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Self-indulgent pet thread

"you are fit for work, you can jump from the floor to the windowsill and are clearly fit enough to scale the heights of the curtains, 0 points for you, get a job you lazy scrounger"
Nip fiend :(








Sad state of affairs :(

A mere "like" doesn't do this hard-hitting investigative photoessay justice. I love it. It's the angle of the ears that gives it away ... that there's something, um, not quite right with her state of mind. Very expressionistic blur, too, if i may say so. don mccullin - watch yer back.
How old?

What do I do about working and injections and the like I know the snip has to be 5 1/2 months and he's not four yet.
He needs his first vaccination shot now and the vet will worm him at the same time. Then another one in 2 weeks- mine was done v early as there were lots of othe cats around. 5.5 is the youngest you can snip them- mine is 5 months now so we have booked him in. He's starting to get quite territorial (I am his and he gets very cross if someone else hugs me!) so about time...

And get decent insurance- if these go wrong they go very wrong! We've bought lifetime, to be on the safe side
A mere "like" doesn't do this hard-hitting investigative photoessay justice. I love it. It's the angle of the ears that gives it away ... that there's something, um, not quite right with her state of mind. Very expressionistic blur, too, if i may say so. don mccullin - watch yer back.
'Burst photo' option on a camera app :D

I've got 50 odd photos in that sequence, which I've been meaning to turn into a .gif :hmm:
"you are fit for work, you can jump from the floor to the windowsill and are clearly fit enough to scale the heights of the curtains, 0 points for you, get a job you lazy scrounger"

Your stated hours of availability for work involving sleeping for 16 hours a day is not adequate. We're going to sanction you.
He needs his first vaccination shot now and the vet will worm him at the same time. Then another one in 2 weeks- mine was done v early as there were lots of othe cats around. 5.5 is the youngest you can snip them- mine is 5 months now so we have booked him in. He's starting to get quite territorial (I am his and he gets very cross if someone else hugs me!) so about time...

And get decent insurance- if these go wrong they go very wrong! We've bought lifetime, to be on the safe side
I've got to extend the pet plan that the breeder already has not sure what to expect cost wise there. He's had two vaccines already and it says not due till next december now and he's been wormed. Maybe that's it for now.

Not looking forward to territorialness tho. Baby/three yr old a bit jealous already
I've got to extend the pet plan that the breeder already has not sure what to expect cost wise there. He's had two vaccines already and it says not due till next december now and he's been wormed. Maybe that's it for now.

Not looking forward to territorialness tho. Baby/three yr old a bit jealous already
Just watch it when he discovers his claws and starts climbing....

If he has had his two he is fine. My vet says to worm at the same time as top up vaccines- as an indoor cat he shouldn't need more than that. Though you do still need to de-flea regularly apparently.

We are paying £33 a month for the ultimate pet plan lifetime. My vet (who is also a good friend) recommends pet plan and says with pedigrees lifetime plans are the way to go. There seem to be some decent plans for £20 PCM. Apparently it's worth checking if they have a particular phone line for pet owners as the ones that lump you in with car insurance etc are a nightmare to deal with
Just watch it when he discovers his claws and starts climbing....

If he has had his two he is fine. My vet says to worm at the same time as top up vaccines- as an indoor cat he shouldn't need more than that. Though you do still need to de-flea regularly apparently.

We are paying £33 a month for the ultimate pet plan lifetime. My vet (who is also a good friend) recommends pet plan and says with pedigrees lifetime plans are the way to go. There seem to be some decent plans for £20 PCM. Apparently it's worth checking if they have a particular phone line for pet owners as the ones that lump you in with car insurance etc are a nightmare to deal with
Yes she said petplan as well.
I'm not planning on him going out at all yet but if there's some nice summer weather I could do supervise in the back garden (its a sun trap there if we ever get any and denying it would be cruel) defo don't want him out the front door it'll be run over/ stolen by bastards/ ate by dogs or either other cats.
Yes she said petplan as well.
I'm not planning on him going out at all yet but if there's some nice summer weather I could do supervise in the back garden (its a sun trap there if we ever get any and denying it would be cruel) defo don't want him out the front door it'll be run over/ stolen by bastards/ ate by dogs or either other cats.
Yup, ours is indoor/ supervised garden only. Though we need to cat- proof the garden as ours seems to have missed the memo that they are supposed to be chilled- he climbs and hunts! But is too dim to roam freely- he assumes everyone is his friend
Oh god how do you go about cat proofing a garden?
So far he seems fairly chilled compared to another kitten his age and has the limp ragdoll thingie going on.

There's a huge gap under the fence it could get under that needs sorting and a shed where all the local cats seem to congregate/ give birth/ murder each other in :( Got to keep him out of that.
Oh god how do you go about cat proofing a garden?
So far he seems fairly chilled compared to another kitten his age and has the limp ragdoll thingie going on.

There's a huge gap under the fence it could get under that needs sorting and a shed where all the local cats seem to congregate/ give birth/ murder each other in :( Got to keep him out of that.
I would say get a cat lead.

But, well. They're kinda variable in their efficacy.

The only way to properly cat proof a garden is to not have a garden and / or to find some way of curtailing your cat's capacities.
Oh god how do you go about cat proofing a garden?
So far he seems fairly chilled compared to another kitten his age and has the limp ragdoll thingie going on.

There's a huge gap under the fence it could get under that needs sorting and a shed where all the local cats seem to congregate/ give birth/ murder each other in :( Got to keep him out of that.
I think we need to block the gap under two fences and make the fence on one side of the garden higher. Then I think we'll be ok. At the mo it is too easy for him to explore and disappear- he is very curious. He does floppy when he is in the mood, but is very adventurous- he gets in the shower, the bath, any open cupboard, the washing machine.... I going to have a change all our wooden doorstops for stone ones as he can move the wooden ones when he is playing and keeps getting himself shut in places. He is very playful.... also incredibly affectionate and lovely
I would say get a cat lead.

But, well. They're kinda variable in their efficacy.

The only way to properly cat proof a garden is to not have a garden and / or to find some way of curtailing your cat's capacities.
Yeah, we have a lead. I have been bet a large amount of money I will never be brave enough to take him for a walk in public on it!!
I would say get a cat lead.

But, well. They're kinda variable in their efficacy.

The only way to properly cat proof a garden is to not have a garden and / or to find some way of curtailing your cat's capacities.
Yes I think the lead option might be the way to go at least till I'm sure he won't run away/ be abducted by kitty killers.
In my day, you didn't cat proof gardens and there was no such thing as an indoor cat ( :(). What has changed?
You did, you probably just didn't know about it. My gran had an indoor cat and I bet she's older than you

But there are so many cars and people desperate/sick enough to do anything foremen these days more people are thinking about it.y cat would never survive Brixton on his own- and when I spoke to the RSPCA about getting a second they have loads they recommend as house cats, because of temprament, health etc
:( we should let them go outside all the same.

Our family cat was an indoor cat because we lived on the fourth floor with not outdoor access. As long as they weren't used to being an outdoor cat before and they have plenty of human and/or kitty company they tend to be fine.

My own cats have been outdoor cats because in the UK you are much more likely to live in a flat with out door access than in a city in Germany. In the US people seem to be very much against the idea of their cats going outdoors and the ones you see are often on leads.
A friend of mine had two cats, both mad-for-it ravers when there was any catnip about.

Once in a while she had some fresh nip for them. The one cat would pounce on it and roll and rub and drool and lie there in a puddle of joy, pupils dilated and staring at the top right corner of the wall, y'know.

The other cat would sit and wait, biding his time...

The one cat would get high as hell and eventually wander off to trip quietly somewhere, leaving the drooled rubbed rolled nip behind. At which point clever other cat would leap in and neck the lot.

Several hours later, the one cat would come back for a bump only to find the nip all disappeared and gone. Meanwhile the other cat would be stoned to all hell, for hours and hours and hours.
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