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Regional anti-cuts organising

There is a 'funeral procession for public services' anti cuts demo in Reading tomorrow evening. Its taking place outside civic center at 5pm. PM me for more details.
as posted elsewhere, but really belonging here;
Stop the Con-Dem cuts!Build the Resistance!

Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay!

Speakers include Tony Benn, Caroline Lucas MP, Rev Jesse Jackson, Jeremy Dear (NUJ), Dot Gibson (IHOOPS), Lee Jasper (BARAC), Zita Holbourne (BARAC) John McDonnell MP, Mark Serwotka (PCS), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Bob Crow (RMT), Aaron Porter (NUS)

Marches are converging at Downing Street on 20 October
Student March to Downing street
Assemble 4pm outside ULU, Malet Street.
Camden Trades Council March to Downing Street
Assemble 5.00pm at Lincoln’s Inn Fields.
Marches will join the Coalition of Resistance Rally at Downing Street
Assemble 6pm.

The momentum for the demonstration on 20 October is growing. Camden Trades Council’s march is now supported by 15 trade union bodies plus the local Labour Party and several anti-cuts and anti-privatisation campaigns (full list below).

At the same time, the University of London Students Union is calling on all students to march (assembling 4.00pm outside ULU, Malet Street). The students will march to join the trade union demonstration. The joint march will then head for a rally in Whitehall outside Downing Street.

The Coalition of Resistance is calling on all supporters to build the demonstration and rally, and to join the march if possible (4.00pm in Malet Street, or 5.00pm at Lincoln’s Inn Fields) or the final rally (beginning 6.00pm outside Downing Street). When Osborne announces the cuts on 20 October, we need to challenge head-on the Con-Dem lie that ‘there is no alternative’ and that ‘we are all in it together’.

We need to break through the media consensus that working people and the poor have to pay for a crisis caused by the bankers, big business, and the rich. That means making the protest on the 20 October big, loud, and vibrant.
Dear friend,

At 5.30pm today, people from across Oxfordshire will gather in Bonn Square to show their opposition to the cuts and to call on our elected representatives to pursue the available alternatives. Please come and support this protest, and forward this around your place of work.

There will be speeches, theatre, music and much more.

The cuts proposed by the coalition government will wreck millions of lives, cutting public services, jobs, pay and pensions. They also threaten the stability of our economy. Oxfordshire, where 45% of the population are employed in public services, stands to be one of the worst hit areas of the country.

Today, the day of the Comprehensive Spending Review, we have a real chance to make our opposition to these cuts known. Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance, a local coalition bringing together trades unions, campaigns and community groups, has called an Oxfordshire Day of Action Against Cuts, with activities throughout the day.

We are asking people to join us after work with banners, placards, flags, etc.

In order to maximise the impact of this demonstration, we need as many people as possible involved, please forward this on to anyone you think may be interested.

I look forward to seeing you at 5.30pm at Bonn Square. Once the welfare state is gone, it may be gone for good. Let's not let that happen on our watch.

All the best,

Sorry to say Comrades, but if the turnout at todays Manchester "demo" is anything to go by then resistance to these cuts will be derisory.

Maybe 30 people who generally shuffled off by the time I had met the other half and returned 10 mins later.

Compared to the emergency budget demo in June it was down about 80%.

Are people ignorant? Do they not care? Have they been brainwashed into accepting cuts? Is the organisation not up to scratch?

Flame me please for daring to think our nation might be overpopulated by subservient lemmings.
I think publicity is a problem tbh, the Yorkshire one isn't even on Facebook, which is probably essential, there were thousands in london and some got in the Dept of Business, many many more around the country.
Sorry to say Comrades, but if the turnout at todays Manchester "demo" is anything to go by then resistance to these cuts will be derisory.

Maybe 30 people who generally shuffled off by the time I had met the other half and returned 10 mins later.

Compared to the emergency budget demo in June it was down about 80%.

Are people ignorant? Do they not care? Have they been brainwashed into accepting cuts? Is the organisation not up to scratch?

Flame me please for daring to think our nation might be overpopulated by subservient lemmings.

Perhaps because demonstrations and chanting doesn't really get anywhere?
from the RMT website;
Anti-Cuts March
Event Date: October 23 2010

Supported by RMT, NUT, FBU, CWU and others.

Assemble: 11am outside RMT head office, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD.

March to Congress House, Great Russell Street to support the TUC anti-cuts meeting.

Actually i am quite inspired by them all, 250 in Lancaster, thats a good turnout
I think publicity is a problem tbh, the Yorkshire one isn't even on Facebook, which is probably essential, there were thousands in london and some got in the Dept of Business, many many more around the country.

Sure publicity helps - it did not stop the poll tax movement despite best efforts though. Things take time - I know you are as impatient as me but give it a while as all sinks in
No we don't! That's Rees/German etc trying to use the independent anti-cuts alliance as their power base a la the STWC. That's most def not a grounds up democratically federated alliance in any sense at all.
No we don't! That's Rees/German etc trying to use the independent anti-cuts alliance as their power base a la the STWC. That's most def not a grounds up democratically federated alliance in any sense at all.
Well, in terms of how treelover asked the question, it is an anti-cuts alliance, and the only one so far, regardless of who's involved (i.e. he didn't say grounds-up democratic etc)
However...yes I am wary of being used by the swappies yet again. But there seem to be moren than the usual swapbot suspects involved? :confused:
Good turnout for the Reading Anti Cuts demo, about 60 people, (good for Reading) and crucially not the same old faces either. Got a lot of attnetion from the general public as well as we had a mock funeral (for public services) coffin leading the march.


pos made The Mirror - Mum mentioned seeing protestors with a coffin and yellow/purple flags (possibley Union) in todays paper
btw, we don't have an anti-cuts alliance yet, not sure why?

In the North East and Cumbria there is the Public Services Alliance which includes all the major trade unions, community and user groups and the far left, the far left also have their own sub groups so they can carry out action independently if needs be.
reminder for Cardiff - TOMORROW - Sat 23 Oct

23rd October – March & Rally

This will be an important high profile event in Cardiff. The event will start at City Hall, Cardiff at 12.00 pm. Union members, representatives and activists will be on the streets protesting about the cuts and making the case for our alternative.

It is important that we have a big turn out at this event.
A list of anti-cuts demonstrations in towns and cities across the UK this weekend. Please help in distributing this list to other messageboards and mailing lists you have access to.

Also post details of other protests you are aware of below.

From small seeds…

* London: Assemble at RMT HQ, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD at 11.00am. March to TUC, Great Russell street, London WC1B 3LS where rally will be held from 12 noon. Called by the RMT, FBU, NUT, PCS and the National Shop Stewards Network
More info: http://www.coalitionofresistance.org.uk/?p=1182
PDF flyer: http://www.pcs.org.uk/download.cfm?docid=80AD95BB-DAE2-49DF-BDB62A37CE312A77
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148201075219859

* Belfast: assemble 1pm College of Art Gardens. http://www.rmt.org.uk/

* Bristol: Assemble: 11am, Castle Park, March through Bristol city centre, Rally: 12pm, College Green.
More info: http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/news_and_events/events/index.cfm/id/E64C7F3B-3684-4F6E-A8AF937D22EBA3DA

* Cambridge: Assemble 12 noon Parkside Fire Station, Rally 1.30pm, Large Hall, Cambridge Guildhall.
More info: http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/news_and_events/events/index.cfm/id/49AB67A0-47C6-4A97-BA543095BBBE58D3 and http://www.cambstuc.org.uk/2010/10/defend-public-services-fight-all-cuts/#more-272 and http://www.coalitionofresistance.org.uk/?p=1889

* Cardiff: assemble City Hall at noon. Supported by PCS, RMT, CWU, FBU & UCU and Cardiff & Swansea Trade Union Councils
More info: http://www.rmt.org.uk/ and http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/whatson/10319/23-10-2010/no-to-cuts-demonstrations-on-this-day

* Derby: ‘Derby People’s Day’ , Market Place, noon to 3pm, Speakers, music and street stalls. http://www.rmt.org.uk/

* Edinburgh: assemble 11am: at East Market Street, march leaves 11.30am to Ross Bandstaff for rally from 12.30pm.
More info: http://www.thereisabetterway.org/events/1/there-is-a-better-way-demo

* Lincoln: assemble noon at Castle Square, march to rally at Cornhill at 1pm.
More info: http://www.coalitionofresistance.org.uk/?p=2032

* Manchester: Assemble at St Peter’s square at 11am for a demo
Public meeting after the demo from 2pm in the Peterloo room, Mechanics institute, 103 Princess street, Manchester.
More info: http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/news_and_events/events/index.cfm/id/67E63206-8744-4C55-B5AD30F5D99A2D58 and http://www.shopstewards.net/

* Norwich: Rally starts at 12.30, HayHill. Organised by Norfolk Coalition Against the Cuts.
More info: http://www.tuc.org.uk/economy/tuc-18353-f0.cfm?regional=7 and http://norfolkcoalitionagainstcuts.org/

* Sheffield: regional demo assembling outside City Hall, 12.30pm.
More info: http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/news_and_events/events/index.cfm/id/1DA8179F-EA1B-4C8E-89D21B338BD29CF1

* York: March and Rally in York City centre. Assemble 1pm in Parliament Street. March through city centre at 1.30pm.
More info: http://www.coalitionofresistance.org.uk/?p=1944 and http://yorkstopthecuts.wordpress.com/

Other protest details available via Coalition of Resistance website:

And at Unison and PCS websites:
http://www.unison.org.uk/spendingreview/events.asp and http://www.pcs.org.uk/


(from socialist unity)
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