, was whinging about it on the phone to one of my mates, and she asked me to name something *good* about my day.

it was p, when i got home, charging towards me like a little fat barrel on legs.
for me, having a cat is (as well as all the obvious 'having a cat' benefits) a really important 'marker' in my life being .. um.. stable enough to commit to having a cat.
i'm really, really pleased that i'm in this position :) that and she makes my heart *swell*

we also sometimes have matching feets (she has very-tufteh-indeed paw pads. i don't share that bit):)
BORIS!!! :mad: just had a mini heart attack. Went into the other room to find the lid off the hamster ball and Boris had made a bid for freedom. Found him sniffing round my rucksack. Grabbed him, had a mini cuddle and put him back in his cage. Bang goes me doing my washing!
My mom once woke up at 2am with my hamster on her face.

The hamster had escaped from her cage, gotten down from the table, run the length of the house, up the stairs, under my mom's door and climbed onto the bed.

Apparently hysterical laughter was not an appropriate reaction when my mom told me what happened :D
My mom once woke up at 2am with my hamster on her face.

The hamster had escaped from her cage, gotten down from the table, run the length of the house, up the stairs, under my mom's door and climbed onto the bed.

Apparently hysterical laughter was not an appropriate reaction when my mom told me what happened :D
I did have a scary moment when I thought he had gotten out the flat and down the stairs. Not a wise idea when I'm not meant to have pets...
We lost one of our cats, Aphex, last night. She was ran over by a car over a year ago, nearly died, had to be on a cage for 6 weeks. It was a bit of a miracle really. She fully recovered.

Seems she didn't learn from her mistake and was still drawn to the common, to get there she'd have to cross a busy road. She died last night doing that. The RSPCA said the police thought she was asleep in the middle of road, she was curled up. She must have literally curled up and died after being hit :( :( - she was found at 2am

She gave us nearly 3 years of joy... And many memories/photos we will cherish forever


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