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Self-indulgent pet thread

My kitties (sister & brother)



Ohmygodsuchfluffykitties. <3
Do you have trouble keeping his fur knot-free?

And that is why I only have shorthairs and ultra-shorthairs. My experience of cat grooming can pretty much be summed up by 'knots? what knots?' :D Or more broadly put - 'what is grooming? I have heard of this thing, but never experienced it for myself'. They love the Zoom Groom mind you, but it's only ever used for pleasure/massage, not necessity.
Do you have trouble keeping his fur knot-free?
At some times of year when he's moulting, yes. He doesn't like being groomed anyway, so we just have to grab him every once in a while and attack him with scissors. Shirl on here advised me to cut into the knot, to loosen it, rather than across it to cut it off, as that will pull and hurt him. He's fine in winter though, and does a pretty good job himself. We did try getting the vet to give him a trim last year, but it didn't go terribly well, and nearly wiped out 4 vet nurses. :D
I could hear lucy puking last night whilst I was half asleep

Can i find the puke anywhere? Can i fuck!
At some times of year when he's moulting, yes. He doesn't like being groomed anyway, so we just have to grab him every once in a while and attack him with scissors. Shirl on here advised me to cut into the knot, to loosen it, rather than across it to cut it off, as that will pull and hurt him. He's fine in winter though, and does a pretty good job himself. We did try getting the vet to give him a trim last year, but it didn't go terribly well, and nearly wiped out 4 vet nurses. :D

I have the same issue with luce, it means she's grooming all the time, but she only likes her back being brushed, nothing else.

My issue is she sits in the corner of my room and grooms whilst im in bed, and it stopes me getting to sleep as it just sounds like there's someone sitting in the corner gently fapping as your drift off :(
Nice, he's going to be huge. My friend had one called Conan the Barbarian which weighed 8-9 stone within a couple of years.
and his fur feels so nice to bare feet. he really is a charmer. his speciality is chewbacca yawns, which he knows i love and so plays up to. first thing in the morning, or during a quiet moment in a bar, he finds harmonics i never heard since star wars
In the mirrored bathroom cabinet on the floor? :D Occasionally I'll be, erm, parked in there and she'll come in and start frantically pawing at it. But she usually remembers that fighting doesn't work :D
i've got one that does that with windows every now and then:)
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