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Rowies, Butteries, Aberdeen Rolls, fa loves um?

Dae ye nae jist love the Roll fae Aberdeen?

  • Shuch aye!

    Votes: 32 69.6%
  • Nae bad.

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Ye wise loon?

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • tatties oer the side

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
They are kinda flat bread baps. If that makes sense. Sweetish, and usually a little salty too. Lard is a favoured ingredient, and they sizzle in the toaster, mmmmmmm. Need to stop, or i'll ging mad. I've got a pic of Willie Miller and Alex McLeish holding a gigantic one, but that's going too far. Stand free peeps
Butteries rock man..... i get a batch down to London every time i go up to Aberdeen on Business or when some comes down 'Butteries we NEED butteries'

I have had a pittodrie pie on a few occasions, I have no idea what they put in them...
Yes, i bloody love them they are joy with added lard- which is how things should be.

Lard+Salt+Carbs = JOY

Thats an official Shelley FACT :D
The only picture of a butterie on the interweb


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Butterie

*gets wet feet from all the stroober drool*

that does look mighty fine, that make me ham and cheese toastie look a bit crap :(
onenameshelley said:
that does look mighty fine, that make me ham and cheese toastie look a bit crap :(

teehee, I could go and buy some right now if I wanted too. :D

Rowies are indeed the food of the gods. I introduced wiskey to them and now I have to take some down everytime I go south.

Btw rowies are a bit different to butteries afaik. Where's pogofish when you need him?
etnea said:
shells, will bring you some back from the frozen north :)

It's been really mild for days, so if you feel cold when you get here it's coz you've become a softie southerner :p :D
Mmm, butteries...Not had them in far too long but getting some visitors from Aberdeen on Boxing Day who better bring some down...or else...
geminisnake said:
Btw rowies are a bit different to butteries afaik. Where's pogofish when you need him?

Eating a tattie scone with cheese & bacon! :D

Butteries are a more Angus/Dundee & as their name suggests, use butter instead of Lard. Bit softer/doughier as well IIRC. Been years since I last ate one.

Yup, Thains bakery in late-night munchie mode is a true wonder. Half a dozen 2nd-day rowies for 50p :) Just delicious, toasted with cheese or Tate & Lyles Golden Syrup. 2nd-day is just fine as Rowies keep for ages, traditionally they were made to last without special storage on the fishing boats. Some relatives swear that they don't reach their best till they are about a week old.

Another recent innovation is the Veggie Rowie. Dearer, but sometimes also available 2nd-day for the same price. For once, the switch to Veg fat makes no difference to the quality of the Rowie & indeed, I prefer them to traditional as I tend to like my rowies less greasy. However, if you want the full-fat experience, go for Aitkens or Grampian Bakery! Both made amongst the fish-houses in Torry! :)
Aye a toasted rowie wi' butter would be fine right now... should have got some some when i was up there, d'oh!
I will be head up to the deen on the 9th of Feb.

I you want a butterie order lemmie know!! ;)

*as he munches though his secret butterie stash*

*butterie pimp*
geminisnake said:
I am having a bacon and coleslaw filled rowie for my lunch. It's YUMMY :D(and leaking a bit)
That sounds lush :)
I'm now down to only 8 left in the freezer...
geminisnake said:
I am having a bacon and coleslaw filled rowie for my lunch. It's YUMMY :D(and leaking a bit)

Sooooooo wrong but dirtily good *drools*

oh btw new taste sensation

Butterie+Mayo (thin layer)+Branson (thin layer) = Brekfast of champions ;)
Shit! I feel a late-night blat to Thains coming on. Been sitting here wondering what I'd like to eat. Then I checked this thread.

Hmmm, cheese, syrup or one of each? Choices! :D
Dunno actually, but 'shuch aye' was/is common parlance amongst the park keeping team in Hazelhead in the early nineties. I didn't understand half of what was being said, conversations like this were common:

Parkie 1: Hoot toot
Parkie 2: Aye
Parkie 1: Shuch aye
Parkie 2: Schuch
Parkie 3: Aye

All while gazing out upon the drizzle through shed window :)
Took a couple of rowies out of the freezer last night to celebrate each of the Dons goals at easter road ;)
Had them for breakfast with jam, and felt like a king for five mins. Must try the branston/mayo combo...
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