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Regional anti-cuts organising

true sadly in my experience - a lot of my friends (middle and working class) have little/no idea what unions are or what they do ... !
Hi all,
t'mods have graciously acceded to my 'umble request to stickify this thread. Can we please therefore USE this favour properly: Can anyone who has any news of events or developments on anti-cuts campaigns anywhere please post this here.
also - it would kinda help our small corner of the struggle if we could keep this on-topic.
Demo in Bristol on 23rd, fuller details soon. Bath anti-cuts group now formed - contact on bathagainstcutsATyahoo.co.uk until site is set up.
and that's an excellent example of what this thread's for.
please take other stuff to a separate thread
Some charities have focused solely on defending their own area of funding, while others are looking to build a united front – and representatives of this latter group met in London last week to start initial discussions on how charities, community groups and civil society can build a united resistance to the cuts.

The meeting was off the record, so I’m not going to quote people or give a line by line account – save to say that it was productive and focused on strategy – but here are some of the suggestions and ideas that emerged during the meeting. As will be apparent, it covered a fairly wide range of topics.


This is interesting, some very heartening discussion
Sorry will try to keep stuff on topic. There is an open meeting of Reading Trades Council Steering committee this thursday at 730pm at the unison offices on Church Street in Reading (not Caversham- google search gives you the church street in caversham).

Will update on Reading SOS when more info comes up, or alternatively urbanites can PM me for more info and contact details.
i'd have liked to go to that but ive got a sp meeting in the evening (probably the only cuts-related thing i'll be able to go to this week) I'll pop along to the reading one at some point tho, i'd like to know whats going on there !
One note to all; for god's sake use this thread for what it's meant to be used; as an anti-cuts campaign tool. Don't be shy about posting meeting details, or from taking stuff from this thread and disseminating elsewhere over as wide an area as possible - the more the merrier.
Face it; our big asset in this struggle is numbers, because when the impact of these cuts really hits home the screams are gonna be long and loud and heard from one end of Britain to another. So lets make our numbers count.
Just recieved this from Oxford SOS organiser

Hi friends,

Just a quick email to say that the next SOS meeting will be on Wednesday 13 October, location TBC, but hopefully at Restore on Manvil Way off Cowley Road again if they're free. I'll email the location when I know.

We'll hear back from the three working groups on Community Outreach, Lobbying and Media & Actions. It's inspiring that there is so much energy and activity in support of public services we all rely on.

Finally, if anyone would like to help in action planning and preparation, join us on Wednesday 6th October at

(PM if interested as it's at a bloke's house and you never know who might be reading this)
Hope it is OK to add this link here - raising questions of how to defeat the cuts:
National Shop Stewards Network: Building the struggle against the cuts –

The NSSN says: "we wish to collaborate with all local and national organisations". But it made the important qualification: "However, we cannot accept a top-down approach adopted by some organising the fight against the cuts". At the beginning of what promises to be a brutal and drawn-out struggle, it is vital to underline this point.
Everybody is, or should be in favour of maximum unity in the common struggle against the cuts. 'But what is your programme?' is the question posed to all organisations and individuals in this battle.
A reminder - banner creation, and action planning session off cowley rd, oxford tonite - pm me if you want the address as it's at a bloke's house and you never know who's reading the stuff on here
Hope it is OK to add this link here - raising questions of how to defeat the cuts:
National Shop Stewards Network: Building the struggle against the cuts –

The NSSN says: "we wish to collaborate with all local and national organisations". But it made the important qualification: "However, we cannot accept a top-down approach adopted by some organising the fight against the cuts". At the beginning of what promises to be a brutal and drawn-out struggle, it is vital to underline this point.
Everybody is, or should be in favour of maximum unity in the common struggle against the cuts. 'But what is your programme?' is the question posed to all organisations and individuals in this battle.
dennis; PLEASE add as many links of this type. The more links, the more involvement, the more action.
Not sure if the picket outside Disco's office is going ahead now :( x there will, on the other hand, be other actions.
Major Yorkshire/Humber Demo against the Cuts on 23rd October

12.30 P.M. TO 3.00 P.M., SATURDAY, 23RD OCTOBER, 2010,

The TUC Yorkshire and The Humber Regional Council, is organising this Demonstration in response
to the decision of the Conservative - Liberal Democrat Coalition Governments Decision to go ahead
with an unprecedented attack on ordinary hard working people of this Country.
This attack has very little to do with the state of the economy - it is part of a long-standing
ideological objective of reactionary forces to get rid of our hard won social services and
employment rights.

The TUC Yorkshire and The Humber Regional Council has invited trade unionists, community
organisations, and ordinary citizens from the whole of the Yorkshire and the Humber Region and
beyond to attend this Demonstration.

The TUC Yorkshire and The Humber Regional Council has resolved that the Platform at the
Demonstration will be as follows:-
Bill Adams, Secretary, TUC Yorkshire & The Humber Regional Council.
Brendan Barber,General Secretary, TUC.
Billy Hayes, General Secretary,CWU.
Tim Roach, Regional Secretary,GMB.
Juanita Charles,Regional Secretary,PCS.
Cliff Williams, Regional Secretary, UNISON.
good that its starting a bit later than the usual TUC events

btw, i think one could include benefits under the 'and so on'
I was down The Blue this morning handing out leaflets for Southwark Save Our Services, response wasn't too bad people were happy to take the leaflets tho not many people wanted to stop and talk.
There's going to be a protest outside Southwark Town Hall on the 20th.(from 6pm)

good luck with it mate, keep up the good work.

i kind of got a bit pissed off with a few of the people running the SOS stuff here, not pissed off but you know - probably best not to discuss it on this thread tho.
The coalition of resistance seem to be going down their old route, eg STWC style broad panels with LP presence when possible plus as many of their members as possible speaking, I hope not though..

'Tuesday 12th October 7 pm

Lecture Theatre B3, Leslie Silver Building - Leeds

Met University, Woodhouse Lane.

Across from Drydock pub, 5 minute walk from Headrow


John Rees, national Coalition of Resistance

Paul Holmes Kirklees Unison branch secretary

Joel Heyes Leeds Against the Cuts

Leeds University Anti-cuts group

Sally Kincaid, Right to Work

Labour Party speaker invited

Contact: 07949 570 771

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