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Regional anti-cuts organising

COR offers an alternative providing it commits itself to a democratic and non-sectarian way of operating. Speakers at the recent London meeting made clear the idea was not to centrally direct the anti-cuts struggle but to provide a forum for discussion and a co-ordination. This is realistic; the local anti-cuts campaigns are only just getting off the ground, feeling the way to how to organise themselves. Some come out of the local Trade Union Councils. Others, like Lambeth’s Save Our Services, were initiated by important unions locally. Still others have been started by local activists fighting in defence of local community organisations.


if they stick to this principle it could be very positive
As the next full council meeting of LB Haringey is on 18th October, and as we fully expect that meeting to set a budget based ion the implementation of some truly painful cuts that our deprivation-ridden borough is barely capable of withstanding,
there will be a March and Rally to Wood Green civic centre that same day. Assemble outside Wood Green Public library 5.30, bring all the banners and placards you want to.
e2a: 18th October, not 20th as originally stated.
apols to all.

if they stick to this principle it could be very positive
yeah, but the involvement of Lindsay German and John Rees don't bode well on that score; to put it mildly, they've got 'previous' of the type of;
Local activists are expected to turn out to meetings or events organised by the SWP or Socialist Party via these fronts without having any democratic control over them. National leaderships are stitched up by block votes, chairs and meetings manipulated by them.
It's better if you turn up to your local one tbh on the 20th - RtW are organising coaches down to london on the 20th but imo it would be far better, and have more local impact if people turned up to events in their own towns rather than going to London for a massive demo.
It's better if you turn up to your local one tbh on the 20th - RtW are organising coaches down to london on the 20th but imo it would be far better, and have more local impact if people turned up to events in their own towns rather than going to London for a massive demo.
me cocked up on date anyway, see above :oops:
'March, chant, and repeat...

This was originally submitted to a Bristol student newspaper, but wasn't published. This explains some of the remarks and the slightly 'explanatory' tone of the piece. I am putting it here mainly so I don't feel like I wasted my time writing it, although I imagine I'm preaching to the converted.


very good summary of where we are now,
Birmingham 20th October

Join the protest against the Comprehensive spending review

On Wednesday 20th October

From 5 to 6.30pm

Outside Government Office in St Phillips

Birmingham City Centre

Organised by Birmingham Trades Union Council and Peoples Charter

Solihull UNISON will be there please join us to protest against this massive attack on our jobs, living standards and pensions.

No to cuts in Public services!

Defend our pensions
Defend our pensions

The pension fund is short by £2.2 trillion, including £1.4 trillion in general state pensions and £800 billion in "your" pension (assuming you have a public sector pension, which according to the Pensions Policy Institute pays three times more, on average, than a private sector pension).

Defend it how, exactly, and from what?
The pension fund is short by £2.2 trillion, including £1.4 trillion in general state pensions and £800 billion in "your" pension (assuming you have a public sector pension, which according to the Pensions Policy Institute pays three times more, on average, than a private sector pension).

Defend it how, exactly, and from what?

Four Derbyshire people are staging a protest outside the DWP on the 14th October as they have ALL been told they are too sick to work by Atos when sent by their companies and let go but then told they CAN work when undergoing another medical by Atos for their ESA.

someone posted this on CIF, not heard anything
The pension fund is short by £2.2 trillion, including £1.4 trillion in general state pensions and £800 billion in "your" pension (assuming you have a public sector pension, which according to the Pensions Policy Institute pays three times more, on average, than a private sector pension).

Defend it how, exactly, and from what?
can you please take your tory tripe onto another thread? This one is specifically to help anti-cuts activists organise.
Saturday 23rd October - Birmingham


How to Fight the Cuts
A New Vision for Birmingham

10am -4pm (registration from 9.30am)
Saturday, 23rd October 2010
Birmingham Council House
Victoria Square, Birmingham

Speakers include:
JOHN HENDY Q.C. (Haldane Society)
CHRIS BAUGH (Asst. Gen. Sec. PCS)
And local representatives of struggles against the cuts


How to Fight the Cuts (a.m.)

● Fighting Against the
Anti-Union Laws
● Organising in the Workplace
● Organising the Unemployed
● Organising Community Fight back

A New Vision for Birmingham (p.m.)

● Creating & Defending Sustainable Jobs
● Education for All
● Sustainable Communities –
Health, Welfare & Leisure
● Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

To Get Involved Contact: pcbirmingham@hotmail.co.uk

Organised by Birmingham People’s Charter with the support of
Birmingham Trades Union Council, Save Our Services, Right to Work,
Green Party (Birmingham), PCS Midland Region, UNISON (City Council Branch),
NUT (Birmingham Association), UCU (City College Branch), GMB (B49 Branch)


I know that's the same day as the big demo down in london, but for those of you who, like me, can't make it because of the vastly important commitment of supersonic festival, this is an alternative.
just been fwded this from my branch organiser. aylesbury town centre - demo at 6pm in front of market square - with grim reaper involved !
I posted this elsewhere, but it belongs here as well:
20th October: March on Parliament
Camden Trades Council, supported by MPs, national and local union branches and other local organisations, is organising a march to Parliament on the date (20th October) that massive cuts in public sector jobs, workers' pay and conditions are expected to be announced. The march will assemble at Lincolns Inn Fields at 4.30pm.
flyers and invite here
From Oxford SOS :


On Wednesday at 5.30pm in Bonn Square there is a public rally against cuts to public services in our country. Street theatre, games, speeches and a samba band will all come together against the cuts. Can you come?

Do you use bus travel? Hospitals or doctors? Schools or childcare? Use benefits? Live in social housing? Then you use public services that will be lost for good if we don't act together now.

On Wednesday the government will announce cuts that target women, young people, children and the disabled. The cuts are already pulling the economy dangerously towards recession and increasing the deficit. David Cameron says that the cuts to welfare, benefits, health and housing are not temporary, but permanent. Let this happen, and public services are gone for good.

Please come to the rally on Wednesday at 5.30pm in Bonn Square

I've attached a flyer, please promote this as widely as possible. Let's show the government and council that we will not let public services we all rely on be ruined in a matter of years.

All the best,

GENERAL ANTI CUTS - Over 100 anti cuts groups have formed in the last 3 months!

Tonight: (19th): Lobby outside Ealing Town Hall tonight 5pm-7pm. Protest against the proposed Closure of Albert Cane Day Care Centre and the Links Project. Please come and show your support
More Info: http://sadealing.blogspot.com/2010/10/sad-ealing-date-for-your-diary-and-more.html

20th Oct - Camden Trades Council March 4.30 Lincolns Inn Fields. 5.30 rally at Parliment;
Coventry: Protest against the ConDem Comprehensive Spending Review! - 20 October · 17:30 - 18:30 - Outside the Council House
27th Oct - Greenwich Save Our Services Mass lobby at council - Greenwich Council has sent letters to 8000 staff threatening mass sackings unless unions agree to pay cuts.
30th Oct - Wigan TUC - public meeting against the cuts, 10.30am, UNITE office, Wallgate, Wigan
10th Nov - Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole public meeting Woodlands Hall, Parkstone Trade and Labour Club, 485 Ashley Road Pool BH14 0BB. chairbcptuc@freeukisp.co.uk
Norther Ireland Committee of The ICTU is asking for support in its campaign against cuts - http://www.nipsa.org.uk/Circulars/General/Petition-in-Opposition-to-Public-Spending-Cuts
Dorset public meeting organised by GMB had over 150 in attendance.

RMT, RMT, NUT, FBU, NSSN, CWU, UCU & NSSN will march together on Saturday 23 October from RMT’s Unity House, Chalton Street, NW1 1JD to the TUC rally at Congress House. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148201075219859

Manchester - 11am St Peters Square. Marching to meeting at 2pm Peterloo Room @ Mechanics Institue, 103 Princes St salfordtuc@hotmail.com
Wales - Cardiff Assemble 12 Noon, Cardiff City Hall - notassam@hotmail.com
Bristol - Assemble 11am, Castle Park, Broadmead. Rally: 12 noon, College Green.
Portsmouth - Assemble 11.30 am Guildhall Square
Cambridge - assemble 12 noon Parkside Fire Station, Cambridge Rally 1.30pm, Large Hall, Cambridge Guildhall

UCU & NUS demo 10th Nov - Staff cuts & Fees- UCU called for an urgent review of higher education funding after the head of Universities UUK, Steve Smith, warned that universities could face a £4.2billion cut in teaching and research grants in the forthcoming spending review, over 50%. Alongside lifting the cap on tuition fees the proposals will deepen the class divide that already exisists. http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=5064&from=5047

PCS - PCS National Exec have rejected government offer on pensions. Save Newport Passport Office - Over a 1000 people marched against the cuts on Saturday. http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/passportofficewales

RMT - London Underground fleet maintenance staff have voted by 88% in favour of industrial action short of a strike over safety-critical cuts. LORD YOUNG’S report on health and safety is a hatchet-job based on prejudice that will do nothing to reduce workplace injuries, deaths and industrial disease. http://www.rmt.org.uk/Templates/News.asp?NodeID=92597&int1stParentNodeID=89732
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