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Regional anti-cuts organising

I'm involved in the Northern Public Services Alliance, which is TU (Unison and PCS) and we are gradually increasing the involvement of community and user groups, although a fair few of the local ones are keeping an open mind about the cuts from what I can see :rolleyes: The whole Big Society shite has had a resonance with some.

Yeah, sounds familiar. I don't think that it will last though.

Gotta say I was a bit confused as to why the IWCA didn't seem to have a presence at our (oxford SOS) meeting last wek, although there were a few anarchists there, but maybe they are involved more in the trade union one? that wouldnt' seem to fit tho, from what i've heard about and read from them. would you have any idea butchers? x
Just got this in:
Firefighters begin industrial action over contract row
Haringey Independent - 24th Sept 2010

FIREFIGHTERS in Haringey have begun a ban on overtime in a row over new shifts patterns.

Members of the Fire Brigades' Union started the industrial action in protest at new contracts with 12 hour days and 12 night shifts they say are being forced upon them.

Commissioner Ron Dobson has taken the step of threatening to cancel all contracts and introduce new one to try to draw to a close years of discussions over the proposed shift pattern change.

But firefighters have reacted with industrial action to what they have called “sacking notices” and are balloting over a possible capital-wide strike.

Matt Wrack, the union's general secretary, said today: “Firefighters hate taking industrial action, and what we want to do is negotiate, not strike.

“We understand that the London Fire Brigade wants to change the shift patterns our members work, and we are willing to continue the negotiations over shift patterns in good faith.

“We would be also willing to lift all industrial action as soon as they withdraw the sacking notices.”

Mr Dobson's move to terminate contracts and replace them with new one has angered many firefighters across London, who see it as an attempt to end negotiations and force through shift pattern changes.

Councillor Brian Coleman, chairman of the London Fire and Emrgency Planning Authority, said there was no need for strike action to resolve the dispute.

He said: “I expect changes to the way the fire and rescue service is run to generate debate, but there is no need for firefighters to lose money by taking strike action that will not resolve this dispute.”

The result of the ballot on strike action is likely to be known on October 14, and in the meantime are refusing to “act up” or take part in voluntary projects.
good ol' Haringey Independent
Protest at CONEL: College of Haringey, Enfield & North East London
PROTEST against the CUTS!

Wednesday 29 September, 12.30 – 1pm

outside the college, Tottenham Site
(Tottenham Centre
The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London
High Road
N15 4RU)

The government is planning massive cuts in education:
25 and 40% over 4 years from the Adult skills budget
10-25% from the 16-18 budget
UP to 80,000 jobs and 800,000 places could be lost!

Join the UCU to Defend Jobs and Education!

Organised by UCU for European TUC Day of Action against the cuts

Please, anyone who can make it, please be there. 2010 is the year to stand up and be heard. THis is your kids' future these bastards are fucking with
i'd like to make an 'admin' suggestion to all: THis thread's doing blody well as a noticeboard for protest, it shouldn't be diluted into a debate over tactics. There's obviopusly a place - a much needed place - for that sort of thing, so can I sugest if anyone wants that debate they do so by starting a separate thread?
ill post up more deets when its confirmed what time etc/when i have them - i know my sp branch (and other local activists i know) will be VERY intrested in this, just waiting for them to get back to me ... x
Just been fwded this:

Thank you for attending Thursday's important meeting to build united opposition to cuts in Oxfordshire.

At the meeting, we agreed to support several key local and national actions, as well as building around a local anti-cuts petition and working towards a local day of action on the 20th October. The first of these key dates is tomorrow when the European Trade Union Confederation has called a European-wide day of action.

Locally, a demonstration has been called by Oxfordshire Unison Health branch at 5.30pm on Cornmarket Street next to Carfax Tower. This demonstration has been given added local significance by the news, shared at Thursday's meeting, that NHS employers plan to cut one in three jobs locally (see Unison Health Stewards' statement below).

We must show local opposition to this before it is too late.

Please join us in demonstrating tomorrow at 5.30pm on Cornmarket Street and help to put forward a positive alternative to the coalition government's dangerous cocktail of cuts and privatisation.

This is also an important opportunity to build support for the Oxfordshire Day of Action Against Cuts on 20th October.

Yours in solidarity,
Gawain Little
Oxford & District Trades Council
Thurs 30th September - public meeting, friends meeting house, Aylesbury, 7.30 (I think, will post more details when i have them)

Tomorrow, demos in wycombe town centre and oxford tc as well, rallys at 5.30

It's on :cool: :cool: :cool:
By the way in my area Unison have got a big campaign on the side of / insdie buses about defending our public services :cool:
By the way in my area Unison have got a big campaign on the side of / insdie buses about defending our public services :cool:
if you're able to post up examples or illustrations, please do; there's no end to the benefit to be gained from learning off everyone else's ideas, and this thread is a good place for this sorta cross-fertilisation.
have you heard of the "million voices for public services" campaign? Basically like a big banner ad with the unison website etc. On the inside of the bus there are like testimonials from service users by unison?
have you heard of the "million voices for public services" campaign? Basically like a big banner ad with the unison website etc. On the inside of the bus there are like testimonials from service users by unison?
Nope, it's not reached our area as yet. I'd better chivvy our local UNISON people.
have just signed ddraig's link.
yeah please do

A lot of local actions going on today:

Some Doctors, Nurses and other NHS workers in Buckinghamshire are protesting today.

Union members are going round Buckinghamshire today - telling us their concerns over possible spending cuts by the Government being announced in October.

They'll be campaigning outside County Hall, local hospitals and ending with a demonstration in Aylesbury town centre this evening (5.30).

Bucks Health Unison Chair Steve Bell told us they want the public to understand that health workers fear for jobs and NHS services, when spending cuts are announced in October:

"It will be a visible presence of public sector workers talking to the public about what's happening and we'll be saying there's 75 billion pounds of funding that could be used rather than attacking and making cuts in jobs and services"
Small victory locally where a decision to close sports centres has now been sent back for consultation after 200 people packed the Town Hall in protest.
good im really pleased, just come back from demo and the pub with some people i met on the demo and through the campaign, they all seem normal and not nutters :D

I also met some documentary makers doing a documentary about the cuts - please please PM me if interested
Cardiff against Cuts! - Sat 23 october

Sat 23 october - noon - outside City Hall

guardian Cardiff said:
The march, planned for noon on 23 October, is organised as part of Cardiff Against the Cuts – a campaign launched by Cardiff Trades Council last week ahead of the coalition government's public spending review which is due to be released on 20 October.

Tha campaign has grouped together those working in public and private sectors including council workers, rail and bus workers and unions. The march was also called by Wales Shop Stewards Network and gained support from Swansea Trades Council.

treelover no one is listening to the unemployed, the left will do as they have always done and give lip service to any notion of changing life for the unemployed.
Just back from sp meeting, there probably is a strike about to take place of hospital porters and cleaners in wycombe hospital in next few weeks as they have agreed to have a ballot for industrial action, bucks save our services/unison etc are setting up a strike fund, ill post up details when i get more of them. x
treelover no one is listening to the unemployed, the left will do as they have always done and give lip service to any notion of changing life for the unemployed.

terratech said:
Hi treelover..... we are here, not a union but a movement (non political). The reforms are not criminal, they are a declaration of War on the poor.



Hi Treelover....we very much desire for the unemployment movement to have a 'physical' presence`. Our first objective thoe is to become recognised and grow interest/membership. With the websites built around social networking effectively this will work hand in hand with membership growth as at its centre is Group involvement/start-up.


Yo treelover
Thanks I do my best.... regular visiter to swan and have it up as a link on the site i`m trying to get of the ground on just what youv`e indicated on bread & butter issues.


Are you two bum chums or something?
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