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Reynhard Sinaga - Britain’s most prolific rapist with 136 victims is jailed for 30 years

So how is reclassifying it going to stop rapists getting hold of it?
I'm with Two Sheds. Treat it like firearms. It won't stop proper cunts getting hold of it but it makes it a bit more difficult and there's virtually no legal reason for having it. Reading about it, it's medical uses seem practically worthless.
I'm really not convinced that the reason he raped 200 people is because there was a drug available and it was only class C, rather I suspect he wanted to rape men, did some research and found out how - making GHB/GBL class A isn't going to a) stop him buying it or b) stop him wanting to rape people.
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I'm with Two Sheds. Treat it like firearms. It won't stop proper cunts getting hold of it but it makes it a bit more difficult and there's virtually no legal reason for having it. Reading about it, it's medical uses seem practically worthless.
So this fella from the sounds of it was using GHB - In the Guardian one of his victims described his drink as salty - an indication that his drink was adulterated with GHB, rather than GBL - which tastes like drinking an industrial solvent. To get the GHB he would have had to buy this from a drug dealer. How is reclassifying it going to change his access to it?

As for GBL, whilst it is available on-line, its not a straight forward purchace. It's frankly much easier and quicker to pick up class A drugs locally with a phone call.

So if reclassifying GHB/GBL doesn't effect availability, what would it do?

As far as I can see it would only firmly entrench supply into the hands of organised crime and have lower quality control - so doseage would be much harder to judge - people used to weak shit would dose high (or spike their victims high), so that when some good gear comes along there would be overdoses and deaths. This is a given. Sorry it doesn't have the nice clean solution of pretending to be tough on drugs and rapists, but reclassifying it would make the UK a more dangerous place for users and date rape victims lives.
So this fella from the sounds of it was using GHB - In the Guardian one of his victims described his drink as salty - an indication that his drink was adulterated with GHB, rather than GBL - which tastes like drinking an industrial solvent. To get the GHB he would have had to buy this from a drug dealer. How is reclassifying it going to change his access to it?

As for GBL, whilst it is available on-line, its not a straight forward purchace. It's frankly much easier and quicker to pick up class A drugs locally with a phone call.

So if reclassifying GHB/GBL doesn't effect availability, what would it do?

As far as I can see it would only firmly entrench supply into the hands of organised crime and have lower quality control - so doseage would be much harder to judge - people used to weak shit would dose high (or spike their victims high), so that when some good gear comes along there would be overdoses and deaths. This is a given. Sorry it doesn't have the nice clean solution of pretending to be tough on drugs and rapists, but reclassifying it would make the UK a more dangerous place for users and date rape victims lives.
Fair play. I thought it was one of these drugs that people buy on the internet. In fact I'm sure I remember buying it from sex shops back in the day. Anyway, thanks for clarifying.
So this fella from the sounds of it was using GHB - In the Guardian one of his victims described his drink as salty - an indication that his drink was adulterated with GHB, rather than GBL - which tastes like drinking an industrial solvent. To get the GHB he would have had to buy this from a drug dealer. How is reclassifying it going to change his access to it?

As for GBL, whilst it is available on-line, its not a straight forward purchace. It's frankly much easier and quicker to pick up class A drugs locally with a phone call.

So if reclassifying GHB/GBL doesn't effect availability, what would it do?

As far as I can see it would only firmly entrench supply into the hands of organised crime and have lower quality control - so doseage would be much harder to judge - people used to weak shit would dose high (or spike their victims high), so that when some good gear comes along there would be overdoses and deaths. This is a given. Sorry it doesn't have the nice clean solution of pretending to be tough on drugs and rapists, but reclassifying it would make the UK a more dangerous place for users and date rape victims lives.

Fair point. I'd actually like to see all drugs decriminalized and regulated.
GHB/GBL is a very popular drug on the gay scene, I have lots of friends who do it. I don’t like it because you can’t combine it with alcohol and I like my beer when I go out. It’s also easy to overdose if you are inexperienced or twatted.
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what a truly horrifying start to the year. if this was the plot of a cop show I’d have called it sensationalist.

I'm really not convinced that the reason he raped 200 people is because there was a drug available and it was only class C, rather I suspect he wanted to rape men, did some research and found out how - making GBL class A isn't going to a) stop him buying it or b) stop him wanting to rape people.
and if he couldn’t get a hold of it, he’d use something else. alcohol is apparently the most commonly used to spike drinks, by hospital admissions info.
in fact since he’s still admitted nothing and the police didn’t find the evidence searching his flat we don’t know for certain what he used each time. G is a likely supposition based on some of the victims recollections.

there are some mitigations that could be tried to make GBL less useful as a weapon of rape. for example mandating it is sold with a dye like methylated spirits are so it’d be harder to spike a drink / pass off as water. if it were being sold in legal, controlled framework
Bitrex, can't mask the taste of that.
still want it to be drinkable though for legitimate consensual sex
so something strong but not like that? GBL already does pretty nasty on its own but somehow people still get away with using it

Wouldn't that just create a criminal supplied market of non-Bitrex GBH, as above?
but at least that’d be a lot smaller market, and therefore the stuff be less easily available. nothing is ever 100% effective but doesn’t mean it might not be a worthwhile idea.

dye came to mind as a suggestion rather than taste because
a) some people do that them selves at parties to avoid accidental mix ups
b) G is rapidly absorbed enough that taking a swig, noticing the taste & immediately spitting it out, you can still get fucked up. or die.
We can argue the toss all day but after a serial killer, serial rapist and serial thief(who ended up killing one victim) in the last five years all using G as a weapon it's going to be reclassified.
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