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Saramago workers fired at CCA Glasgow, March 2023


so defeated, thinks it's funny
May be of interest to urban weegies:

The Saramago Bar, located inside the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), in Glasgow has summarily dismissed three workers in the middle of their shifts in a blatant union-busting effort.

The fired workers are members of the union Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and were organising to increase the number of staff rota’d on in the kitchen and front of house to stop themselves being over-worked. A simple request for a business as popular as Saramago and one that has enjoyed popular public support including from over 100 people who have signed a petition in solidarity with the workers demands, staff in the CCA, and other businesses in the area.

Fellow workers at Saramago and the IWW are concerned that these unjust, cruel, and downright cynical rafts of firings are just the beginning. Both staff and the union are bracing for more firings and mobilising to provide support to those who have already been summarily dismissed.

The IWW is aware that Saramago workers are not alone in their fight against stressful workloads and understaffing, we therefore cannot but see this attack as one aimed at workers within the hospitality industry as a whole. With these firings, Saramago owners and bosses Christopher Paul Smith and Claire Butler, seek to undo the gains made by workers and roll back the victories previously secured by the union including extended taxi cover to weekdays, increasing wages, and resisting the bosses targeting of individuals in the workplace. The message these bosses are sending is clear – accept precarity or starve.

We will not let Saramago hide behind its historic association with a liberal, left-wing crowd or its location in an arts venue that only a week ago screened films about the importance of trade-unionism. We call on all union members and workers in hospitality to show solidarity with the fired workers by joining us on the support pickets which will soon be organised and in advancing and amplifying the following demands:

  1. We call upon Saramago and its bosses and creditors to reinstate the IWW members that were unjustly fired and pay their lost wages.
  2. We call upon the CCA to reconsider its relationship with Saramago and refuse to tolerate a union-busting business which has fired organisers for daring to stand up for themselves and other workers in hospitality.
  3. We call upon all customers of Saramago and event planers at the CCA to reconsider patronising or hosting their events in these venues
In addition to the above, we ask you to support fellow workers by sending them messages of support or financially contributing to their GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme.com/f/hardship-fund-for-fired-saramago-workers

Edit: On Tuesday 21st March there will be a demonstration to demand that the fired workers be reinstated. Join us from 12pm – 2pm and then again from 5:30 – 8:00pm!
The boycott does not (yet!) extend to the CCA itself, as the Saramango is separately owned. But the Saramango owners also own the Doublet, my “local” pub. (The one I use most rather than actually closest to me). Not that I’ve been there much of late with my illhealth, but I’ve been spreading the word of the boycott, as it extends to the Doublet too.

Latest intel via a contact:

“Was talking to a staff member at CCA […] Think there are over-worked folk at the CCA too.

Regarding the Saramango. Their prices have gone up something terrible. One of the problems is they have had the same unaltered contract with the CCA for about 12 years or something and has never taken up an up to date wage structure that should be agreed by the CCA. CCA is supposed to work as an open source space. In the time Saramango have been there they managed to buy the Doublet, so their profit margins must be ok. The old third eye centre [as the CCA was formerly known] had a basic cafe that employed local folk from garnethill. You got a good plate of soup and a sandwich at a reasonable price. It should extend its open source policy to the cafe and cut out all of these profiteers.”

Square brackets = my edits.
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“We hope that the Saramago bosses will agree to our demands soon, however we need to keep up the pressure in case this isn't resolved in the next few days. We are therefore calling two further pickets for Friday 24 March from 12 noon-2 pm and 5:30-8 pm. Please try to make it to these if you can, as we need the bosses to see that we're not going anywhere!”

- Clydeside IWW
realise that was all a bit vague so here's the twitter thread if you can be arsed. Safe to say it's backfired spectacularly on the poor management:

If you feel like helping, there's a gofundme for the sacked staff here:

realise that was all a bit vague so here's the twitter thread if you can be arsed. Safe to say it's backfired spectacularly on the poor management:

If you feel like helping, there's a gofundme for the sacked staff here:

Just read through that thread and proper :facepalm: at this bit:
"The action occurred specifically because the owners and management had not responded to a letter from the group of employees within their proscribed 48 hour deadline. At no point did this group of employees let the owners or managers know that there would be a consequence to them not responding within their deadline."
How were we supposed to know that there would be consequences for not responding by the deadline? We had absolutely no warning except for the letter we were given, setting out a deadline in writing!
Just read through that thread and proper :facepalm: at this bit:
"The action occurred specifically because the owners and management had not responded to a letter from the group of employees within their proscribed 48 hour deadline. At no point did this group of employees let the owners or managers know that there would be a consequence to them not responding within their deadline."
How were we supposed to know that there would be consequences for not responding by the deadline? We had absolutely no warning except for the letter we were given, setting out a deadline in writing!

Cough <Prescribed> Cough.
realise that was all a bit vague so here's the twitter thread if you can be arsed. Safe to say it's backfired spectacularly on the poor management:

If you feel like helping, there's a gofundme for the sacked staff here:

Not usually one for Twitter style discourse but I did have a good lol at the replies
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