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Self-indulgent pet thread

Jeth and Jorv in the snow today. I kept missing their best moments, though. It's tricky taking photos with two of them going mad.



Making tracks in peoples gardens. Funny thing is ferret snow tracks look like a python chasing a mouse.

Here's Jorvy shagged out in my hand afterwards:

Guest pigs have arrived - staying with us until 4th January (unless we refuse to let their pig parents take them back.) They are just gorgeous - seem so small compared with our two porkers!

Haven't had them out running around just yet. They'll get the kitchen as their domain (not being sexist - no place to hide there.)

Robyn (the shy one)

Penny (the very bold one!)

(More festive rodent shots coming soon!)
There's a touch of the Penelope Keiths to that pose.

I reckon I could almost be a 'pig person, if no such thing as rabbits existed.
Bit on the worried side. Griff is going in Monday to have two mammary tumours removed (I'd only noticed the one last week - bad pig parent.) Prognosis is good if they can get all of it and his vet's top notch, but you never know about these things. Just trying not to think about it!

Spoiling pigs rotten today.


They look somewhat perplexed by the stuffed toy. I like the 'pig piano, though! I was thinking I might try to teach Tigger the violin, but I fear that he'd just chew lumps out of it. He's probably more of a percussion kind of rabbit, anyway.

Did the long-haired one get blow-dried?
Yes, they were a bit wtf @ the groundsquirrel. Mal used to play alot, but kind of lost interest. You know how it is. Griff's having a bath and haircut tonight, but air drying is a bit better for the fur! Tigger's lovely, btw.
Yes, they were a bit wtf @ the groundsquirrel. Mal used to play alot, but kind of lost interest. You know how it is. Griff's having a bath and haircut tonight, but air drying is a bit better for the fur! Tigger's lovely, btw.
Tigger was a street bunny, turning tricks for lettuce leaves, developing a bit of a groundsel habit, and in danger of drifting into gang culture with squirrels. Our neighbours spotted him hanging around in a hoodie, and took him in. It turns out his previous owner had sort of lost interest, and turned him loose, but they persuaded him to let them take his cage, and they adopted him. Sadly, though, he's quite jumpy (I suspect he's at least half-wild by breeding), and didn't get on with their two children, so they asked me if I'd take him on.

He is quite sociable, though very much on his own terms - he likes to play "I'll run away and you pretend to try and catch me", but doesn't go much on petting and friendliness. Once you've trapped him, he'll acquiesce quite well to a bit of ear-scratching and jaw-tickling, but he'd just as soon not.

But he is very sweet, and he has a legendary appetite for celery, spring greens, broccoli and favourite (ours) shrubs.
Bit on the worried side. Griff is going in Monday to have two mammary tumours removed (I'd only noticed the one last week - bad pig parent.) Prognosis is good if they can get all of it and his vet's top notch, but you never know about these things. Just trying not to think about it!

Wishing Griff a successful op and speedy recovery :)
Animated dogs, it's a proper shit vid, did a dead good one the other night , I actually did fall over. broke that one though.

You can hear me smoking, nearly falling over then breathing like an 80 year old asthmatic :oops:

Edit: maximise it if you wanna watch it.
Animated dogs, it's a proper shit vid, did a dead good one the other night , I actually did fall over. broke that one though.

You can hear me smoking, nearly falling over then breathing like an 80 year old asthmatic :oops:

Edit: maximise it if you wanna watch it.

You've got a HUGE garden. Lovely dogs as well :D
Tigger was a street bunny, turning tricks for lettuce leaves, developing a bit of a groundsel habit, and in danger of drifting into gang culture with squirrels. Our neighbours spotted him hanging around in a hoodie, and took him in. It turns out his previous owner had sort of lost interest, and turned him loose, but they persuaded him to let them take his cage, and they adopted him. Sadly, though, he's quite jumpy (I suspect he's at least half-wild by breeding), and didn't get on with their two children, so they asked me if I'd take him on.

He is quite sociable, though very much on his own terms - he likes to play "I'll run away and you pretend to try and catch me", but doesn't go much on petting and friendliness. Once you've trapped him, he'll acquiesce quite well to a bit of ear-scratching and jaw-tickling, but he'd just as soon not.

But he is very sweet, and he has a legendary appetite for celery, spring greens, broccoli and favourite (ours) shrubs.
Glad to know Tigger is in rehab now and enjoying the life of luxury. I thought all buns socialised only on their own terms! :)
Glad to know Tigger is in rehab now and enjoying the life of luxury. I thought all buns socialised only on their own terms! :)
They do, it's just he defines the terms extremely narrowly :)

I was a bit worried about whether he'd sussed out the ramp down to his undercroft area. I went to scratch him between the ears today, and he scarpered - straight down the ramp where he sat in the bottom of the cage looking very pleased with himself. I clearly needn't have worried :)
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