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Reynhard Sinaga - Britain’s most prolific rapist with 136 victims is jailed for 30 years

Grim reading :(

Also, this GHB stuff has been named as a murder weapon 5 times since 2014.
How many times are kitchen knives used as murder weapons? Should they be banned?

Anyhow you are just trolling again & again. You obviously have an agenda but please fuck off you boring towrag.
To stir up a bit of cross thread beef, you'll find that cars kill 1800 people per year in the UK and are used frequently as a murder weapon :eek:

Yeah, I get your point.

Nonetheless, I can’t see any harm in reclassifying GHB to a class A drug for whatever good it may do.
I would say that anyone in possession of alcohol without a good use for it should be presumed guilty but this thread probably isn't the place for it :(
Yeah, I get your point.

Nonetheless, I can’t see any harm in reclassifying GHB to a class A drug for whatever good it may do.
It's just pissing in the wind though and showing the tabloid press that we're being tough with drugs. By making it totally unavailable (and remember it is a widley used industrial solvent made by reputable companies - BASF for example and needed in many industries) all you will do is put the market into the hands of organised crime who will be happy to sell adulterated GBL/GHB and not flinch at using violence to protect their market.

Politicians, civil servants, coppers and hoards of regulatory bodies have much better things they could be doing with their time.
Grim reading :(

Also, this GHB stuff has been named as a murder weapon 5 times since 2014.
Yes, serial rapists who knowingly risk life sentences for their crimes will definitely be put off if they know possession of their date rape drug will be taken slightly more seriously.

You fucking helmet.
Talking of sentencing I read that the judge stated that this piece of shit was a ‘borderline case, and as such I must therefore shrink back from passing a whole life sentence’.

if this doesn’t warrant such a sentence then what does?
Talking of sentencing I read that the judge stated that this piece of shit was a ‘borderline case, and as such I must therefore shrink back from passing a whole life sentence’.

if this doesn’t warrant such a sentence then what does?

Afaik whole life is reserved for people who kill. Never mind that some of this scumbag’s victims may kill themselves, so he’s gone with a minimum rec of 30 which will put him close to 70 before he could even possibly be considered for parole.
Afaik whole life is reserved for people who kill. Never mind that some of this scumbag’s victims may kill themselves, so he’s gone with a minimum rec of 30 which will put him close to 70 before he could even possibly be considered for parole.

Whole life is for people for who there is no chance of rehabilitation, or as punishment for people who commit multiple murders/kill again after being released. There is one person at least with whole life who hasn't killed.
Can't work out why this multiple rapist didn't get the "whole life" tariff, even 30 yrs.
He will, I suspect, spend a lot of it in very secure accommodation, and probably alone, for his own safety.
He shouldn't get away with an early death.
Can't work out why this multiple rapist didn't get the "whole life" tariff, even 30 yrs.
He will, I suspect, spend a lot of it in very secure accommodation, and probably alone, for his own safety.
He shouldn't get away with an early death.

He won't even be able to go to the sex offender jail and be with other like minded beasts because he hasn't admitted his crimes.
I heard on the radio earlier that the guy who was insufficiently drugged and woke up fought him off and stole his phone - on which were all the videos. Something like 1000 dvds worth. So he handed it to the police.

I heard it was a bit more complicated than that - the rapist put on an act and was in such a state that they arrested the victim. It was only when the rapist began to behave very suspiciously in relation to another of his phones (wanted phone brought to his hospital bed, repeatedly lied to police about the pin number, tried to snatch phone after finally giving real pin) that his crimes were exposed.
I heard it was a bit more complicated than that - the rapist put on an act and was in such a state that they arrested the victim. It was only when the rapist began to behave very suspiciously in relation to another of his phones (wanted phone brought to his hospital bed, repeatedly lied to police about the pin number, tried to snatch phone after finally giving real pin) that his crimes were exposed.

He immediately pushed Sinaga away, who responded by screaming "intruder" and "help", before repeatedly biting the teenager. The man hit Sinaga several times, escaped from the flat, and then called police, who arrived to a chaotic scene. Sinaga, who was discovered semi-conscious with serious injuries, was at first viewed sympathetically, and the teenager was arrested for assault.

But Sinaga's behaviour in hospital began to arouse suspicion. He kept asking officers to have a mobile phone brought to him from his flat. Police asked him to confirm the pin number before they would hand it over. However Sinaga gave a series of false numbers, then tried to grab the phone after providing the correct one. The officer became so suspicious that he seized the phone as potential evidence and, when it was checked, a video recording was found of Sinaga raping the arrested teenager.

What a horrible bastard. Some of my mates used to go to those clubs regularly, hopefully it was before this sick cunt started skulking around.

The thing is, it's easy to put yourself in that situation of going back to someone's flat who seems friendly when you're on the piss and whatever else. Horrifying stuff.
Not so surprising - depends on the size of the club scene. Friends of mine active in the gay clubbing scene in Edinburgh knew the guy known as the Limbs in the Loch killer because he was always hanging about the clubs.

This one used the reluctance of his victims to speak out to continue operating without consequences. He's been in the UK since 2007, if he's a clubbing regular for a decade he will seem familiar to some.
Just too horrific. I think the police had a long list of people that they had to break the news to that they had been raped and filmed because they didn't even know, which is beyond awful.
Not so surprising - depends on the size of the club scene. Friends of mine active in the gay clubbing scene in Edinburgh knew the guy known as the Limbs in the Loch killer because he was always hanging about the clubs.

This one used the reluctance of his victims to speak out to continue operating without consequences. He's been in the UK since 2007, if he's a clubbing regular for a decade he will seem familiar to some.
I haven't read anything that suggests he was known on the gay clubbing scene - seems to have mostly preyed on drunk straight guys.
I haven't read anything that suggests he was known on the gay clubbing scene - seems to have mostly preyed on drunk straight guys.

Aye, all the reports I've seen say he was targetting drunk people on the street, not in clubs. And that he liked to target straight guys, so not only would he have struggled to do that in LGBT clubs, if he were targetting straight guys in mainstream clubs for that length of time eventually bar staff or bouncers would have started to notice him.
I haven't read anything that suggests he was known on the gay clubbing scene - seems to have mostly preyed on drunk straight guys.

I've read reports he was well known on the gay scene, here's just one...

When word began to spread in Manchester’s Gay Village that Sinaga had been arrested, there was widespread incredulity that the slight, cheerful man they often saw out dancing and giggling could be capable of such acts. In the early 2010s, he was a fixture on Canal Street, out most nights of the week at the Thompson Arms, G-A-Y or the club night Poptastic.

He had a large circle of friends, but few were close. “He was very flamboyant, had highlighted hair and was very camp,” said one man who went out regularly with Sinaga until 2013. “He was always out, always going on holiday. We wondered where he got his money because he never seemed to work.” Others thought he was a sex worker, or involved with a well-off man who funded his lifestyle.

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